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Aims: To compare the effects of Ayurvedic and conventional nutritional therapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Methods: Sixty-nine patients with IBS were randomized to Ayurvedic (n = 35) or conventional nutritional therapy according to the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society including the low-FODMAP diet (n = 34). Study visits took place at baseline and after 1, 3, and 6 months. The primary outcome was IBS symptom severity (IBS-SSS) after 3 months; secondary outcomes included stress (CPSS), anxiety and depression (HADS), well-being (WHO-5) and IBS-specific quality of life (IBS-QOL). A repeated measures general linear model (GLM) for intent-to-treat-analyses was applied in this explorative study. Results: After 3 months, estimated marginal means for IBS-SSS reductions were 123.8 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 92.8–154.9; p < 0.001] in the Ayurvedic and 72.7 (95% CI = 38.8–106.7; p < 0.001) in the conventional group. The IBS-SSS reduction was significantly higher in the Ayurveda group compared to the conventional therapy group (estimated marginal mean = 51.1; 95% CI = 3.8–98.5; p = 0.035) and clinically meaningful. Sixty-eight percentage of the variance in IBS-SSS reduction after 3 months can be explained by treatment, 6.5% by patients' expectations for their therapies and 23.4% by IBS-SSS at pre-intervention. Both therapies are equivalent in their contribution to the outcome variance. The higher the IBS-SSS score at pre-intervention and the larger the patients' expectations, the greater the IBS-SSS reduction. There were no significant group differences in any secondary outcome measures. No serious adverse events occurred in either group. Conclusion: Patients with IBS seem to benefit significantly from Ayurvedic or conventional nutritional therapy. The results warrant further studies with longer-term follow-ups and larger sample sizes. Clinical Trial Registration:, identifier: NCT03019861.
Objectives: Immune checkpoint inhibitors have become the standard of care for metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) progressing during or after platinum-based chemotherapy. Real-world clinical practice tends to represent more diverse patient characteristics than randomized clinical trials. We sought to evaluate overall survival (OS) outcomes in the total study population and in key subsets of patients who received nivolumab for previously treated advanced NSCLC in real-world settings in France, Germany, or Canada.
Materials and methods: Data were pooled from two prospective observational cohort studies, EVIDENS and ENLARGE, and a retrospective registry in Canada. Patients included in this analysis were aged ≥18 years, had stage IIIB/IV NSCLC, and received nivolumab after at least one prior line of systemic therapy. OS was estimated in the pooled population and in various subgroups using the Kaplan-Meier method. Timing of data collection varied across cohorts (2015–2019).
Results: Of the 2585 patients included in this analyses, 1235 (47.8 %) were treated in France, 881 (34.1 %) in Germany, and 469 (18.1 %) in Canada. Median OS for the total study population was 11.3 months (95 % CI: 10.5–12.2); this was similar across France, Germany, and Canada. The OS rate was 49 % at 1 year and 28 % at 2 years for the total study population. In univariable Cox analyses, the presence of epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in nonsquamous disease, liver, or bone metastases were associated with significantly shorter OS, whereas tumor programmed death ligand 1 expression and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0–1 were associated with significantly prolonged OS. Similar OS was noted across subgroups of age and prior lines of therapy.
Conclusion: OS rates in patients receiving nivolumab for previously treated advanced NSCLC in real-world clinical practice closely mirrored those in phase 3 studies, suggesting similar effectiveness of nivolumab in clinical trials and clinical practice.
The radiative capture cross section of 238U is very important for the developing of new reactor technologies and the safety of existing ones. Here the preliminary results of the 238U(n,γ) cross section measurement performed at n_TOF with C6D6 scintillation detectors are presented, paying particular attention to data reduction and background subtraction.
We have measured the radiative neutron-capture cross section and the total neutron-induced cross section of one of the most important isotopes for the s process, the 25Mg. The measurements have been carried out at the neutron time-of-flight facilities n_TOF at CERN (Switzerland) and GELINA installed at the EC-JRC-IRMM (Belgium). The cross sections as a function of neutron energy have been measured up to approximately 300 keV, covering the energy region of interest to the s process. The data analysis is ongoing and preliminary results show the potential relevance for the s process.
Eine materialreiche, ansprechend illustrierte und mit zahlreichen Beispielen ausgestattete Einführung in die Lyrikvermittlung liegt hier vor, die sich vorrangig an die Lehrenden im Primarbereich richtet. Die Stärke der Darstellung liegt eindeutig im Praxisbezug, viele Modelle für konkrete Unterrichtsplanung und -durchführung können hier nachgelesen und dann erprobt werden, die Ausrichtung folgt dezidiert handlungs- und produktionsorientierten Methoden, wie man es von Franz-Josef Payrhuber auch nicht anders erwartet. Die Gliederung ist ausgerichtet an vier "Blickpunkten": Zunächst werden "Formen" präsentiert, der umfangreiche zweite Teil widmet sich den "Methoden", der dritte präsentiert einzelne "Themen" und der letzte nimmt "Autoren" in den Blick. Abgeschlossen wird der Band durch ein umfassendes Literaturverzeichnis. ...
Die vorliegende Werkbiographie Mira Lobes ist Ergebnis eines Forschungsprojekts am Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie in Wien. Daraus entstanden eine Ausstellung im Jahre 2014/15 mit dem Titel "Ich bin ich. Mira Lobe und Susi Weigel" anlässlich des hundertsten Geburtstags der Schriftstellerin, die der Verfasser mitkuratiert hat. Seine Forschungen wurden 2014 als Dissertation in Wien vorgelegt. Es ist die erste umfassende Darstellung zu Leben und Werk der erfolgreichen und kanonisierten Autorin, vermag über den Blick auf die Einzelperson hinaus außerdem wichtige Erkenntnisse über das kinderliterarische Leben in Österreich seit den 1950er Jahren zu vermitteln. Denn neben den Ausführungen zu Mira Lobe selbst berücksichtigt Huemer eine Vielzahl anderer Aspekte: die Publikationswege Lobes, die Verlagslandschaft, die IllustratorInnen ihrer Bücher wie auch zum Teil die Rezeption der Werke. Dies alles wurde erreicht durch eine akribische Auswertung des recht verstreuten Nachlasses sowie durch zahlreiche Interviews mit noch lebenden Weggefährten, die eine wichtige Rolle im Leben der Autorin gespielt haben. ...
Background The to date evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical workload and the development of lumbar disc diseases is limited. We therefore investigated the possible etiologic relevance of cumulative occupational lumbar load to lumbar disc diseases in a multi-center case-control study. Methods In four study regions in Germany (Frankfurt/Main, Freiburg, Halle/Saale, Regensburg), patients seeking medical care for pain associated with clinically and radiologically verified lumbar disc herniation (286 males, 278 females) or symptomatic lumbar disc narrowing (145 males, 206 females) were prospectively recruited. Population control subjects (453 males and 448 females) were drawn from the regional population registers. Cases and control subjects were between 25 and 70 years of age. In a structured personal interview, a complete occupational history was elicited to identify subjects with certain minimum workloads. On the basis of job task-specific supplementary surveys performed by technical experts, the situational lumbar load represented by the compressive force at the lumbosacral disc was determined via biomechanical model calculations for any working situation with object handling and load-intensive postures during the total working life. For this analysis, all manual handling of objects of about 5 kilograms or more and postures with trunk inclination of 20 degrees or more are included in the calculation of cumulative lumbar load. Confounder selection was based on biologic plausibility and on the change-in-estimate criterion. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated separately for men and women using unconditional logistic regression analysis, adjusted for age, region, and unemployment as major life event (in males) or psychosocial strain at work (in females), respectively. To further elucidate the contribution of past physical workload to the development of lumbar disc diseases, we performed lag-time analyses. Results We found a positive dose-response relationship between cumulative occupational lumbar load and lumbar disc herniation as well as lumbar disc narrowing among men and women. Even past lumbar load seems to contribute to the risk of lumbar disc disease. Conclusions According to our study, cumulative physical workload is related to lumbar disc diseases among men and women.
Introduction: In the large-scale case-control study EPILIFT, we investigated the dose-response relationship between lifestyle factors (weight, smoking amount, cumulative duration of different sports activities) and lumbar disc disease. Methods: In four German study regions (Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Halle/Saale, Regensburg), 564 male and female patients with lumbar disc herniation and 351 patients with lumbar disc narrowing (chondrosis) aged 25 to 70 years were prospectively recruited. From the regional population registers, 901 population control subjects were randomly selected. In a structured personal interview, we enquired as to body weight at different ages, body height, cumulative smoking amount and cumulative duration of different sports activities. Confounders were selected according to biological plausibility and to the change-in-estimate criterion. Adjusted, gender-stratified odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated using unconditional logistic regression analysis. Results: The results of this case-control study reveal a positive association between weight and lumbar disc herniation as well as lumbar disc narrowing among men and women. A medium amount of pack-years was associated with lumbar disc herniation and narrowing in men and women. A non-significantly lowered risk of lumbar disc disease was found in men with high levels of cumulative body building and strength training. Conclusions: According to our multi-center case-control study, body weight might be related to lumbar disc herniation as well as to lumbar disc narrowing. Further research should clarify the potential protective role of body building or strength training on lumbar disc disease.
Previous research indicates that anxiety disorders are characterized by an overgeneralization of conditioned fear as compared with healthy participants. Therefore, fear generalization is considered a key mechanism for the development of anxiety disorders. However, systematic investigations on the variance in fear generalization are lacking. Therefore, the current study aims at identifying distinctive phenotypes of fear generalization among healthy participants. To this end, 1175 participants completed a differential fear conditioning phase followed by a generalization test. To identify patterns of fear generalization, we used a k-means clustering algorithm based on individual arousal generalization gradients. Subsequently, we examined the reliability and validity of the clusters and phenotypical differences between subgroups on the basis of psychometric data and markers of fear expression. Cluster analysis reliably revealed five clusters that systematically differed in mean responses, differentiation between conditioned threat and safety, and linearity of the generalization gradients, though mean response levels accounted for most variance. Remarkably, the patterns of mean responses were already evident during fear acquisition and corresponded most closely to psychometric measures of anxiety traits. The identified clusters reliably described subgroups of healthy individuals with distinct response characteristics in a fear generalization test. Following a dimensional view of psychopathology, these clusters likely delineate risk factors for anxiety disorders. As crucial group characteristics were already evident during fear acquisition, our results emphasize the importance of average fear responses and differentiation between conditioned threat and safety as risk factors for anxiety disorders.
Destruction of the cosmic γ-ray emitter 26Al in massive stars: study of the key 26Al(n,p) reaction
The 26Al(n,p)26Mg reaction is the key reaction impacting on the abundances of the cosmic γ-ray emitter 26Al produced in massive stars and impacts on the potential pollution of the early solar system with 26Al by asymptotic giant branch stars. We performed a measurement of the 26Al(n,p)26Mg cross section at the high-flux beam line EAR-2 at the n_TOF facility (CERN). We report resonance strengths for eleven resonances, nine being measured for the first time, while there is only one previous measurement for the other two. Our resonance strengths are significantly lower than the only previous values available. Our cross-section data range to 150 keV neutron energy, which is sufficient for a reliable determination of astrophysical reactivities up to 0.5 GK stellar temperature.