Contribuïção cultural da Agência Geral das Colónias nas comemorações centenárias : notas bibliograficas / [Vorr.: Júlio Caiolla]
MetadatenAuthor: | Júlio Caiolla |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-263751 |
Publisher: | Editorial Atica |
Place of publication: | Lisboa |
Document Type: | Book |
Language: | Portuguese |
Date of Publication (online): | 2012/09/19 |
Year of first Publication: | 1941 |
Publishing Institution: | Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg |
Creating Corporation: | Portugal / Agência Geral das Colónias |
Release Date: | 2012/09/19 |
Page Number: | 56 S. |
Note: | Signatur: HB 25: ADh 1/12 Standort: Afrika-LS |
HeBIS-PPN: | 358499623 |
Sammlungen: | Afrika südlich der Sahara |
Licence (German): | Gemeinfreies Werk / Public Domain |