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- Article (11)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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- Corona (2)
- Epileptischer Anfall (2)
- Pandemic (2)
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- SARS-CoV‑2 (2)
- Seizure (2)
- Status epilepticus (2)
- Cancer detection (1)
- Kidney (1)
- Multimodal imaging (1)
Knowledge about the biogeographic affinities of the world’s tropical forests helps to better understand regional differences in forest structure, diversity, composition, and dynamics. Such understanding will enable anticipation of region-specific responses to global environmental change. Modern phylogenies, in combination with broad coverage of species inventory data, now allow for global biogeographic analyses that take species evolutionary distance into account. Here we present a classification of the world’s tropical forests based on their phylogenetic similarity. We identify five principal floristic regions and their floristic relationships: (i) Indo-Pacific, (ii) Subtropical, (iii) African, (iv) American, and (v) Dry forests. Our results do not support the traditional neo- versus paleotropical forest division but instead separate the combined American and African forests from their Indo-Pacific counterparts. We also find indications for the existence of a global dry forest region, with representatives in America, Africa, Madagascar, and India. Additionally, a northern-hemisphere Subtropical forest region was identified with representatives in Asia and America, providing support for a link between Asian and American northern-hemisphere forests.
The nucleosynthesis of elements beyond iron is dominated by neutron captures in the s and r processes. However, 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes cannot be formed during those processes, because they are shielded from the s-process flow and r-process β-decay chains. These nuclei are attributed to the p and rp process.
For all those processes, current research in nuclear astrophysics addresses the need for more precise reaction data involving radioactive isotopes. Depending on the particular reaction, direct or inverse kinematics, forward or time-reversed direction are investigated to determine or at least to constrain the desired reaction cross sections.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will offer unique, unprecedented opportunities to investigate many of the important reactions. The high yield of radioactive isotopes, even far away from the valley of stability, allows the investigation of isotopes involved in processes as exotic as the r or rp processes.
Hinreichend kalte und dichte Quarkmaterie ist ein Farbsupraleiter. Ähnlich wie Elektronen in einem gewöhnlichen Supraleiter bilden Quarks Cooper-Paare. Während bei Elektronen der Austausch von Phononen zu einer Anziehung führt, ist im Falle von Quarks der Antitriplett-Kanal der starken Wechselwirkung attraktiv. Arbeiten in den letzten Jahren haben verschiedene Phasen von farbsupraleitender Quarkmaterie untersucht und sich dabei vor allem auf Phasen konzentriert, m denen der Gesamtspin eines Cooper-Paares verschwindet. In der vorliegenden Dissertation habe ich hauptsächlich Farbsupraleiter diskutiert, deren Cooper-Paare im Spin-Triplett-Kanal kondensieren, d.h. die Cooper-Paare haben den Gesamtspin 1. Diese Art von Supraleiter ist möglicherweise relevant für Systeme in der Natur, wie z.B. das Innere von Neutronensternen. Denn bei der Spin-0-Farbsupraleitung wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Fermi-Impulse zweier Quark-Flavor gleich ist oder zumindest hinreichend klein, was für realistische Systeme, also für nicht zu große Dichten, fragwürdig ist. Diese Einschränkung gibt es im Falle von Spin-1-Farbsupraleitern nicht, da hier Quarks des gleichen Flavors Cooper-Paare bilden. Ich habe in meiner Dissertation die verschiedenen möglichen Phasen eines Spin-1-Farbsupraleiters systematisch klassifiziert. Dies wurde mit Hilfe von gruppen-theoretischen Methoden durchgeführt, basierend auf der Tatsache, dass die Farbsupraleitung durch das theoretische Konzept der spontanen Symmetriebrechung beschrieben werden kann. Ähnlich wie bei supraflüssigem Helium-3 gibt es eine Vielzahl theoretisch möglicher Phasen. Ich habe die physikalischen Eigenschaften von vier dieser Phasen untersucht, nämlich der polaren und planaren Phasen sowie der A- und CSL-(color-spin-locked)Phasen. Mit Hilfe der QCD-Lückengleichung wurde die Energielücke sowie die kritische Temperatur bestimmt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Energielücke eines Spin-1-Farbsupraleiters um 2-3 Größenordnungen kleiner ist als die eines Spin-0-Farbsupraleiters, d.h. sie liegt im Bereich von 10 - 100 keV. Zwei besondere Eigenschaften der Energielücke werden diskutiert, nämlich eine 2-Lücken-Struktur, die in zwei der untersuchten Fälle auftritt, sowie mögliche Anisotropien, insbesondere Nullstellen der Lückenfunktion. Die Berechnung der kritischen Temperatur zeigt, dass es durchaus farbsupraleitende Materie in einer Spin-1-Phase im Innern von Neutronensternen geben kann, da die Temperatur von alten Neutronensternen im Bereich von einigen keV oder sogar darunter liegt. Darüber hinaus wurde die Frage untersucht, ob ein Farbsupraleiter auch ein gewöhnlicher Supraleiter ist. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Frage von Interesse, ob ein Spin-1-Farbsupraleiter gewöhnliche Magnetfelder aus seinem Innern verdrängt, was sicherlich Auswirkungen auf die Observablen eines Neutronensterns hätte. Tatsächlich stellt sich heraus, dass ein Spin-1-Farbsupraleiter, im Gegensatz zu einem Spin-0-Farbsupraleiter, einen elektronmagnetischen Meissner-Effekt aufweist. Dieses Ergebnis wurde mit Hilfe von gruppentheoretischen Überlegungen vorausgesagt und mit Hilfe einer detaillierten Berechnung der Photon-Meissner-Massen bestätigt.
Hypoxia-induced long non-coding RNA Malat1 is dispensable for renal ischemia/reperfusion-injury
Renal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is a major cause of acute kidney injury (AKI). Non-coding RNAs are crucially involved in its pathophysiology. We identified hypoxia-induced long non-coding RNA Malat1 (Metastasis Associated Lung Adenocarcinoma Transcript 1) to be upregulated in renal I/R injury. We here elucidated the functional role of Malat1 in vitro and its potential contribution to kidney injury in vivo. Malat1 was upregulated in kidney biopsies and plasma of patients with AKI, in murine hypoxic kidney tissue as well as in cultured and ex vivo sorted hypoxic endothelial cells and tubular epithelial cells. Malat1 was transcriptionally activated by hypoxia-inducible factor 1-α. In vitro, Malat1 inhibition reduced proliferation and the number of endothelial cells in the S-phase of the cell cycle. In vivo, Malat1 knockout and wildtype mice showed similar degrees of outer medullary tubular epithelial injury, proliferation, capillary rarefaction, inflammation and fibrosis, survival and kidney function. Small-RNA sequencing and whole genome expression analysis revealed only minor changes between ischemic Malat1 knockout and wildtype mice. Contrary to previous studies, which suggested a prominent role of Malat1 in the induction of disease, we did not confirm an in vivo role of Malat1 concerning renal I/R-injury.
Alterations in dendritic spine numbers are linked to deficits in learning and memory. While we previously revealed that postsynaptic plasticity-related gene 1 (PRG-1) controls lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signaling at glutamatergic synapses via presynaptic LPA receptors, we now show that PRG-1 also affects spine density and synaptic plasticity in a cell-autonomous fashion via protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)/β1-integrin activation. PRG-1 deficiency reduces spine numbers and β1-integrin activation, alters long-term potentiation (LTP), and impairs spatial memory. The intracellular PRG-1 C terminus interacts in an LPA-dependent fashion with PP2A, thus modulating its phosphatase activity at the postsynaptic density. This results in recruitment of adhesome components src, paxillin, and talin to lipid rafts and ultimately in activation of β1-integrins. Consistent with these findings, activation of PP2A with FTY720 rescues defects in spine density and LTP of PRG-1-deficient animals. These results disclose a mechanism by which bioactive lipid signaling via PRG-1 could affect synaptic plasticity and memory formation.
Background: Approximately every third surgical patient is anemic. The most common form, iron deficiency anemia, results from persisting iron‐deficient erythropoiesis (IDE). Zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) is a promising parameter for diagnosing IDE, hitherto requiring blood drawing and laboratory workup.
Study design and methods: Noninvasive ZnPP (ZnPP‐NI) measurements are compared to ZnPP reference determination of the ZnPP/heme ratio by high‐performance liquid chromatography (ZnPP‐HPLC) and the analytical performance in detecting IDE is evaluated against traditional iron status parameters (ferritin, transferrin saturation [TSAT], soluble transferrin receptor–ferritin index [sTfR‐F], soluble transferrin receptor [sTfR]), likewise measured in blood. The study was conducted at the University Hospitals of Frankfurt and Zurich.
Results: Limits of agreement between ZnPP‐NI and ZnPP‐HPLC measurements for 584 cardiac and noncardiac surgical patients equaled 19.7 μmol/mol heme (95% confidence interval, 18.0–21.3; acceptance criteria, 23.2 μmol/mol heme; absolute bias, 0 μmol/mol heme). Analytical performance for detecting IDE (inferred from area under the curve receiver operating characteristics) of parameters measured in blood was: ZnPP‐HPLC (0.95), sTfR (0.92), sTfR‐F (0.89), TSAT (0.87), and ferritin (0.67). Noninvasively measured ZnPP‐NI yielded results of 0.90.
Conclusion: ZnPP‐NI appears well suited for an initial IDE screening, informing on the state of erythropoiesis at the point of care without blood drawing and laboratory analysis. Comparison with a multiparameter IDE test revealed that ZnPP‐NI values of 40 μmol/mol heme or less allows exclusion of IDE, whereas for 65 μmol/mol heme or greater, IDE is very likely if other causes of increased values are excluded. In these cases (77% of our patients) ZnPP‐NI may suffice for a diagnosis, while values in between require analyses of additional iron status parameters.
We compute neutrino emissivities, specific heat, and the resulting cooling rates in four spin-one color superconductors: color-spin locked, planar, polar, and A phases. In particular, the role of anisotropies and point nodes in the quasiparticle excitation spectra are investigated. Furthermore, it is shown that the A phase exhibits a helicity order, giving rise to a reflection asymmetry in the neutrino emissivity.
This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of the moduli of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, |GE | and |GM|, using the ¯pp → μ+μ− reaction at PANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at PANDA, using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is ¯pp → π+π−,due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distribuations of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented.
Background: Due to the steadily increasing number of cancer patients worldwide the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer is a major field of research. The diagnosis of cancer is mostly performed by an experienced pathologist via the visual inspection of histo-pathological stained tissue sections. To save valuable time, low quality cryosections are frequently analyzed with diagnostic accuracies that are below those of high quality embedded tissue sections. Thus, alternative means have to be found that enable for fast and accurate diagnosis as the basis of following clinical decision making.
Methods: In this contribution we will show that the combination of the three label-free non-linear imaging modalities CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering), TPEF (two-photon excited autofluorescence) and SHG (second harmonic generation) yields information that can be translated into computational hematoxylin and eosin (HE) images by multivariate statistics. Thereby, a computational HE stain is generated resulting in pseudo-HE overview images that allow for identification of suspicious regions. The latter are analyzed further by Raman-spectroscopy retrieving the tissue’s molecular fingerprint.
Results: The results suggest that the combination of non-linear multimodal imaging and Raman-spectroscopy possesses the potential as a precise and fast tool in routine histopathology.
Conclusions: As the key advantage, both optical methods are non-invasive enabling for further pathological investigations of the same tissue section, e.g. a direct comparison with the current pathological gold-standard.
Der Vorstand der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie und die Kommission „Epilepsie und Synkopen“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie haben die aktuelle Datenlage zur Impfung zur Vorbeugung der Corona-Virus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19) sowie zur Impfpriorisierung bei Menschen mit Epilepsie gesichtet, diese zusammengefasst und geben die unten genannten Empfehlungen ab.