Year of publication
- 1984 (1)
Document Type
- Article (1)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1)
Oribatei (Acari, Cryptostigmata) are found in a variety of terrestrial habitats, and many are associatcd with lichens; the relationship ranges from casual to highly dependent. Eighty-three species associatcd with lichens have been surveyed, and a tentative classification, based on their ecological requirements, is presented: Group A consists of species restricted to lichens as a biotope, though occasionally occurring as accidenials in other habitats, Group B consists of species which while preferring lichens as a habitat and feeding source are also adapted to existence on other piants (though in some cases their immatures may be lichen-rescricted); Group C consists of species which, though frequently found on lichens, are equally common in other biotopes, particularly mosses, and must be regartled as much more generalized in their feeding habits. Certain aspects of oribatid-lichen specificity are discussed. The importance of orihatid-lichen associations from tihe polnt of view of soil fertility and energetics is empliasized.