Zunehmend mehr Hantavirus-Infektionen: Hinweise zu
Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für Ornithologen und Feldbiologen
Increasing numbers of human infections with hantaviruses: further information for ornithologists and fieldbiologists
- Hantaviren als eine zwischen Nagetieren und Menschen übertragbare Zoonose spielen in den letzten Jahren in Mitteleuropa eine immer größere Rolle. Aufgrund der deutlichen Zunahme gemeldeter Erkrankungen in jüngster Zeit erscheint es angebracht, nochmals auf diese Infektionskrankheit, ihre Übertragungswege und vor allem Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für Vogelkundler und Feldbiologen hinzuweisen. Die nachfolgende Übersichtsarbeit fasst den aktuellen Kenntnisstand aus der Literatur zusammen (Robert-Koch-Institut 2005, 2006 a-d, 2007 a-c, 2008).
- Hantaviruses are transmitted to humans by infected rodents via faeces, urine or bites and cause severe illness. In Europe the most common disease is the nephropathia epidemica. Man can be infected by inhaling viruses in contaminated aerosols or soil particles. There has been a obvious increase of case numbers in Germany in 2007: more than 1660 cases where recorded by the Robert-Koch-Institut (vs. 72 in 2006 and 448 in 2005). Mostly working men where concerned. 60 % of all patients had to be treated in hospital and 49 % had disorders of the kidney function. Contact to mice and their excreta has been identified as a relevant risk factor. To avoid infections ornithologists and fieldbiologists must be careful when working in areas inhabited by rodents (in Europe especially Bank voles), working with rodents or rodent eating birds and their pellets. Rodents should be kept year-round strictly out of all living areas and contact to rodents should be reduced or avoided. Gloves, face-masks and safety goggles must be used when working under dusty conditions. Hands must be cleaned consequently after work with water and soap (30 seconds) and desinfection should be used. Hantaviruses of the most common type in Europe (Puumala) can stay alive 5 to 15 days at room temperature and up to 18 days at 4°C. So pellets can by examinated without any risk after a quarantine period of two weeks or when heated up in the oven. Bird faeces and bird carcasses do not contain hantaviruses.