@article{FleischmannMartinPenaLlopisetal.2019, author = {Maximilian Fleischmann and Daniel Martin and Samuel Pe{\~n}a-Llopis and Julius Oppermann and Jens M{\"u}ller-von der Gr{\"u}n and Markus Diefenhardt and Georgios Chatzikonstantinou and Emmanouil Fokas and Claus R{\"o}del and Klaus Strebhardt and Sven Becker and Franz R{\"o}del and Nikolaos Tselis}, title = {Association of polo-like kinase 3 and PhosphoT273 caspase 8 levels with disease-related outcomes among cervical squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with chemoradiation and brachytherapy}, journal = {Frontiers in oncology}, volume = {9}, number = {Art. 742}, pages = {1 -- 10}, doi = {10.3389/fonc.2019.00742}, year = {2019}, }