- Fascicle XVI of the exsiccate "K. KALB & A. APTROOT: LICHENES NEOTROPICI" (new name for "K. KALB: LICHENES NEOTROPIC" from fascicle XVI onwards) with 23 lichen specimens (No. 628–650) from Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Kenya, Peru and Venezuela is distributed. Three species are described as new, namely Lopadium subcoralloideum Aptroot & Kalb, Lecanactis caceresiana Kalb & Aptroot and Rhizocarpon sipmanianum Kalb & Aptroot. The holotypes of the new species are deposited at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Range extensions are reported for Hypocenomyce tinderreyensis (new to the Neo-tropics; so far only known from Australia, but apparently austral), Ocellularia baorucensis (new to Brazil), Physcidia striata (recently described from Rondônia and the Venezuelean Amazon, and subsequently reported from Amapá and Brazilian Amazonas. The collection from Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul represents a major range extension to the South), Tephromela campestricola (new to the Neotropics; not different in any way from European material) and Xanthoparmelia arvidssonii (new to Venezuela).