@article{ProvidenciaAdragaoAsmundisetal.2019, author = {Rui Provid{\^e}ncia and Pedro Adrag{\~a}o and Carlo de Asmundis and Kyoung-Ryul Julian Chun and Gianbattista Chierchia and Pascal Defaye and Frederic Anselme and Antonio Creta and Pier D. Lambiase and Boris Schmidt and Shaojie Chen and Diogo Cavaco and Ross J. Hunter and Jo{\~a}o Carmo and Stephane Combes and Shohreh Honarbakhsh and Nicolas Combes and Maria Jo{\~a}o Sousa and Zeynab Jebberi and Jean-Paul Albenque and Serge Boveda}, title = {Impact of body mass index on the outcomes of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: A European observational multicenter study}, journal = {Journal of the American Heart Association}, volume = {8}, number = {20, e012253}, pages = {1 -- 15}, doi = {10.1161/JAHA.119.012253}, year = {2019}, }