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Somatska frazeologija čabarskih govora

Somatic phraseology of Čabar speeches

  • Somatski frazemi su oni koji za sastavnicu imaju dio tijela. U radu se analiziraju somatski frazemi zabilježeni na području Čabra u Gorskom kotaru. Osnovne strukturne i semantičke karakteristike promatranih frazema oprimjerene su transkribiranim potvrdama. Svi primjeri prikupljeni su terenskim istraživanjem. Veći dio korpusa čine frazemi istraženi u mjesnom govoru Tršća, a zabilježeni su i oni iz Prezida, Čabra i Hrvatskog.
  • Somatic idioms are those that have a part of the body as a component. This paper analyzes somatic idioms recorded in Čabar, a region of Gorski kotar. The basic structural and semantic characteristics of the observed idioms are exemplified by transcribed attestations. All examples were collected through field research. Most of the expressions come from the local speech of Tršće, with some from Prezid, Čabar and the village of Hrvatsko.

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Author:Marija Malnar
Parent Title (Croatian):Rasprave : časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje
Place of publication:Zagreb
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2011
Year of first Publication:2011
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2015/12/22
GND Keyword:Gorski kotar; Dialektologie; Somatischer Phraseologismus; Kroatisch; Tršće <Čabar>
Page Number:20
First Page:101
Last Page:119
Dewey Decimal Classification:4 Sprache / 49 Andere Sprachen / 491 Ostindoeuropäische und keltische Sprachen
Linguistik-Klassifikation:Linguistik-Klassifikation: Phraseologie/Idiomatik / Phraseology/Idioms
Linguistik-Klassifikation: Dialektologie/Sprachgeografie / Dialectology/Linguistic geography
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht