Year of publication
- 2006 (1)
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1)
The aim of the thesis was to identify structure activity relationships (SAR) in the primary screening data of high-throughput screening (HTS) assays. The strategy was to perform a hierarchical clustering of the molecules, assign the primary screening data to the created clusters and derive models from the clusters. The models should serve to identify singletons, clusters enriched with actives, not confirmed hits and false-negatives. Two hierarchical clustering algorithms, NIPALSTREE and hierarchical k-means have been developed and adapted for this purpose, respectively. A graphical user interface (GUI) has been implemented to extract SAR from the clustering results. Retrospective and prospective applications of the clustering approach were performed. SAR models were created by combining the clustering results with different chemoinformatic methods. NIPALSTREE projects a data set onto one dimension using principle component analysis. The data set is sorted according to the scoring vector and split at the median position into two subsets. The algorithm is applied recursively onto the subsets. The hierarchical k-means recursively separates a data set into two clusters using the k-means algorithm. Both algorithms are capable of clustering large data sets with more than a million data points. They were validated and compared to each other on the basis of different structural classes. NIPALSTREE provided with the loading vectors first insights into SAR whereas the hierarchical k-means yielded superior results. A GUI was developed allowing the display of and the navigation in the clustering results. Functionalities were integrated to analyse the clusters in the dendrogram, molecules in a cluster, and physicochemical properties of a molecule. Measures were developed to identify clusters enriched with actives, to characterize singletons and to analyse selectivity and specificity. Different protease inhibitors of the COBRA database were examined using the hierarchical k-means algorithm. Supported by similarity searches and nearest neighbour analyses thrombin inhibitor singletons were quickly isolated and displayed in the dendrogram. By scaling enrichment factors to the logarithm of the dendrogram level, clusters enriched with different structural classes of factor Xa inhibitors were simultaneously identified. The observed co-clustering of other protease inhibitors provided a deeper insight into selectivity and specificity and shows the utility of the approach for constructing focussed screening libraries. Specificity was analyzed by extracting and clustering relative frequencies of the protease inhibitors from the clusters of dendrogram level 7. A unique ligand based point of view on the pocketome of the protease enzymes was obtained. To identify not confirmed hits and false-negatives in the primary screening data of HTS assays, three assays were retrospectively analysed with the hierarchical k-means algorithm. A rule catalogue was developed judging hits in terminal clusters based on the cluster size, the percent control values of the entries in a cluster, the overall hit rate, the hit rate in the cluster and the environment of a cluster in the dendrogram. It resulted in the identification of a high proportion of not confirmed hits and provided for each hit a rating in context of related non-hits. This allows prioritizing compounds for follow-up studies. Non-hits and hits were retrieved from terminal clusters containing hits. Molecules bearing false-negative scaffolds were co-extracted and enriched. To minimize the number of false-positives in the extracted lists, Bayesian regularized artificial neutral network classification models were trained with the data. Applying the models marked improvement of enrichment factors for the false-negatives was obtained. It proofs the scaffold-hopping potential of the approach. NIPALSTREE, the hierarchical k-means algorithm and self-organising maps were prospectively applied to identify novel lead candidates for dopamine D3 receptors. Compounds with novel scaffolds and low nanomolar binding affinity (65 nM, compound 42) were identified. To provide a deeper insight into the SAR of these molecules, different alternative computational methods were employed. Support vector-based regression and partial least squares were examined. Predictive models for dopamine D2 and D3 receptor binding affinity values were obtained. Important features explaining SAR were extracted from the models. The prospective application of the models to the diverse and novel virtual screening data was of limited success only. Docking studies were performed using a homology model of the dopamine D3 receptor. The visual inspection of the binding modes resulted in the hypothesis of two alternative binding pockets for the aryl moiety of dopamine D3 receptor antagonists. A pharmacophore model was created simultaneously requiring both aryl moieties. Virtual screening with the model identified a nanomolar hit (65 nM, compound 59) corroborating the hypothesis of the two binding pockets and providing a new lead structure for dopamine D3 receptors. The presented data shows that the combined approach of hierarchically clustering a data set in combination with the subsequent usage of the clusters for model generation is suited to extract SAR from screening data. The models are successful in identifying singletons, clusters enriched with actives, not confirmed hits and false-negative scaffolds.