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- Myokarditis (2)
- Nachweismethoden (2)
- Perikarditis (2)
- myocarditis (2)
- pericarditis (2)
- test methods (2)
- zinc (2)
- Awareness campaign (1)
- Cancer check up (1)
- PSA screening (1)
Background: Research has implicated that changes in zinc (Zn) metabolism may be associated with the biological underpinnings of eating disorders, in particular anorexia nervosa. However, to date research on the role of Zn in patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) is scarce.
Objective: We aimed to explore serum Zn concentrations in young patients with BN, with a focus on the stage of the disorder, comparing acutely ill and recovered patients with BN with healthy controls.
Methods: Serum Zn concentrations were obtained from healthy controls and from acutely ill and remitted young patients with BN. Mean duration of remission was 4.0±3.5 years.
Results: Remitted patients showed elevated serum Zn concentrations when compared to controls (Cohen’s d=2.022), but concentrations were still in the normal range. Acutely ill patients also had higher serum Zn levels when compared to controls (all values still being within the reference range, Cohen’s d=0.882). There was no difference between acutely ill and remitted patients with BN in serum Zn concentrations. Of note, remitted patients had a significantly higher body weight when compared to the other two groups. Overall, there were no significant differences in dietary preferences with regard to Zn containing foods between the groups.
Conclusion: The present study provides preliminary evidence that the underlying factors for changes in Zn serum concentrations in young patients with BN do not vary with regard to the stage of illness (acute versus remitted BN). Further prospective research is needed in order to disentangle the possible interplay between serum Zn status and bulimic eating behaviors.
Objective: The aim of this study was to report the basic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profile in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS).
Methods: The results of CSF analysis from 254 patients with PPMS were collected at four university hospitals in Germany. Routine CSF parameters and different indices of intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis were evaluated. We assessed possible correlations between the various CSF parameters and the expanded disability status scale (EDSS) both at the time of lumbar puncture and during the course of the disease.
Results: The median cell count and albumin concentration in the CSF did not deviate from normal values. The CSF-serum albumin-quotient (QALB) was elevated in 29.6% of the patients, while intrathecal immunoglobulin G (IgG) oligoclonal bands (OCBs) were detected in 91.1% of the patients. CSF-lactate levels as well as local IgM- and IgA-synthesis were correlated with the yearly disease progression rate, as assessed by EDSS.
Conclusion: We present the results of the hitherto largest and most detailed CSF biomarker profile in a cohort of 254 patients with PPMS. As reported previously, OCBs are the most sensitive marker for intrathecal IgG synthesis. CSF-lactate concentrations are positively correlated with the progression rate, which might suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a relevant role in PPMS. The negative correlation between intrathecally produced IgM and IgA and disease progression may indicate their hitherto unexplored protective role.
Background: Evidence from animal studies suggests that leptin metabolism is associated with zinc (Zn) status. However, research investigating this relationship in adolescents and young adults with anorexia nervosa (AN) is scarce; the present study aims to fill that gap.
Methods: Serum concentrations of leptin, the soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R) and the free leptin index (FLI) were obtained in healthy control subjects (n=19), acutely ill individuals (n=14) and recovered patients with AN (n=15). Serum Zn concentrations noted in previous research data were also incorporated for all groups.
Results: Leptin, FLI and Zn concentrations were higher in recovered subjects with AN when compared with acutely ill AN patients. Remitted patients showed higher sOB-R concentrations but no difference in FLI compared with the control group. Leptin and FLI were lower in the acutely ill patients compared with the control subjects, who showed no differences in Zn concentrations. Zn concentrations were not correlated with leptin, sOB-R or FLI concentrations in any of the three investigated subgroups.
Conclusions: The present investigation does not entirely support an association between Zn, Leptin and FLI concentrations in subjects with AN, possibly due to limited statistical power. Further research and replication of the present findings related to the interaction between leptin and Zn is warranted. However, with respect to serum leptin levels the data of the present investigation indicate that acutely ill and remitted patients with AN differ as regards serum leptin concentrations and FLI, which is in line with previous research.
Background: Approximately every third surgical patient is anemic. The most common form, iron deficiency anemia, results from persisting iron‐deficient erythropoiesis (IDE). Zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) is a promising parameter for diagnosing IDE, hitherto requiring blood drawing and laboratory workup.
Study design and methods: Noninvasive ZnPP (ZnPP‐NI) measurements are compared to ZnPP reference determination of the ZnPP/heme ratio by high‐performance liquid chromatography (ZnPP‐HPLC) and the analytical performance in detecting IDE is evaluated against traditional iron status parameters (ferritin, transferrin saturation [TSAT], soluble transferrin receptor–ferritin index [sTfR‐F], soluble transferrin receptor [sTfR]), likewise measured in blood. The study was conducted at the University Hospitals of Frankfurt and Zurich.
Results: Limits of agreement between ZnPP‐NI and ZnPP‐HPLC measurements for 584 cardiac and noncardiac surgical patients equaled 19.7 μmol/mol heme (95% confidence interval, 18.0–21.3; acceptance criteria, 23.2 μmol/mol heme; absolute bias, 0 μmol/mol heme). Analytical performance for detecting IDE (inferred from area under the curve receiver operating characteristics) of parameters measured in blood was: ZnPP‐HPLC (0.95), sTfR (0.92), sTfR‐F (0.89), TSAT (0.87), and ferritin (0.67). Noninvasively measured ZnPP‐NI yielded results of 0.90.
Conclusion: ZnPP‐NI appears well suited for an initial IDE screening, informing on the state of erythropoiesis at the point of care without blood drawing and laboratory analysis. Comparison with a multiparameter IDE test revealed that ZnPP‐NI values of 40 μmol/mol heme or less allows exclusion of IDE, whereas for 65 μmol/mol heme or greater, IDE is very likely if other causes of increased values are excluded. In these cases (77% of our patients) ZnPP‐NI may suffice for a diagnosis, while values in between require analyses of additional iron status parameters.
Breaking tolerance to the natural human liver autoantigen cytochrome P450 2D6 by virus infection
Autoimmune liver diseases, such as autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and primary biliary cirrhosis, often have severe consequences for the patient. Because of a lack of appropriate animal models, not much is known about their potential viral etiology. Infection by liver-tropic viruses is one possibility for the breakdown of self-tolerance. Therefore, we infected mice with adenovirus Ad5 expressing human cytochrome P450 2D6 (Ad-2D6). Ad-2D6–infected mice developed persistent autoimmune liver disease, apparent by cellular infiltration, hepatic fibrosis, “fused” liver lobules, and necrosis. Similar to type 2 AIH patients, Ad-2D6–infected mice generated type 1 liver kidney microsomal–like antibodies recognizing the immunodominant epitope WDPAQPPRD of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6). Interestingly, Ad-2D6–infected wild-type FVB/N mice displayed exacerbated liver damage when compared with transgenic mice expressing the identical human CYP2D6 protein in the liver, indicating the presence of a stronger immunological tolerance in CYP2D6 mice. We demonstrate for the first time that infection with a virus expressing a natural human autoantigen breaks tolerance, resulting in a chronic form of severe, autoimmune liver damage. Our novel model system should be instrumental for studying mechanisms involved in the initiation, propagation, and precipitation of virus-induced autoimmune liver diseases.
Background and Aims: The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies in Germany has been estimated to be in the range of 0.4–0.63%. Screening for HCV is recommended in patients with elevated ALT levels or significant risk factors for HCV transmission only. However, 15–30% of patients report no risk factors and ALT levels can be normal in up to 20–30% of patients with chronic HCV infection. The aim of this study was to assess the HCV seroprevalence in patients visiting two tertiary care emergency departments in Berlin and Frankfurt, respectively.
Methods: Between May 2008 and March 2010, a total of 28,809 consecutive patients were screened for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies. Anti-HCV positive sera were subsequently tested for HCV-RNA.
Results: The overall HCV seroprevalence was 2.6% (95% CI: 2.4–2.8; 2.4% in Berlin and 3.5% in Frankfurt). HCV-RNA was detectable in 68% of anti-HCV positive cases. Thus, the prevalence of chronic HCV infection in the overall study population was 1.6% (95% CI 1.5–1.8). The most commonly reported risk factor was former/current injection drug use (IDU; 31.2%) and those with IDU as the main risk factor were significantly younger than patients without IDU (p<0.001) and the male-to-female ratio was 72% (121 vs. 46 patients; p<0.001). Finally, 18.8% of contacted HCV-RNA positive patients had not been diagnosed previously.
Conclusions: The HCV seroprevalence was more than four times higher compared to current estimates and almost one fifth of contacted HCV-RNA positive patients had not been diagnosed previously.
hintergrund: Männer in Deutschland sterben früher als Frauen und nehmen weniger häufig Krebsvorsorgeuntersuchungen wahr.
Fragestellung: Ziel war die prospektive Evaluation einer „Movember-Gesundheitsinitiative“ am Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt (UKF) im November 2019.
Methoden: Im Rahmen der „Movember-Gesundheitsinitiative“ wurde allen männlichen Mitarbeitern des UKF ab dem 45. Lebensjahr und bei erstgradiger familiärer Vorbelastung eines Prostatakarzinoms ab dem 40. Lebensjahr im November 2019 gemäß S3-Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU) eine Prostatakarzinom-Vorsorgeuntersuchung angeboten.
Ergebnisse: Insgesamt nahmen 14,4 % der Mitarbeiter teil. Eine familiäre Vorbelastung gaben insgesamt 14,0 % Teilnehmer an. Das mediane Alter betrug 54 Jahre. Der mediane PSA(prostataspezifisches Antigen)-Wert lag bei 0,9 ng/ml, der mediane PSA-Quotient bei 30 %. Bei 5 % (n = 6) zeigte sich ein suspekter Tastbefund in der DRU (digital-rektale Untersuchung). Nach Altersstratifizierung (≤ 50 vs. > 50 Lebensjahre) zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede im medianen PSA-Wert (0,7 ng/ml vs. 1,0 ng/ml, p < 0,01) und der bereits zuvor durchgeführten urologischen Vorsorge (12,1 vs. 42,0 %, p < 0,01). Vier Teilnehmer (3,3 %) zeigten erhöhte Gesamt-PSA-Werte. Bei 32,2 % der Teilnehmer zeigte sich mindestens ein kontrollbedürftiger Befund. Insgesamt wurden 6 Prostatabiopsien durchgeführt. Hierbei zeigte sich in einem Fall ein intermediate-risk Prostatakarzinom (Gleason 3 + 4, pT3a, pPn1, pNx, R0).
Schlussfolgerungung: Im Rahmen der UKF-Movember-Gesundheitsinitiative 2019 konnten durch ein Vorsorgeangebot 121 Männer für eine Prostatakrebs-Vorsorge inklusive PSA-Testung gewonnen werden. Auffällige/kontrollbedürftige Befunde zeigten sich bei 32,2 %. Bei einem Mitarbeiter wurde ein therapiebedürftiges Prostatakarzinom entdeckt und therapiert.
Background: Iron deficiency (ID) is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in children worldwide and may result in iron deficiency anemia (IDA). The reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (Ret-He) provides information about the current availability of iron in erythropoiesis. This study aims to examine the validation of Ret-He as a screening marker for ID and IDA in children. Methods: Blood samples were retrospectively obtained from medical records. Anemia was defined according to the definition provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) for children. ID was defined by transferrin saturation (TSAT) < 20% and ferritin < 100 ng/mL. Children were classified into four groups: IDA, non-anemia iron deficiency (NAID), control and others. Results: Out of 970 children, 332 (34.2%) had NAID and 278 (28.7%) presented with IDA. Analysis revealed that Ret-He significantly correlates with ferritin (rho = 0.41; p < 0.001), TSAT (rho = 0.66; p < 0.001) and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) (rho = −0.72; p < 0.001). For ROC analysis, the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.771 for Ret-He detecting ID and 0.845 for detecting IDA. The cut-off value for Ret-He to diagnose ID was 33.5 pg (sensitivity 90.7%; specificity 35.8%) and 31.6 pg (sensitivity 90.6%; specificity 50.4%) to diagnose IDA. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates Ret-He to be a screening marker for ID and IDA in children. Furthermore, Ret-He can be used as a single screening parameter for ID and IDA in children without considering other iron parameters. Economically, the use of Ret-He is highly relevant, as it can save one blood tube per patient and additional costs.
Die Einführung von Patient Blood Management (PBM) führt zu einem Paradigmenwechsel bezüglich Erkennen und Therapie der Anämie und zeigt Maßnahmen auf um die Entstehung einer Anämie zu verhindern. PBM unterstützt den Arzt im Entscheidungsdilemma zwischen positiver Wirkung und nachteiligen Nebenwirkungen von Bluttransfusionen. Mit PBM wird der Blutverbrauch deutlich reduziert und die Nebenwirkungen gesenkt. Nicht nur die therapeutischen Maßnahmen, sondern auch die diagnostischen PBM Maßnahmen im Labor führen zu einer relevanten Verringerung des Blutvolumens. PBM Studienergebnisse zeigen eine signifikant Reduktion der Morbidität und Mortalität und die Verbesserung des Patienten- Outcome. Ein weiterer positiver Nebeneffekt ist Schonung von Ressourcen in allen beteiligten Bereichen, welches zu einer relevanten Kostenreduktion und Steigerung der Wirtschaftlichkeit führt. Zusätzlich sensibilisiert das PBM bezüglich des Vorliegens, der Entwicklung und der Therapie einer anämischen Situation sowie den Umgang mit der kostbaren Ressource Blut. Die Bedeutung des PBM wird mittlerweile von der Industrie auch für das Labor unterstützt; für den Bereich POCT ist das PBM jedoch bisher noch nicht adäquat technisch realisiert.
Entzündliche Herzerkrankungen betreffen kombiniert oder isoliert den Herzmuskel und dessen Hülle. Endo-, Myo- und/oder Perikarditiden haben viele verschiedene Ursachen. Sie verlaufen als akute oder chronische Erkrankung. Neben Viren, die gegenwärtig als auslösende Agentien dominieren, sind weiterhin Bakterien, Pilze und Parasiten anzuführen. Autoimmunologische Prozesse sowie bestimmte Therapeutika, z.B. Cocain, gelten als Auslöser nicht infektiöser Myokarditiden. In 25% der Fälle findet sich bei bestehender Myokarditis eine Perikardbeteiligung. Nachfolgend sollen wichtige mikrobiologische Erreger und deren Nachweismöglichkeiten vorgestellt werden, die im Zusammenhang mit einer Myo- und/oder Perikarditis stehen.