Moritz Hartmann, Bohemia and the Metternich System
- Hartmann and his Prague friends, whether German-Gentile or German-Jewish, rallied enthusiastically to the cause of what at first was a reawakening of suppressed Bohemic cultural nationalism and a move towards across-fertilisation of the two main lingual cultures (Czech/German) andthe three main ethnicities (Czech/German/Jewish) of the country. They soon saw themselves as a "Jungböhmische Bewegung" to correspond to Young Germany. The Prague writer Rudolf Glaser founded a literary journal called 'Ost und West' for the express purpose of bringing together German and Slavic literary impulses under the Goethean motto: "Orient und Occident sind nicht mehr zu trennen". With Bohemia as the bridge, 'Ost und West' published German translations from all the Slavic languages including Pushkin and Gogol, contributions by German writers sympathetic to the cause of emerging nations like Heinrich Laube, Ferdinand Freiligrath, Ernst Willkomm, but above all the Prague circle of Young Bohemians like Alfred Meissner, Isidor Heller, Uffo Horn, Gustav Karpeles and Ignatz Kuranda. Also Hartmann made his literary debut in the journal with a love poem entitled "Der Drahtbinder", and featuring a subtitle which was in keeping with the spirit of the times: "nach einem slavischen Lied".
Author: | Eoin Bourke |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-525245 |
ISBN: | 3-89528-431-9 |
Parent Title (German): | Jahrbuch / FVF, Forum Vormärz Forschung |
Publisher: | Aisthesis Verlag |
Place of publication: | Bielefeld |
Document Type: | Article |
Language: | English |
Year of first Publication: | 2004 |
Publishing Institution: | Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg |
Contributing Corporation: | Forum Vormärz Forschung |
Release Date: | 2020/09/16 |
Tag: | Metternich’sches System Bohemia; Holy alliance; Monarchy; Political system |
GND Keyword: | Vormärz; Hartmann, Moritz; Monarchie; Heilige Allianz; Metternich, Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von; Politisches System; Böhmen <Motiv> |
Volume: | 9.2003 |
Page Number: | 19 |
First Page: | 353 |
Last Page: | 371 |
HeBIS-PPN: | 470766441 |
Dewey Decimal Classification: | 8 Literatur / 83 Deutsche und verwandte Literaturen / 830 Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur |
Sammlungen: | Germanistik / GiNDok |
CompaRe | Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft / Aisthesis Verlag | |
BDSL-Klassifikation: | 15.00.00 19. Jahrhundert / BDSL-Klassifikation: 15.00.00 19. Jahrhundert > 15.15.00 Zu einzelnen Autoren |
15.00.00 19. Jahrhundert / BDSL-Klassifikation: 15.00.00 19. Jahrhundert > 15.11.00 Vormärz und Revolution 1848 | |
15.00.00 19. Jahrhundert / BDSL-Klassifikation: 15.00.00 19. Jahrhundert > 15.05.00 Österreich | |
Zeitschriften / Jahresberichte: | Jahrbuch / FVF, Forum Vormärz Forschung / Jahrbuch / FVF, Forum Vormärz Forschung - 9.2003 |
: | urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-525015 |
Licence (German): | Deutsches Urheberrecht |