@article{SuharjoSwibawaPrasetyoetal.2020, author = {Radix Suharjo and I. Gede Swibawa and Joko Prasetyo and Yuyun Fitriana and Yanuar Danaatmadja and Ari Budiawan and Sean Roberts and Nanin Noorhajati and Muhammad Amad and Marco Thines}, title = {Peronosclerospora australiensis is a synonym of P. maydis, which is widespread on Sumatra, and distinct from the most prevalent Java maize downy mildew pathogen}, journal = {Mycological Progress}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {1309 -- 1315}, doi = {10.1007/s11557-020-01628-x}, year = {2020}, }