@article{JasmerMuscholSteinmetzKreisetal.2017, author = {Britta Jasmer and Cornelia Muschol-Steinmetz and Nina-Naomi Kreis and Alexandra Friemel and Ulrikke Kielland-Kaisen and D{\"o}rthe Br{\"u}ggmann and Lukas Jennewein and Roman Allert and Christine Solbach and Juping Yuan and Frank Louwen}, title = {Involvement of the oncogene B-cell lymphoma 6 in the fusion and differentiation process of trophoblastic cells of the placenta}, journal = {OncoTarget}, volume = {8}, number = {65}, pages = {108643 -- 108654}, doi = {10.18632/oncotarget.20586}, year = {2017}, }