Document Type
- Part of a Book (6)
Has Fulltext
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (6)
- Chachkhiani, Vajiko (2)
- Kunst (2)
- Liste (2)
- Lists (2)
- Regen (2)
- Verwitterung (2)
- Wetter (2)
- Artificial rain (1)
- Artificial weathering (1)
- Chachkhiani, Vajiko: Heavy Metal Honey (1)
In its elusive form between drama, novel and film, "Teorema" marks a 'new turning point in Pasolini's oeuvre'. Both the narrative and the style are remarkable, juxtaposing elements of different genres, nourishing the unresolved tensions within the film: the family members are shown in various scenes that follow one another in seemingly random order. Instead of a cohesive narrative unfolding in time, there reigns a sense of timelessness that gives rise to an oppressive feeling of drifting. Claudia Peppel's essay 'The Guest: Transfiguring Indifference in "Teorema"' explores the figure of the guest, which has always been closely connected with myth and whose appearance often triggers the dramatic conflict. Peppel focuses on "Teorema", in which a sensual stranger causes a bourgeois family to acknowledge its delusions. When he departs, the members of the family are left in a state of unfulfilled yearning, searching for new meaning. While critical literature on Pasolini regularly points to the importance of the figure of the guest but rarely analyzes it, Peppel discusses theories of the guest and hospitality to illuminate the role of the stranger in Pasolini's film. The guest's exceptional state, which is removed from everyday life and removes others from their everyday lives, is meticulously staged and resembles the evenly-suspended attention of the psychoanalyst. He triggers projections, desires, and, ultimately, existential crises.
Over the six months in which Vajiko Chachkhiani's "Living Dog Among Dead Lions" was exhibited at the Georgian Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017, heavy rain was pouring inside the installation. This artificially generated process provokes thoughts on the nature of the here and now as well as of the afterlife and of the future appearance of the hut's water-sensitive insides. Eventually, the spaces and furniture exposed to rain and water stagnation will begin to rot and disintegrate, and mould and moss might grow over them. Its viewers feel caught between what they see and what they hope to see; between their perceptions and expectations, in an exceptional time zone where 'natural' weathering is being performed as a subject of meditative observation.
Der Körper der Puppe
Claudia Peppel betrachtet Puppen aufgrund ihrer funktionalen Ambivalenz als Schlüsselfiguren des Unheimlichen bzw. Nicht-mehr-Heimischen. In ihrem historischen Überblick - von Puppen-Ahnen (ca. 7000 v. Chr.) über Vodou-Praktiken bis hin zur gegenwärtigen Modefotografie - richtet sie ihr Augenmerk auf die vielgestaltigen Beziehungen zwischen Puppen und Menschen in Religion, Kunst, Psychotherapie und Ökonomie. Als Teil von Inszenierungen überschreiten Puppen, gleichermaßen der Wirklichkeit wie der Einbildungskraft verpflichtet, je die Grenzen zwischen lebendig und artifiziell: Sie verweisen und repräsentieren und sind stets Kunstkörper, Ding, Modell und Menschenleib zugleich.
On the list
This essay presents some thoughts about lists and draws on a range of material, from Lauren Berlant to George Perec. It acts as an introduction to a series of short meditations on individual instances of listing. Usually presented in a sequence and assembled according to some practical or conceptual necessity, lists offer the promise, perhaps the illusion, of keeping track, of bringing control to the flux of things and thoughts, of putting confusion to a halt. They relate to reduction in two ways: first, as a quantitative reduction - as a form of making smaller or less; and second, as a qualitative reduction - as a form of condensation to the most salient data.
Usually, fears and phobias range under anxiety disorders, and are listed in psychiatric manuals. Their variety seems infinite, and their severity varies from a slight uneasiness or tension to a condition in which a state of great panic is induced by the specific stimulus, which can be an object, an animal, a number, people, spaces, ideas, or a particular situation. The list of fears by Czech artist Eva Kot'átková is part of the installation "Asylum" that was presented at the Venice Biennale in 2013. Kot'átková's works often reflect on the processes that restrict and manipulate people within institutions such as psychiatric hospitals or schools.