@article{NishioIkezoeHofmannetal.2011, author = {Katsuhisa Nishio and Hiroshi Ikezoe and Sigurd Hofmann and Dieter Ackermann and Stanislav Antalic and Yoshihiro Aritomo and Victor Fernandovich Comas-Lijachev and Christoph E. D{\"u}llmann and Alexander Gorshkov and Reimar Graeger and Kouichi Hagino and Sophia Heinz and Julio Antonio Heredia Cardona and Katsuhisa Hirose and Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar and Birgit Kindler and Ivan Kojouharov and Bettina Lommel and Hiroyuki Makii and Rido Mann and Shinichi Mitsuoka and Yuichiro Nagame and Ichiro Nishinaka and Tsutomu Ohtsuki and Andrey G. Popeko and Štefan Šaro and Matthias Sch{\"a}del and Andreas T{\"u}rler and Yasuo Wakabayashi and Yosuke Watanabe and Alexander Yakushev and Alexander V. Yeremin}, title = {Investigation of on properties and evaporation residue measurement in the reactions using 238U target nucleus}, journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, volume = {17}, number = {09005}, doi = {10.1051/epjconf/20111709005}, year = {2011}, }