Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (46)
- Contribution to a Periodical (9)
- Preprint (2)
- Report (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (58)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (58)
- heat stress (6)
- Cyanobacteria (3)
- Membrane Proteins (3)
- Mitochondria (3)
- Solanum lycopersicum (3)
- A. thaliana (2)
- Chloroplast (2)
- Membrane Biogenesis (2)
- Protein Translocation (2)
- TolC (2)
Wer hat nicht angesichts rauchender Schlote und verschmutzter Luft von Kraftwerken geträumt, die reinen Sauerstoff produzieren? Die Natur erbaut solche Kraftwerke täglich neu – in Pflanzen. Darin verwandelt der grüne Blattfarbstoff Chlorophyll Sonnenlicht und Kohlendioxid in Sauerstoff und Energie. Die komplexen Reaktionen laufen in mikroskopisch kleinen Maschinen – den Photosystemen – ab. Aber was haben Kraftwerke mit Kamelen zu tun? Wie auch bei den uns bekannten Kraftwerken gibt es in Pflanzen ein »Werksgelände«, die Chloroplasten. Sie besitzen einen Eingang, durch den zuweilen Moleküle passieren müssen, die so groß sind wie das sprichwörtliche Kamel, das durch ein Nadelöhr gehen soll.
Enzymes involved in tRNA maturation are essential for cytosolic, mitochondrial, and plastid protein synthesis and are therefore localized to these different compartments of the cell. Interestingly, only one isoform of tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (responsible for adding the 3′-terminal cytidine–cytidine–adenosine to tRNAs) has been identified in plants. The present study therefore explored how signals contained on this enzyme allow it to be distributed among the different cell compartments. It is demonstrated that the N-terminal portion of the protein acts as an organellar targeting signal and that differential use of multiple in-frame start codons alters the localization of the protein. Moreover, it is shown that the mature domain has a major impact on the distribution of the protein within the cell. These data indicate that regulation of dual localization involves not only specific N-terminal signals, but also additional factors within the protein or the cell.
Heat stress transcription factors (HSFs) regulate transcriptional response to a large number of environmental influences, such as temperature fluctuations and chemical compound applications. Plant HSFs represent a large and diverse gene family. The HSF members vary substantially both in gene expression patterns and molecular functions. HEATSTER is a web resource for mining, annotating, and analyzing members of the different classes of HSFs in plants. A web-interface allows the identification and class assignment of HSFs, intuitive searches in the database and visualization of conserved motifs, and domains to classify novel HSFs.
The insertion of membrane proteins requires proteinaceous complexes in the cytoplasm, the membrane, and the lumen of organelles. Most of the required complexes have been described, while the components for insertion of β‐barrel‐type proteins into the outer membrane of chloroplasts remain unknown. The same holds true for the signals required for the insertion of β‐barrel‐type proteins. At present, only the processing of Toc75‐III, the β‐barrel‐type protein of the central chloroplast translocon with an atypical signal, has been explored in detail. However, it has been debated whether Toc75‐V/ outer envelope protein 80 (OEP80), a second protein of the same family, contains a signal and undergoes processing. To substantiate the hypothesis that Toc75‐V/OEP80 is processed as well, we reinvestigated the processing in a protoplast‐based assay as well as in native membranes. Our results confirm the existence of a cleavable segment. By protease protection and pegylation, we observed intermembrane space localization of the soluble N‐terminal domain. Thus, Toc75‐V contains a cleavable N‐terminal signal and exposes its polypeptide transport‐associated domains to the intermembrane space of plastids, where it likely interacts with its substrates.
Motivation: Arabidopsis thaliana is a well-established model system for the analysis of the basic physiological and metabolic pathways of plants. Nevertheless, the system is not yet fully understood, although many mechanisms are described, and information for many processes exists. However, the combination and interpretation of the large amount of biological data remain a big challenge, not only because data sets for metabolic paths are still incomplete. Moreover, they are often inconsistent, because they are coming from different experiments of various scales, regarding, for example, accuracy and/or significance. Here, theoretical modeling is powerful to formulate hypotheses for pathways and the dynamics of the metabolism, even if the biological data are incomplete. To develop reliable mathematical models they have to be proven for consistency. This is still a challenging task because many verification techniques fail already for middle-sized models. Consequently, new methods, like decomposition methods or reduction approaches, are developed to circumvent this problem.
Methods: We present a new semi-quantitative mathematical model of the metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana. We used the Petri net formalism to express the complex reaction system in a mathematically unique manner. To verify the model for correctness and consistency we applied concepts of network decomposition and network reduction such as transition invariants, common transition pairs, and invariant transition pairs.
Results: We formulated the core metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana based on recent knowledge from literature, including the Calvin cycle, glycolysis and citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle, urea cycle, sucrose synthesis, and the starch metabolism. By applying network decomposition and reduction techniques at steady-state conditions, we suggest a straightforward mathematical modeling process. We demonstrate that potential steady-state pathways exist, which provide the fixed carbon to nearly all parts of the network, especially to the citric acid cycle. There is a close cooperation of important metabolic pathways, e.g., the de novo synthesis of uridine-5-monophosphate, the γ-aminobutyric acid shunt, and the urea cycle. The presented approach extends the established methods for a feasible interpretation of biological network models, in particular of large and complex models.