#NEXUS [written Sat Sep 09 13:02:43 CEST 2017 by Mesquite version 3.01 (build 658) at HG21908/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=27; TAXLABELS Phoebetria_palpebrata Aptenodytes_patagonicus Pygoscelis_papua Megadyptes_antipodes Eudyptes_chrysocome Eudyptula_minor Spheniscus_demersus Paraptenodytes_antarcticus Pachydyptes_ponderosus Perudyptes_devriesi Icadyptes_salasi Inkayacu_paracasensis Kairuku_waitaki Kairuku_grebneffi Palaeeudyptes_klekowskii Palaeeudyptes_gunnari Anthropornis_nordenskjoeldi Anthropornis_grandis Delphinornis_wimani Delphinornis_gracilis Delphinornis_arctowskii Delphinornis_larseni Mesetaornis_polaris Marambiornis_exilis Waimanu_tuatahi Waimanu_manneringi Kumimanu_biceae ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Character_Matrix; [!NOXIOUS] DIMENSIONS NCHAR=247; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Tip of mandibular rhamphotheca, profile in lateral view (GB1)' / pointed slightly_truncated 'strongly truncated, squared off' 'truncated but with a rounded margin (procellariiform-like)', 2 'Longitudinal grooves on base of culmen (GB2)' / absent present, 3 'Longitudinal grooves on base of latericorn and ramicorn (GB3)' / absent present, 4 'Feathering of maxilla (GB4)' / totally_unfeathered 'slightly feathered, less than half the length of maxilla' feathering_that_reaches_half_the_length_of_maxilla feathering_surpassing_half_the_length_of_maxilla, 5 'Ramicorn, inner groove at tip (GB5)' / absent present_and_single present_and_double, 6 'Orange or pink plate on ramicorn (GB6)' / absent present, 7 'Plates of rhamphotheca, inflated aspect (GB7)' / absent present, 8 'Gape (GB8)' / not_fleshy margin_narrowly_fleshy margin_markedly_fleshy, 9 'Ramicorn color pattern (GB9)' / black reddish pink yellowish orange green blue, 10 'Latericorn and ramicorn, light distal mark (GB10)' / absent present, 11 'Latericorn color (GB11)' / black red orange yellow green blue, 12 'Culminicorn (GB12)' / black red orange, 13 'Maxillary and mandibulary unguis, color (GB13)' / black red yellow green 'blue-gray', 14 'Ramicorn, ultraviolet reflectance peak (corresponds to the orange spot) (KC14)' / absent present, 15 'Bill of downy chick, color (GB14)' / dark reddish 'pale, variably horn to yellow', 16 'Bill of immature, color (GB15)' / dark bicolored_red_and_black red yellow gray, 17 'External nares (GB17)' / present absent, 18 'Nostril tubes in adult (GB16)' / absent present, 19 'Nostril tubes in hatchling (GB16)' / absent present, 20 ' External nares (KC19)' / 'well-separated' fused_at_midline, 21 'Iris color (GB18)' / dark 'reddish-brown' claret_red yellow white silvery_gray, 22 'Scale-like feathers (GB19)' / absent present, 23 'Rachis of contour feathers (GB20)' / cylindrical flat_and_broad, 24 'Rectrices (GB21)' / form_a_functional_fan do_not_form_a_fan, 25 'Remiges (GB22)' / differentiated_from_contour_feathers indistinct_from_contour_feathers, 26 'Apteria (GB23)' / present absent, 27 'Molt of contour feathers (GB24)' / gradual simultaneous, 28 'Yellow pigmentation in crown feathers (pileum) (GB25)' / absent present, 29 'Head plumes (cristea pennae) (GB26)' / absent present, 30 'Head plumes (GB27)' / compact sparse, 31 'Head plumes (GB28)' / directed_dorsally 'directed posteriorly, not drooping' 'directed posteriorly, drooping', 32 'Head plumes, origin (GB29)' / at_base_of_bill_close_to_gape on_the_recess_between_latericorn_and_culminicorn on_forehead, 33 'Head plumes, color (GB30)' / yellow orange, 34 'Nape (occiput), crest development (GB31)' / absent slight distinct, 35 'Periocular region (GB32)' / black white yellow bluish_grey, 36 'Fleshy eyering (GB33)' / absent present, 37 'White eyering (GB34)' / absent present, 38 'White eyebrow (supercilium) (GB35)' / absent 'narrow, from postocular area' 'narrow, from preocular area' 'wide, from preocular area', 39 'Loreal area (lorum), aspect (GB36)' / feathered with_spot_of_bare_skin_in_the_recess_between_latericorn_and_culminicorn with_spot_of_bare_skin_contacting_eye bare_skin_extending_to_the_base_of_bill, 40 'Auricular patch (regio auricularis) (GB37)' / absent present, 41 'Throat pattern (GB38)' / black white yellw irregularly_streaked with_chinstrap, 42 'Collar (GB39)' / absent slight_notch diffusely_marked strongly_demarked, 43 'Breast, golden color (GB40)' / absent present, 44 'Dorsum (GB41)' / black dark_bluish_grey light_bluish_grey, 45 'Black marginal edge of dorsum between lateral collar and axillary patch, contrasting with dorsum (GB42)' / absent present, 46 'Black dots irregularly distributed over white belly (GB43)' / absent present, 47 'Flanks, dark lateral band reaching the breast (GB44)' / absent present, 48 'Distinct dark axillary patch of triangular shape (GB45)' / absent present, 49 'Flanks, extent of dorsal dark cover into the leg (GB46)' / 'incomplete, not reaching tarsus' 'complete, reaching tarsus', 50 'Rump, color (GB47)' / indistinct_in_color_from_dorsum distinct_white_patch, 51 'Tail length (GB48)' / 'short, the quills barely emerge from the rump' quills_distinctly_developed, 52 'Outer rectrices, color (GB49)' / same_color_as_inner lighter_than_inner_retrices, 53 'White line connecting leading edge of flipper with white belly (GB50)' / absent present, 54 'Flipper, upperside, light notch at base (GB51)' / absent present, 55 'Leading edge of flipper, pattern of upperside (GB52)' / black white, 56 'Leading edge of flipper, pattern of underside (GB53)' / white incompletely_dark completely_dark_and_wide, 57 'Flipper, underside, dark elbow patch (GB54)' / absent present, 58 'Flipper, underside, tip pattern (GB55)' / immaculate 'patchy, in variable extent' _small_circular_dot_present, 59 'Immature plumage, white eyebrow (supercilium) (GB56)' / absent present, 60 'Immature plumage, throat pattern (jugulum) (GB57)' / black mottled white, 61 'Immature plumage, flanks, dark lateral band (GB58)' / absent present, 62 'Chicks hatch almost naked (GB59)' / no yes, 63 'Dominant color pattern of first down (GB60)' / _pale_gray distinctly_brown 'bicolored, dark above and whitish bellow' uniformly_blackish_gray, 64 'Dominant color pattern of second down (GB61)' / pale_grey distinctly_brown ' bicolored, dark above and whitish bellow' uniformly_blackish_gray, 65 'Chick, second down, collar (GB62)' / absent present, 66 'Feet, dorsal color (GB63)' / dark pink orange 'white-flesh' blue, 67 'Feet, soles distinctly darker than dorsal surface (GB64)' / absent present, 68 'Feet, unguis digiti (BG65)' / flat compressed, 69 'Clutch size (GB65)' / two_eggs one_egg, 70 'Incubatory sac (GB66)' / absent present, 71 'Nest (GB67)' / 'no nest, incubation over the feet' 'nest placed underground, either burrowed in sand or inside natural hollow or crack' ' open nest, a shallow depression on bare ground or in midst of vegetation', 72 'Size of first egg relative to the second egg (GB68)' / similar first_egg_smaller first_egg_larger, 73 'Creche (GB69)' / absent 'small, 3-6 birds' formed_by_dozens_to_hundreds_of_immatures, 74 'Egg shape (BG71)' / oval conical spherical, 75 'Ecstatic display (BG72)' / absent present, 76 'Premaxilla, tip (rostrum maxillare) (GB0)' / pointed weakly_hooked strongly_hooked, 77 ' Internarial bar (pila supranasalis) shape in cross section (C75)' / suboval 'inverted U-shape', 78 'Internarial bar (pila supranasalis), profile in lateral view (KC78)' / dorsal_edge_curves_smoothly_to_tip_of_beak pronounced_step_in_dorsal_edge, 79 'Basioccipital, subcondylar fossa (fossa subcondylaris) (GB73)' / absent_or_shallow deep, 80 'Supraoccipital, paired grooves for the exit of v. occipitalis externae (sulcus vena occipitalis externae) (BG74)' / poorly_developed deeply_excavated, 81 'Frontal, shelf of bone bounding salt-gland fossa (fossa glandulae nasalis) laterally (OH10)' / absent present, 82 'Squamosal, temporal fossa (fossa temporalis), size (BG76)' / ' fossae separated by considerable wide surface (at least the width of the cerebellar prominence' 'more extensive, fossae meeting or nearly meeting at midline of the skull', 83 'Squamosal, temporal fossa (fossa temporalis), depth of caudal region (BG77)' / flat shallow greatly_deepened, 84 'Squamosal, development of the opening that transmits the a. ophthalmica externa in the caudoventral area of the temporal fossa (near nuchal crest) (BG78)' / small_or_vestigial 'well-developed', 85 'Orbit, fonticuli orbitocraniales (BG79)' / small_or_vestigial broad_and_conspicuous_openings, 86 'Ectethmoid (BG80)' / absent 'weakly developed, widely separate from the lacrimal' 'well developed, contacting or fused to the lacrimal', 87 'Lacrimal, descending process (OH11)' / unperforated perforated, 88 'Lacrimal (BG82)' / 'reduced, concealed in dorsal view' small_portion_exposed_in_dorsal_view 'well-exposed in dorsal view', 89 'Lacrimal, contact with frontal (KT89)' / suture fusion, 90 'Lacrimal, dorsal process (BG83)' / closely_applied_to_the_nasal ' rostral arm of dorsal process separated from the nasal by a slit-like rostro-caudally elongate opening', 91 'Nasal cavity, external naris (cavum nasi, apertura nasi ossea), caudal margin (OH5)' / extended_caudal_to_the_rostral_margin_of_the_hiatus_orbitonasalis not_extended_caudal_to_the_rostral_margin_of_the_hiatus_orbitonasalis, 92 'Nasal cavity, internarial bar (pila supranasalis): (OH6)' / wide_throughout_its_length 'slender, slightly constricted laterally', 93 'Basitemporal plate (lamina parasphenoidalis), dorsoventral position with respect to the occipital condyle (BG86)' / ventral_to_the_level_of_the_condyle at_the_level_of_the_condyle 'dorsal to the level of the condyle, surface depressed', 94 'Basipterygoid process (processus basipterygoideus) (BG87)' / absent vestigial_or_poorly_developed 'well-developed', 95 'Eustachian tubes (tuba auditiva) (BG88)' / open_or_very_little_bony_covering_near_the_caudal_end_of_the_tube mostly_enclosed_by_bone, 96 'Pterygoid, shape (BG89)' / elongated slight_lateral_expansion_of_rostral_end 'rostral end broad, pterygoid sub-triangular', 97 'Palatine, lamella choanalis (BG90)' / 'curved and smooth plate, slightly differentiated from main palatine blade' 'ridged, distinct from main blade by a low keel' extended_vertically_ventrally_forming_the_crista_ventralis, 98 'Vomer (BG91)' / 'laterally compressed, vertical laminae and free from palatines' horizontally_flattened_laminae_and_ankylosed_with_palatines, 99 'Facial foramen (foramen n. facialis) (BG92)' / absent present, 100 'Jugal arch, bar shape in lateral view (BG93)' / straight slightly_curved ventrally_bowed 'strongly curved, sigmoid shape', 101 'Jugal arch, dorsal process (this pointed process is located on the caudal end of the jugal, adjacent to the condyle for articulation with the quadrate) (BG94)' / absent present, 102 'Premaxilla, frontal process, naso-premaxillary suture (BG95)' / visible obliterated, 103 'Quadrate, relative lengths of otic and orbital processes (processus oticus and processus orbitalis) (KC102)' / orbital_process_longer otic_process_longer, 104 'Quadrate, otic process (processus oticus), rostral border, tubercle for m. adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda (BG96)' / absent ' present, as a ridge' ' present, as a tubercle', 105 'Quadrate, otic process (processus oticus), rostral border, tubercle for m. adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda (KC104)' / contiguous_with_squamosal_capitulum separated_from_squamosal_capitulum, 106 'Tomial edge (crista tomialis) (BG97)' / 'plane of tomial edge approximately at the level of the basitemporal plate (lamina parasphenoidalis)' _dorsal_to_the_level_of_the_basitemporal_plate, 107 'Mandible, symphysis (C101)' / extensive_bony_connection short_terminal_bony_connection, 108 'Mandible, posteriorly projected midline spur from dentary underlying symphysis (KC107)' / absent present, 109 'Mandible, coronoid process (processus coronoideus), position on the dorsal margin of the mandible with respect to caudal mandibular fenestra (fenestra mandibulae caudalis) (BG98)' / markedly_rostral on_the_rostral_end_of_the_fenestra caudal_to_fenestra, 110 'Mandible, rostral fenestra (fenestra mandibulae rostralis) (OH8)' / imperforate_or_small_opening large_opening, 111 'Mandible, caudal fenestra (fenestra mandibulae caudalis) (OH9)' / 'open, can be seen through from the medial or lateral aspects' 'nearly or completely concealed by the splenial medially (i.e., fenestra not visible in the medial aspect)', 112 'Mandible, mandibular ramus (BG101)' / depth_subequal_over_entire_ramus pronounced_deepening_at_midpoint, 113 'Mandible, mandibular ramus (KC112)' / essentially_straight_or_gently_sloping pronounced_ventral_deflection_near_midpoint, 114 'Mandible, dentary, length of dorsal edge relative to mandibular ramus length in lateral view (BG103)' / markedly_more_than_half_the_length_of_ramus approximately_half_the_length_of_ramus, 115 'Mandible, articular, medial process (processus medialis) (BG104)' / not_hoooked hooked, 116 'Mandible, angular, aspect in dorsal view (BG106)' / sharply_truncated_caudally 'caudally projected, forming retroarticular process (processus retroarticularis)', 117 'Mandible, angular, retroarticular process (processus retroarticularis), aspect in dorsal view in relation to the articular area for the quadrate between the lateral and medial condyles (condylus lateralis and condylus medialis) (BG105)' / 'broad, approximately equal to the articular area' 'moderately long, narrower than the articular area' 'very long, longer and narrower than the articular area', 118 'Mandible, medial emargination between medial and retroarticular processes (processus retroarticularis and processus medialis) (KC108)' / absent weak_concavity strong_concavity, 119 'Atlas, processus ventralis (BG108)' / absent_or_slightly_developed 'well developed, high and prominent ridge on the dorsal surface of the arcus atlantis', 120 'Transition to free cervicothoracic ribs (BG109)' / starting_at_13th_cervical_vertebra starting_at_14th_cervical_vertebra starting_at_15th_cervical_vertebra, 121 'Cervical vertebrae, transverse process (processus transversus) in last five cervical vertebrae (BG111)' / not_elongated_laterally greatly_elongated_laterally, 122 'Thoracic vertebrae, posteriormost vertebrae (KC114)' / heterocoelous weakly_opisthocoelous strongly_opisthocoelous, 123 'Thoracic vertebrae, deep excavation on lateral face of posterior thoracic vertebrae (KC124)' / absent present, 124 'Synsacrum, number of incorporated vertebrae (C117)' / nine eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen_of_more, 125 'Synsacrum, height of crista synsacri between acetabula (KC126)' / flat_or_weakly_projected strongly_projected, 126 'Caudal vertebrae (BG113)' / seven eight nine_or_more, 127 'Thoracic ribs, uncinate processes (costae, processes uncinati) (BG114)' / 'elongate, narrow' 'wide at base, spatulate' extremely_wide_at_base, 128 'Thoracic ribs, uncinate processes (costae, processes uncinati) (KC129)' / fused_to_ribs unfused, 129 'Sternum, external spine (spina externa rostri) (OH13)' / absent present, 130 'Sternum, facies articularis furculae projects as a distinctive process (BG116)' / absent present, 131 'Sternum, articular facets for coracoids (sulcus articularis coracoideus) (C122)' / meet_or_overlap_one_another_at_midline 'separated by wide non-articulatory surface', 132 'Sternum, labrum externum (C123)' / continues_as_sharp_ridge_onto_the_base_of_the_spina_externa fades_away_without_continuing_onto_the_base, 133 'Sternum, caudal incisurae (KC133)' / none two four, 134 'Furcula, hypocleidium (apophysis furculae) (BG117)' / 'absent or low knob-like process' 'long, blade-like process', 135 'Furcula, ramus (CL218)' / 'sub-ovoid in cross-section at omal end' mediolaterally_flattened_and_craniocaudally_expanded_at_omal_end, 136 'Scapula, acromion (CL223)' / 'craniodorsally directed, nearly parallel to long axis of scapular shaft at apex' forms_a_blunt_triangular_projection_with_apex_directed_approximately_at_45_degree_angle_from_long_axis_of_scapular_shaft 'narrow and tapering, apex omally directed' 'narrow and tapering, apex directed at a right angle to scapular shaft', 137 'Scapula, blade, caudal half (corpus scapulae, extremitas caudalis (BG118)' / 'blade-like' slightly_expanded 'broadly expanded, paddle-shaped', 138 'Coracoid, length (KC137)' / shorter_than_humerus 'greatly elongated, longer than humerus', 139 'Coracoid, scapular cotyle (scapula cotylaris) (CL217)' / 'deep and socket-like' shallow_depression, 140 'Coracoid, medial margin, coracoidal fenestra (OH14)' / complete incomplete absent, 141 'Coracoid, foramen nervi supracoracoidei, Mayr (2005) cited ontogenetic evidence that this foramen is not homologous to the coracoidal fenestra of penguins. (K122)' / absent present, 142 'Coracoid, sternal margin (extremitas sternalis coracoidei (BG120)' / greatly_expanded moderate_expansion, 143 'Coracoid, profile of the sternal margin (extremitas sternalis coracoidei) in ventral view (K124)' / convex concave flat, 144 'Coracoid, lateral process (processus lateralis)' / absent_or_highly_reduced 'well-developed', 145 'Forelimb elements (BG121)' / subcircular_in_cross_section flattened, 146 'Humerus, head very developed and reniform, continuous with tuberculum dorsale (BG122)' / absent present, 147 'Humerus, head in posterior view(C132)' / apex_of_humeral_head_located_near_midline humeral_head_slopes_so_that_apex_of_humeral_head_located_ventrally, 148 'Humerus, incisura capitis (K127)' / essentially_confluent_with_sulcus_transversus clearly_separated_from_sulcus_transversus, 149 'Humerus, capital incisure (CL222)' / extends_to_secondary_tricipital_fossa separated_from_secondary_tricipital_fossa, 150 'Humerus, pit for ligament insertion on proximal surface adjacent to head (K128)' / absent_or_very_shallow deep, 151 'Humerus, orientation of intumescentia humeri and tuberculum ventrale (K129)' / 'intumescentia projects ventrally from shaft, tuberculum oriented caudally' 'intumescentia projects ventrally from shaft, tuberculum oriented ventrally' 'intumescentia projected more cranioventrally (so as to be partially obscured in posterior view), tuberculum oriented cranioventrally', 152 'Humerus, proximal margin of tricipital fossa (fossa tricipitalis) (K135)' / weak_projection 'projects so as to be well-exposed in proximal view', 153 'Humerus, proximal border of tricipital fossa in ventral view (KT153)' / concave_proximal_margin straight_border, 154 'Humerus, tricipital fossa (fossa tricipitalis) (BG123)' / small_with_penetrating_pneumatic_foramina moderate_fossa_without_pneumatic_foramen deep_fossa_without_pneumatic_foramen, 155 'Humerus, tricipital fossa (fossa tricipitalis) (BG124)' / single bipartite, 156 'Humerus, deltoid crest, impressio m. pectoralis (BG125)' / 'superficial poorly-defined groove' 'shallow, well-defined oblong fossa' ' deep, well-defined oblong fossa', 157 'Humerus, impressio insertii m. supracoracoideus (K133)' / 'small, semicircular scar' 'greatly elongated with long axis sub-parallel to main axis of humeral shaft', 158 'Humerus, impressio insertii m. supracoracoideus and m. latissimus dorsi (K134)' / separated_by_a_wide_gap separated_by_a_moderate_gap separated_by_small_gap_or_confluent, 159 'Humerus, coracobrachialis caudalis scar (CL219)' / clearly_separated_from_head scar_contacts_distal_margin_of_head, 160 'Humerus, coracobrachialis caudal scar (CL220)' / 'deeply depressed, subcircular' 'flat, ovoid, oriented dorsoventrally' 'flat, elongate and oriented obliquely at approximately 45 degree angle to long axis of shaft', 161 'Humerus, groove for coracobrachialis nerve (CL221)' / absent_or_poorly_defined 'sharp, narrow sulcus', 162 'Humerus, shaft, dorsoventral width (K136)' / shaft_thins_or_maintains_width_distally shaft_widens_distally, 163 'Humerus, nutrient foramen (foramen nutricum) (C143)' / situated_on_ventral_face_of_shaft situated_on_cranial_face_of_shaft, 164 'Humerus, anterior face of shaft elongate depression near ventral margin (C144)' / absent present, 165 'Humerus, shaft, sigmoid curvature (K137)' / absent_or_weak strong, 166 'Humerus, development of dorsal supracondylar tubercle (processus supracondylar dorsalis) (BG126)' / absent compact_tubercle elongate_process extremely_elongate_process, 167 'Humerus, demarcation of sulcus scapulotricipitalis (BG127)' / not_demarcated 'passage a well-marked groove' development_of_trochlear_ridge_for_articulation_with_os_sesamoideum_m._scapulotricipitis, 168 'Humerus, posterior trochlear ridge (BG128)' / extends_beyond_ventral_margin_of_the_humeral_shaft does_not_extend_beyond_the_humeral_shaft, 169 'Humerus, angle between main axis of shaft and tangent of ulnar and radial condyles (condylus dorsalis and condylus ventralis) (K141)' / less_than_45_degrees more_than_45_degrees about_90_degrees, 170 'Humerus, ulnar condyle (condylus ventralis) (K142)' / condyle_projected_and_rounded condyle_flattened, 171 'Humerus, shelf adjacent to condylus ventralis: large, ratio of condyle width (K143)' / 'shelf width >1.3' 'moderate, ratio of condyle width: shelf width 1.3-2.0' 'greatly reduced, less than half condyle width', 172 'Radius, shaft (KC166)' / 'sub-cylindrical' _broad_and_flattened, 173 ' Ulna, olecranon position and shape of posterior ulnar margin (K144)' / 'olecranon arises at level of, or proximally surpassing, humeral cotylae' 'olecranon a tab-like projection slightly distally displaced from cotylae creating a rounded posterior ulnar margin' 'olecranon a tab-like projection slightly distally displaced from cotylae creating a squared posterior margin' 'posterior margin is a smooth curve, apex located one fourth of length to distal end' 'posterior margin with a distinct angle, apex located one fourth of length to distal end' 'posterior margin is rounded and tab-like, apex located at the level of proximal end of the ulna', 174 'Ulna, distinct process extending toward sulcus humerotricipitalis of humerus (K145)' / absent present, 175 'Ulnare (KC169)' / ' U-shaped' 'triangular, fan-shaped wedge', 176 'Carpometacarpus, pisiform process (processus pisiformis) (C155)' / 'well-projected round tubercle' reduced_to_a_low_ridge, 177 'Carpometacarpus, distal facet on metacarpal I (C156)' / absent present, 178 'Carpometacarpus, metacarpal II, distinct anterior bowing (C157)' / absent present, 179 'Carpometacarpus, extension of metacarpals II and III (C158)' / subequal_or_III_slightly_shorter metacarpal_III_projects_markedly_distal_of_metacarpal_II, 180 'Carpometacarpus, metacarpal III, distal articular surface (facies articularis digitalis major) (C159)' / wedge_shaped_or_broadens_anteriorly_in_distal_view slightly_depressed_ovoid_surface, 181 'Carpometacarpus, extensor process (processus extensorius) (KC175)' / present absent, 182 'Carpometacarpus, metacarpal II, distal expansion (KC176)' / absent present, 183 'Phalanx III-1, proximal process (BG130)' / absent present, 184 'Phalanges of manus, relative length of phalanx III-1 and phalanx II-1 (C161)' / 'phalanx III-1 shorter' subequal_in_length, 185 'Phalanges of manus, length relative to carpometacarpus (BG131)' / long short, 186 'Fusion of ilia to synsacrum (K149)' / unfused partially_fused well_fused, 187 'Pelvis, preacetabular ilia (KC181)' / 'flat, well-separated' 'approach one another, but do not contact at midline' _contact_at_midline_forming_canalis_iliosynsacralis, 188 'Pelvis, foramina intervertebralia large, forming wide openings on dorsal surface of pelvis (KC182)' / absent present, 189 'Ilium, projected postiliac spine' / absent present, 190 'Pelvis, size of foramen ilioischiadicum and foramen acetabuli (OH16)' / foramen_ilioischiadicum_smaller_or_similar_in_size foramen_ilioischiadicum_larger, 191 'Pelvis, fenestra ischiopubica (BG133)' / very_wide_and_closed_at_its_caudal_end 'slit-like and open at its caudal end', 192 'Ischium, caudal extent in relation to postacetabular ilium (BG134)' / ischium_shorter_than_ilium ischium_projects_slightly_beyond_the_ilium ischium_projected_far_caudal_to_ilium, 193 'Patella (KC 187)' / 'absent, unossified, or a small ossicle' 'present as a large, block-like element', 194 'Patella, sulcus m. ambiens (BG135)' / shallow_groove deep_groove perforation, 195 'Tibiotarsus, crista patellaris (BG136)' / slightly_developed 'well-projected' greatly_elongated, 196 'Tibiotarsus, shaft, craniocaudal flattening (C169)' / ' weak, midshaft craniocaudal depth greater than 75% mediolateral width' ' strong, midshaft craniocaudal depth equal to or less than 75% mediolateral width', 197 'Tibiotarsus, notch in distal edge of medial condyle (condylus medialis) (AH38)' / present absent, 198 'Tibiotarsus, lateral condyle (condylus lateralis) in lateral profile (AH37)' / ovoid subcircular, 199 'Tibiotarsus, sulcus extensorius (K139)' / laterally_positioned close_to_midline medially_positioned, 200 'Tarsometatarsus, elongation index (proximodistal length / mediolateral width at proximal end) (BH139)' / ' slender, EI >3.0' 'shortened, 2.5