@article{RooijenJairamTollensetal.2018, author = {Mathilde van Rooijen and An Jairam and Tim Tollens and Lars Nannestad J{\o}rgensen and Tammo S. de Vries Reilingh and Guillaume Piessen and Ferdinand K{\"o}ckerling and Marc Miserez and Alastair C. J. Windsor and Frederik Berrevoet and Ren{\´e} H. Fortelny and Bertrand Dousset and Guido Woeste and Henderik Leendert van Westreenen and Francesco Gossetti and Johan F. Lange and Geert W. M. Tetteroo and Andreas Koch and Leonard F. Kroese and Johannes Jeekel}, title = {A post-market, prospective, multi-center, single-arm clinical investigation of Phasix™ mesh for VHWG grade 3 midline incisional hernia repair : a research protocol}, journal = {BMC surgery}, volume = {18}, number = {1, Art. 104}, pages = {1 -- 9}, doi = {10.1186/s12893-018-0439-7}, year = {2018}, }