Negotiations on tradition and modernity in the German migration context: a comparison of the life histories of a young Kurdish woman and a Moroccan woman
Odnosi med tradicijo in modernostjo v nemškem migracijskem kontekstu: primerjava biografij mlade Kurdinje in Maročanke
- Considering migration to be a gendered experience, in this article, I focus on the gender-specific processes of cultural production and tradition-building in the context of migration and pose the following questions: What happens to gendered biographies in a migration context? What role does gender play with respect to the rupture, renewal, or building of traditions in migration processes? Drawing on the basic assumption that "gender fundamentally organizes the social relations and structures," which in turn shapes the processes of migration (cf. Curran, 2006, 199), I make use of the concept of gender defined as an accomplishment, as a performance in daily interaction practices: When we view gender as an accomplishment, an achieved property of situated conduct, our attention shifts from matters internal to the individual, and focuses on interactional and, ultimately, institutional arenas. (West et al., 1987, 126)
- Migracijske študije pogosto domnevajo, da so ciljne države »moderne«, države izvora pa »tradicionalne«. To pride do izraza predvsem v primeru islamskih priseljenskih družin, kjer se tako teoretsko izhodišče postavlja zaradi patriarhalnosti in tradicionalnih odnosov v družini. Taka dihotomija v pojmovanju modernega in tradicionalnega še dodatno spodbuja tako stereotipe kot esencialistične in homogenizirajoče diskurze o muslimanskih ženskah, ki so predstavljene kot pasivne žrtve svoje religije, zatirane zaradi patriarhalnih odnosov v svojih Skupnostih. Pričujoča razprava na temelju biografskih pripovedi mlade Maročanke in Kurdinje stereotipe in prevladujoče diskurze postavlja pod vprašaj; namesto njih predlaga preučevanje mikroprocesov in biografskih interpretacij spolno zaznamovanih priseljenskih izkušenj. Prav tako poudarja pomen preiskovanja integracijskih transmisij ter razmerij med materami in hčerami, skupaj z raznolikimi strategijami opolnomočenja. Tako bi lažje razumeli spolno zaznamovana razmerja med tradicionalnimi in modernimi kulturnimi praksami in načini življenja v transnacionalnem migracijskem kontekstu.
Author: | Anil Al-Rebholz |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-536192 |
DOI: | |
ISSN: | 2350-4218 |
ISSN: | 1854-9632 |
Parent Title (mis): | Ars & Humanitas |
Publisher: | Filozofska fakulteta |
Place of publication: | Ljubljana |
Document Type: | Article |
Language: | English |
Year of Completion: | 2013 |
Date of first Publication: | 2013/12/31 |
Publishing Institution: | Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg |
Release Date: | 2020/05/18 |
Tag: | biographical migration research; gender knowledge; intergenerational transmission; mother-daughter relationship; young Muslim migrant women biografske migracijske študije; hči; integracijska transmisija; mlade muslimanske priseljenke; odnos mati; vednost o spolu |
Volume: | 7 |
Issue: | 2 |
Page Number: | 13 |
First Page: | 177 |
Last Page: | 189 |
Note: | Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. |
HeBIS-PPN: | 465921957 |
Institutes: | Gesellschaftswissenschaften / Gesellschaftswissenschaften |
Wissenschaftliche Zentren und koordinierte Programme / Cornelia Goethe Centrum für Frauenstudien und die Erforschung der Geschlechterverhältnisse (CGC) | |
Dewey Decimal Classification: | 3 Sozialwissenschaften / 30 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / 300 Sozialwissenschaften |
Sammlungen: | Universitätspublikationen |
Licence (German): | Creative Commons - Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen |