Document Type
- Working Paper (3)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- English (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Correctness (1)
- Program Transformations (1)
- Termination (1)
- Informatik (4)
Towards correctness of program transformations through unification and critical pair computation
Correctness of program transformations in extended lambda calculi with a contextual semantics is usually based on reasoning about the operational semantics which is a rewrite semantics. A successful approach to proving correctness is the combination of a context lemma with the computation of overlaps between program transformations and the reduction rules, and then of so-called complete sets of diagrams. The method is similar to the computation of critical pairs for the completion of term rewriting systems.We explore cases where the computation of these overlaps can be done in a first order way by variants of critical pair computation that use unification algorithms. As a case study we apply the method to a lambda calculus with recursive let-expressions and describe an effective unification algorithm to determine all overlaps of a set of transformations with all reduction rules. The unification algorithm employs many-sorted terms, the equational theory of left-commutativity modelling multi-sets, context variables of different kinds and a mechanism for compactly representing binding chains in recursive let-expressions.
Correctness of program transformations in extended lambda calculi with a contextual semantics is usually based on reasoning about the operational semantics which is a rewrite semantics. A successful approach to proving correctness is the combination of a context lemma with the computation of overlaps between program transformations and the reduction rules.The method is similar to the computation of critical pairs for the completion of term rewriting systems. We describe an effective unification algorithm to determine all overlaps of transformations with reduction rules for the lambda calculus LR which comprises a recursive let-expressions, constructor applications, case expressions and a seq construct for strict evaluation. The unification algorithm employs many-sorted terms, the equational theory of left-commutativity modeling multi-sets, context variables of different kinds and a mechanism for compactly representing binding chains in recursive let-expressions. As a result the algorithm computes a finite set of overlappings for the reduction rules of the calculus LR that serve as a starting point to the automatization of the analysis of program transformations.
Towards correctness of program transformations through unification and critical pair computation
Correctness of program transformations in extended lambda-calculi with a contextual semantics is usually based on reasoning about the operational semantics which is a rewrite semantics. A successful approach is the combination of a context lemma with the computation of overlaps between program transformations and the reduction rules, which results in so-called complete sets of diagrams. The method is similar to the computation of critical pairs for the completion of term rewriting systems. We explore cases where the computation of these overlaps can be done in a first order way by variants of critical pair computation that use unification algorithms. As a case study of an application we describe a finitary and decidable unification algorithm for the combination of the equational theory of left-commutativity modelling multi-sets, context variables and many-sorted unification. Sets of equations are restricted to be almost linear, i.e. every variable and context variable occurs at most once, where we allow one exception: variables of a sort without ground terms may occur several times. Every context variable must have an argument-sort in the free part of the signature. We also extend the unification algorithm by the treatment of binding-chains in let- and letrec-environments and by context-classes. This results in a unification algorithm that can be applied to all overlaps of normal-order reductions and transformations in an extended lambda calculus with letrec that we use as a case study.
The diagram-based method to prove correctness of program transformations consists of computing
complete set of (forking and commuting) diagrams, acting on sequences of standard reductions
and program transformations. In many cases, the only missing step for proving correctness of a
program transformation is to show the termination of the rearrangement of the sequences. Therefore
we encode complete sets of diagrams as term rewriting systems and use an automated tool
to show termination, which provides a further step in the automation of the inductive step in
correctness proofs.