Gornjolonjski dijalekt kajkavskoga narječja
The Gornja Lonja Dialect of the Kajkavian Dialect Group
- Gornjolonjskomu dijalektu svojstveno je nekoliko temeljnih obilježja koja ga izdvajaju u posebnu cjelinu unutar kajkavskoga narječja. U ovome se radu na temelju dosadašnjih istraživanja ponajviše zelinskih i vrbovečkih govora toga dijalekta i objavljenih članaka (Kalinski, Lončarić, Šojat) opisuju osnovna jezična obilježja gornjolonjskoga dijalekta: fonološka (vokalizam, konzonantizam, prozodija), morfološka (promjenjive i nepromjenjive riječi), sintaktička (sintaksa padeža i glagolskih vremena, s primjerima vrbovečkih govora) i leksička.
- The Gornja Lonja dialect is distinguished by some fundamental characteristics, for which reason this dialect is separated into a special entity of its own. Based on the current studies of largely Zelina and Vrbovec vernaculars of this dialect and the papers published to date (Kalinski, Lončarić, Šojat), this paper describes the fundamental linguistic properties of the Gornja Lonja dialect at all linguistic levels. The accentual properties include cross circumflex and acute metatony and cross metataxis, change of short syllablic stress location. From the basic Kajkavian lopàta and nosìti, the vernaculars of this dialect obtained lòpata and nòsiti, and from jàgoda, plàkati they obtained jagòda, plakàti. The third property is another specific and important accentual phenomenon – stress withdrawal from the second syllable with the long-descending and older acute towards the end of the word. For instance, from older govȇdina and pȋtamo / mlȃtimo, the vernaculars obtained govēdìna and pītàmo / mlātìmo. The vocalism consists of two vocal systems, which are distinguished by the diphthongs ie and ou in long syllables of Zelina vernaculars. The consonantism is constituted of an inventory of phonemes equal to the basic Kajkavian system. The main difference is depalatalisation of ļ and ń peculiar to Zelina vernaculars. In the context of morphological properties, which are largely characteristic of the dialect, it is important to single out the first person plural present: in Zelina vernaculars the ending is -mȩ and in Vrbovec -mo. Some basic or specific syntactic properties are shown in the syntax of cases and tenses on the examples from Vrbovec vernaculars. The dialect retained the lexical stock characteristic of the Kajkavian lexis typical of ancient linguistics or by meaning and use peculiar to that dialect. The lexis is also characterised by the common Kajkavian use of diminutives and hypocorism, Germanisms and Hungarianisms, but also by a rich inventory of Kajkavian phrases. In the end, as commonly done in the dialectal landscape of a language, in the framework of the dialectal entity of the specific Kajkavian dialect, in this case the Gornja Lonja dialect, it is possible to consider more conservative and revolutionary properties that also depend on the geographical position of dialects inside the Kajkavian dialect group.
Author: | Željka Brlobaš, Mijo Lončarić |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-387519 |
URL: | http://hrcak.srce.hr/103505 |
ISSN: | 1331-6745 |
ISSN: | 1849-0379 |
Parent Title (Croatian): | Rasprave : časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje |
Publisher: | Inst. |
Place of publication: | Zagreb |
Document Type: | Article |
Language: | Croatian |
Date of Publication (online): | 2016/10/06 |
Year of first Publication: | 2013 |
Publishing Institution: | Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg |
Release Date: | 2016/10/06 |
Tag: | Kajkavian dialect group; Upper Lonja dialect; lexis; morphology; phonology; syntax fonologija; gornjolonjski dijalekt; kajkavsko narječje; leksik; morfologija; sintaksa |
Volume: | 38 |
Issue: | 2 |
Page Number: | 22 |
First Page: | 229 |
Last Page: | 249 |
Note: | Rights: Papers published in this journal can be used for personal or educational purposes while respecting the rights of authors and publishers. |
HeBIS-PPN: | 40189228X |
Dewey Decimal Classification: | 4 Sprache / 49 Andere Sprachen / 490 Andere Sprachen |
Sammlungen: | Linguistik |
Licence (German): | ![]() |