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Dramski diskurs između pragmalingvistike i feminističke lingvistike

The discourse of drama between pragmalinguistics and feminist linguistics

  • Govorni se činovi najlakše prepoznaju i razgraničuju u dijalogu pa su dramski tekstovi vrlo pogodni za analizu i propitivanje teorije govornih činova. Krležinoj drami U agoniji možemo pristupiti kao korpusu za oprimjerenje konstativnoga i performativnoga shvaćanja jezika. U toj se drami sukob doista gradi na oprečnome shvaćanju jezika, a to se i verbalno eksplicira, pa se drama odvija na svojevrsnoj metajezičnoj razini gdje se glavni karakteri “svađaju” zato što govore različitim jezicima. Govorni činovi u drami, posebice komplimenti, analizirani su i s aspekta feminističke lingvistike.
  • Speech acts are most easily identified and differentiated in dialogue, therefore play texts seem quite convenient for analysing and investigating the theory of speech acts. Miroslav Krleža’s play In Agony may be approached as corpus for illustrating both the constative and the performative conception of language. The conflict between the characters of the given play indeed arises out of their opposing conceptions of language. The drama therefore takes place on the level of meta-language; the main characters “argue” because they speak different languages. The speech acts in the play (particularly compliments) have been analysed from the perspective of feminist linguistics.

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Author:Tatjana Pišković
Parent Title (Croatian):Rasprave : časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2011/11/16
Year of first Publication:2007
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2011/11/16
Tag:Feministische Linguistik; Konstativ
GND Keyword:Sprechakt; Dialog; Performanz <Linguistik>; Geschlechterforschung
Page Number:17
First Page:325
Last Page:341
Dewey Decimal Classification:4 Sprache / 49 Andere Sprachen / 491 Ostindoeuropäische und keltische Sprachen
Linguistik-Klassifikation:Linguistik-Klassifikation: Soziolinguistik / Sociolinguistics
Linguistik-Klassifikation: Pragmalinguistik/Kommunikationsforschung / Pragmalinguistics/Communication research
Linguistik-Klassifikation: Lexikologie/Etymologie / Lexicology/Etymology
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht