Australasian arachnology, Number 83, February 2012
- Welcome to Issue 83 of Australasian
Arachnology. I’d like to begin this editorial by
once again noting the steady stream of new
members who are joining the society, and
observing (as always) the exemplary recent
research outputs in the Australasian region. The
Australasian arachnological community continues
to maintain a strong interest in our
remarkable arachnid fauna, and continues to
promote arachnology throughout the region.
This is by no means a straightforward task,
given the negative public perceptions that often
accompany our eight-legged friends, and given
the sometimes challenging research funding
environment for taxonomic and biodiversity
research. Certainly, having watched the society
grow over the last twenty years, and having
seen perceptions of the Australasian fauna
change during that time, it is both reassuring
and exciting to look ahead. With unparalleled
population growth throughout the region and
the world, and unprecedented pressures on our
natural landscapes, habitats and remaining
natural biomes, it is critical that arachnids (and
indeed all invertebrates) continue to receive the
growing recognition they deserve among
ecologists, conservation biologists, legislators
and the public at large. The 10th Invertebrate
Biodiversity and Conservation Conference in
Melbourne in December 2011 confirmed just
how active research in this field is, and there is
no doubt that Australasian arachnids will
continue to be the focus of much positive
attention over the next few years.