Digital pathology becomes more and more important nowadays. The field is growing, as continuous development of modern digital scanner allows the scanning of whole slides in high resolution. The whole slide images enable the application of computer-aided methods to support pathologists with additional quantitative information. This work aims to develop methods for the analysis of whole slide images. 35 tissue sections of classical Hodgkin lymphoma were analyzed regarding CD30 cell positions and their morphology using graph-theoretical methods. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures and a major part of the lymphatic system of mammals. The human body contains about 500-700 lymph nodes of different size. Foreign particles are transported via the lymph fluid to be filtered and recognized efficiently in the lymph nodes. This enables a quick immune response in case of an infection. Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), also called Morbus Hodgkin, is a malignant tumor of the lymphatic system. In general, the malignant cells in HL derive from B-cell pre-cursor cells of the germinal center. In some exceptional cases, they have been found to originate from T-Cells. A little more than 9,000 new cases are diagnosed annually as Hodgkin lymphoma in the United States of America. Despite the high 5-years survival rate of 85.3 %, HL is still a severe disease and causes the death of about 1,100 people per year in the USA. Additionally, the treatment with chemo- and radiotherapy can cause subsequent diseases. According the World Health Organisation (WHO), HL can be differentiated in subgroups. The most frequent one is the classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL). Cases diagnosed as cHL can be further characterized. The two most common types of cHL are nodular sclerosis cHL and mixed cellularity cHL. Histopathologically, Hodgkin lymphoma is characterized by the occurrence of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells. In microscopic images, these cells appear enlarged, and have one or more large cell nuclei with a coarse-grained chromatin structure. HRS cells are known to be positive for the activation marker CD30, and thus can be highlighted by immunostaining. Immunohistological staining is a commonly used method in pathology and is, in combination with microscopy, routinely used for diagnosis of lymphoma. Beside traditional microscopy, digital scanners nowadays allow the digitization of whole object slides to whole slide images (WSIs). The storage efficiency and the usability in telepathology are the most distinguished advantages of WSIs. Nevertheless, WSIs are currently not used in routine pathology. The effort and costs to change the established routine processes in pathology and to integrate digital object slides are still high. Computer-aided analysis of tissue sections may lead to additional, more sophisticated, information to describe the diseases’ progress. Statistical data gained from the whole tissue section can support pathologists to characterize disease patterns in more detail and may assist the diagnosis. The aim of this work is the exemplary analysis of WSIs of tissue sections diagnosed as cHL. The immunohistological images were provided by the Dr. Senckenberg Institute of Pathology at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. The examined images are immunostained against CD30. CD30 is a membrane receptor, which is expressed by HRS cells, and therefore labels the malignant cells in cHL. A second staining, hematoxylin, is applied to highlight the nuclei of all cells in the tissue section. The WSIs were captured with an Aperio ScanScope slide scanner at a high resolution of 0.25 μm per pixel. The size of the tissue sections resulted in images with up to 90,000 x 90,000 pixels. Without compression the files can reach sizes of 30 GB. The pre-selected image set consists of 35 WSIs with tissue sections diagnosed as mixed cellularity cHL, nodular sclerosis cHL and lymphadenitis. The latter is examined as a control group. Here, the CD30-positive cells are not tumor cells, but activated lymphocytes. They are part of an immune response against a viral or bacterial infection. To deal with the non-standard SVS file format of Aperio and for the analysis of the images, we implemented an in-house software called Impro. The software is written in Java. The required image processing methods were implemented from scratch. Examples are the detection of a region of interest (ROI) and the color deconvolution to separate the stains. Additional methods, like the thresholding for the image segmentation and the computation of morphological cell descriptors, were integrated using established imaging software and libraries like CellProfiler and the Java Advanced Imaging API (JAI). The cell detection pipeline identified more than 400,000 cells in the 35 WSIs. The number of CD30-positive cells varied among the 35 cases. Overall, the cell count is lowest in lymphadenitis cases. While lymphadenitis tissue sections had on average 3,000 CD30- positive cells, in mixed cellularity cHL tissue sections, the average count was 19,000. A few cHL cases existed for which the number of HRS cells exceeded 50,000. The cell density can be displayed in Impro as a heat map overlay on top of the tissue section. In lymphadenitis, the CD30-positive cells were distributed evenly throughout the tissue section. In contrast, the cells formed dense groups in cHL cases. Especially in nodular sclerosis cHL, the CD30-positive cells formed dense clusters, even if the total number of cells in the tissue section was low. For each CD30-positive cell, the imaging pipeline computed morphological descriptors like eccentricity, solidity and area size. The descriptors allow a more detailed view of the disease pattern. Up to now, form and size of HRS cells have been only described on single, manually selected HRS cells. The presented approach allows a statistical view on the cell shape. It is noteworthy that the cell detection pipeline does not differentiate between HRS cells and CD30-positive cells in general. The Feret diameter describes the extent of an object. CD30-positive cells in cHL cases have an average Feret diameter of 20 μm. The CD30-positive cell population in lymphadenitis has a diameter of 15 μm on average. Beside the statistical analysis of single cells, the aim of this work is to model the lymphoma as a complex system. We applied system biology methods to depict the relations of neighboring cells. The cell positions are used to build up cell graphs. Neighborhood relations are modeled according to the unit disk graph formalism. Typical graph properties can be computed to characterize the different tissue sections. The cHL cases show an increased average vertex degree compared to lymphadenitis, meaning that the microenvironment consists of more CD30-positive cells. In mixed cellularity cHL, we also see a high variability for the vertex degree distributions. Compared to random geometric graphs, the analyzed cell graphs have an increased average vertex degree. Even in lymphadenitis, where the CD30-positive cells are more evenly distributed than in cHL cases, the average degree is higher than one would expect from randomly distributed cells. Lymphadenitis is a controlled immune response and may be limited to the parts of the lymph node where the foreign particles were recognized. Many graphs exhibit a hierarchical structure, in which highly connected vertex groups exist. In graph theory, these groups with vertices sharing a high number of relations, are called communities. Clique-based algorithms recognize communities in cell graphs. The partitioning in cell groups can be displayed as overlay. The number and the size of communities can be used to characterize cHL tissue sections. The presented results illustrate that the analysis of WSIs and the additional information gained from the image processing pipeline can be used to support the diagnosis of lymphoma. 35 WSIs in total were examined, and a cell detection was performed on the image layer with highest resolution. More than 400,000 CD30-positive cell objects were morphologically described. In combination with their position in the tissue section, important features of disease patterns, e.g. the distribution of malignant cells, becomes possible. Nevertheless, the proposed imaging pipeline is more or less a prototype. The application in routine pathology requires a response in a few minutes to be efficient. Currently, the proposed cell graphs only consist of CD30-positive cells. The method can be extended in the future and other cell types, e.g. cells that are part of an immune response, can be integrated. This will allow to analyze the interaction of the tumor cells and their microenvironment. The cell graph approach can be generalized and allows the modeling of other disease patterns.