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Einführung: Seit 20 Jahren ist die Vagusnervstimulation (VNS) eine europaweit zugelassene invasive Therapieoption für therapieresistente Depressionen (TRD). Im Gegensatz zu geläufigeren Behandlungen wie EKT sind Kenntnisse über VNS sowohl in der Allgemeinbevölkerung als auch in Fachkreisen gering.
Methoden: In diesem narrativen Review geben wir eine klinisch und wissenschaftlich fundierte Übersicht über die VNS. Hypothesen zum Wirkmechanismus sowie die aktuelle Evidenzlage zur Wirksamkeit werden dargestellt. Das perioperative Management, das Nebenwirkungsprofil und die Nachbetreuung einschließlich Dosistitration werden beschrieben. Ein Vergleich über internationale Leitlinienempfehlungen zur VNS findet sich ebenfalls. Ferner formulieren wir Kriterien, die bei der Auswahl geeigneter Patienten hilfreich sind.
Ergebnisse: Die elektrischen Impulse werden über den N. vagus afferent weitergeleitet und stimulieren über verschiedene Wege ein neuromodulatorisches zerebrales Netzwerk. Viele Studien und Fallserien zeigten die Wirksamkeit von VNS als adjuvantes Verfahren bei TRD. Der Effekt tritt mit einer Latenz von 3 bis 12 Monaten ein und steigt möglicherweise mit der Dauer der VNS. Unter der Beachtung der Stimulationsempfehlungen sind die Nebenwirkungen für die meisten Patienten tolerabel.
Fazit: Die VNS ist eine zugelassene, wirksame und gut verträgliche Langzeittherapie für chronische und therapieresistente Depressionen. Weitere Sham-kontrollierte Studien über einen längeren Beobachtungszeitraum sind zur Verbesserung der Evidenz wünschenswert.
The consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic for mental health remain unclear, especially regarding the effects on suicidal behaviors. To assess changes in the pattern of suicide attempt (SA) admissions and completed suicides (CS) in association with the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a longitudinal study, SA admissions and CS are systematically documented and analyzed in all psychiatric hospitals in Frankfurt/Main (765.000 inhabitants). Number, sociodemographic factors, diagnoses and methods of SA and CS were compared between the periods of March–December 2019 and March–December 2020. The number of CS did not change, while the number of SA significantly decreased. Age, sex, occupational status, and psychiatric diagnoses did not change in SA, whereas the percentage of patients living alone while attempting suicide increased. The rate and number of intoxications as a SA method increased and more people attempted suicide in their own home, which was not observed in CS. Such a shift from public places to home is supported by the weekday of SA, as the rate of SA on weekends was significantly lower during the pandemic, likely because of lockdown measures. Only admissions to psychiatric hospitals were recorded, but not to other institutions. As it seems unlikely that the number of SA decreased while the number of CS remained unchanged, it is conceivable that the number of unreported SA cases increased during the pandemic. Our data suggest that a higher number of SA remained unnoticed during the pandemic because of their location and the use of methods associated with lower lethality.
Background: Predicted increases in suicide were not generally observed in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the picture may be changing and patterns might vary across demographic groups. We aimed to provide a timely, granular picture of the pandemic's impact on suicides globally.
Methods: We identified suicide data from official public-sector sources for countries/areas-within-countries, searching websites and academic literature and contacting data custodians and authors as necessary. We sent our first data request on 22nd June 2021 and stopped collecting data on 31st October 2021. We used interrupted time series (ITS) analyses to model the association between the pandemic's emergence and total suicides and suicides by sex-, age- and sex-by-age in each country/area-within-country. We compared the observed and expected numbers of suicides in the pandemic's first nine and first 10-15 months and used meta-regression to explore sources of variation.
Findings: We sourced data from 33 countries (24 high-income, six upper-middle-income, three lower-middle-income; 25 with whole-country data, 12 with data for area(s)-within-the-country, four with both). There was no evidence of greater-than-expected numbers of suicides in the majority of countries/areas-within-countries in any analysis; more commonly, there was evidence of lower-than-expected numbers. Certain sex, age and sex-by-age groups stood out as potentially concerning, but these were not consistent across countries/areas-within-countries. In the meta-regression, different patterns were not explained by countries’ COVID-19 mortality rate, stringency of public health response, economic support level, or presence of a national suicide prevention strategy. Nor were they explained by countries’ income level, although the meta-regression only included data from high-income and upper-middle-income countries, and there were suggestions from the ITS analyses that lower-middle-income countries fared less well.
Interpretation: Although there are some countries/areas-within-countries where overall suicide numbers and numbers for certain sex- and age-based groups are greater-than-expected, these countries/areas-within-countries are in the minority. Any upward movement in suicide numbers in any place or group is concerning, and we need to remain alert to and respond to changes as the pandemic and its mental health and economic consequences continue.
Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist die häufigste entzündliche Erkrankung des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS) im jungen Erwachsenenalter. Weltweit sind mehr als 2,3 Mio. Menschen betroffen – Frauen doppelt so häufig wie Männer. Die Erkrankung ist gekennzeichnet durch eine autoimmunvermittelte Demyelinisierung im ZNS einhergehend mit motorischen, sensorischen und neuropsychiatrischen Defiziten.
Bereits Charcot beschrieb im 19. Jahrhundert auch psychiatrische Syndrome als Teil der Erkrankung. Am häufigsten treten Depressionen und Angststörungen auf [1]. Im Krankheitsverlauf können auch kognitive Defizite und organische Persönlichkeitsveränderungen hinzukommen [8]. Psychotische Symptome sind selten und spielen eher eine Rolle als Nebenwirkung der MS-Therapie mit Kortikosteroiden und seltener β‑Interferonen [5].
Bei unserer Patientin trat die akute psychotische Störung als erste klinische Manifestation der MS auf und führte zur Diagnosestellung.
Background: Lithium has proven suicide preventing effects in the long-term treatment of patients with affective disorders. Clinical evidence from case reports indicate that this effect may occur early on at the beginning of lithium treatment. The impact of lithium treatment on acute suicidal thoughts and/or behavior has not been systematically studied in a controlled trial. The primary objective of this confirmatory study is to determine the association between lithium therapy and acute suicidal ideation and/or suicidal behavior in inpatients with a major depressive episode (MDE, unipolar and bipolar disorder according to DSM IV criteria). The specific aim is to test the hypothesis that lithium plus treatment as usual (TAU), compared to placebo plus TAU, results in a significantly greater decrease in suicidal ideation and/or behavior over 5 weeks in inpatients with MDE.
Methods/Design: We initiated a randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter trial. Patients with the diagnosis of a moderate to severe depressive episode and suicidal thoughts and/or suicidal behavior measured with the Sheehan-Suicidality-Tracking Scale (S-STS) will be randomly allocated to add lithium or placebo to their treatment as usual. Change in the clinician administered S-STS from the initial to the final visit will be the primary outcome.
Discussion: There is an urgent need to identify treatments that will acutely decrease suicidal ideation and/or suicidal behavior. The results of this study will demonstrate whether lithium reduces suicidal ideation and behavior within the first 5 weeks of treatment.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a higher incidence of depression and a worsening of psychiatric conditions, while pre-existing constraints of the healthcare system and safety regulations limited psychiatric care.
Aims: We investigated the impact of the pandemic on the clinical care of patients with a single episode (SE-MDD) or major depressive disorder (MDD) in Germany.
Methods: Nationwide inpatient data were extracted from the German Institute for Hospital Remuneration System for 2020 and 2021 (depression data) and the Robert Koch Institute (COVID-19 incidence). Changes in inpatients were tested with linear regression models. Local cases of depression in our department compared to 2019 were explored with one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's test.
Results: Across Germany, the inpatient numbers with both SE-MDD and MDD declined by more than 50% during three out of four COVID-19 waves. Higher COVID-19 incidence correlated with decreased inpatient numbers. In our department, fewer MDD inpatients were treated in 2020 (adj. p < 0.001) and 2021 (adj. p < 0.001) compared to 2019, while the number of SE-MDD inpatients remained stable. During this period fewer elective and more emergency inpatients were admitted. In parallel, MDD outpatient admissions increased in 2021 compared to 2019 (adj. p = 0.002) and 2020 (adj. p = 0.003).
Conclusion: During high COVID-19 infection rates, MDD patients received less inpatient care, which might cause poor outcomes in the near future. These data highlight the necessity for improved infrastructure in the in- and outpatient domains to facilitate accessibility to adequate care.
Changes in glutamatergic neuroplasticity has been proposed as one of the core mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of depression. In consequence components of the glutamatergic synapse have been explored as potential targets for antidepressant treatment. The rapid antidepressant effect of the NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine and subsequent approval of its S-enantiomer (i.e. esketamine), have set the precedent for investigation into other glutamatergic rapid acting antidepressants (RAADs). In this review, we discuss the potential of the different glutamatergic targets for antidepressant treatment. We describe important clinical outcomes of several key molecules targeting components of the glutamatergic synapse and their applicability as RAADs. Specifically, here we focus on substances beyond (es)ketamine, for which meaningful data from clinical trials are available, including arketamine, esmethadone, nitrous oxide and other glutamate receptor modulators. Molecules only successful in preclinical settings and case reports/series are only marginally discussed. With this review, we aim underscore the critical role of glutamatergic modulation in advancing antidepressant therapy, thereby possibly enhancing clinical outcomes but also to reducing the burden of depression through faster therapeutic effects.