Die Landschaft der Zeichen : eine semiotische Analyse von W. G. Sebalds "Die Ringe des Saturn"
The Landscape of Signs : a semiotic analysis of W. G. Sebald’s "The Rings of Saturn"
- W. G. Sebald's "The Rings of Saturn" resists genre classification: Neither novel nor mere travel literature, it combines report with fiction, historical anecdotes with melancholy musings, explanations of economic and political facts with accounts of personal anxieties. This vast material, however, is joined by a semiotic regard, a way of looking at the world attentive on signs and their use. Hence, some of the far-ranging narratives, observations and reflections, often barely connected by associations of the narrator, can be systematically linked by a semiotic methodology. In this article, semiotic categories like index, icon and symbol, encoding, decoding and recoding, change of meaning and pattern recognition are applied to different levels of the text. The semiotic approach thus integrates the disparate episodes in "The Rings of Saturn", revealing them as being linked by their interest in signs and signification. In this way, semiotics proves itself as a method for literary studies.