- We show the absence of an instability of homogeneous (chiral) condensates against spatially inhomogeneous perturbations for various 2+1-dimensional four-fermion and Yukawa models. All models are studied at non-zero baryon chemical potential, while some of them are also subjected to chiral and isospin chemical potential. The considered theories contain up to 16 Lorentz-(pseudo)scalar fermionic interaction channels. We prove the stability of homogeneous condensates by analyzing the bosonic two-point function, which can be expressed in a purely analytical form at zero temperature. Our analysis is presented in a general manner for all of the different discussed models. We argue that the absence of an inhomogeneous chiral phase (where the chiral condensate is spatially non-uniform) follows from this lack of instability. Furthermore, the existence of a moat regime, where the bosonic wave function renormalization is negative, in these models is ruled out.