Document Type
- Article (6)
- English (6)
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- Adiposity (1)
- Bone marrow (1)
- Cholinergic (1)
- Heartrate (1)
- Hydromineral (1)
- Hypertension (1)
- Immune status (1)
- Neuron (1)
- Neurotransmitter (1)
- Noradrenergic (1)
- Medizin (4)
- Biowissenschaften (2)
- MPI für Hirnforschung (1)
Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is an adult-onset movement disorder of largely unknown etiology. We have previously shown that loss-of-function mutations of the mitochondrial protein kinase PINK1 (PTEN induced putative kinase 1) cause the recessive PARK6 variant of PD. Methodology/Principal Findings Now we generated a PINK1 deficient mouse and observed several novel phenotypes: A progressive reduction of weight and of locomotor activity selectively for spontaneous movements occurred at old age. As in PD, abnormal dopamine levels in the aged nigrostriatal projection accompanied the reduced movements. Possibly in line with the PARK6 syndrome but in contrast to sporadic PD, a reduced lifespan, dysfunction of brainstem and sympathetic nerves, visible aggregates of alpha-synuclein within Lewy bodies or nigrostriatal neurodegeneration were not present in aged PINK1-deficient mice. However, we demonstrate PINK1 mutant mice to exhibit a progressive reduction in mitochondrial preprotein import correlating with defects of core mitochondrial functions like ATP-generation and respiration. In contrast to the strong effect of PINK1 on mitochondrial dynamics in Drosophila melanogaster and in spite of reduced expression of fission factor Mtp18, we show reduced fission and increased aggregation of mitochondria only under stress in PINK1-deficient mouse neurons. Conclusion Thus, aging Pink1 -/- mice show increasing mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in impaired neural activity similar to PD, in absence of overt neuronal death.
Activation of Notch1 signaling in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) induces self-renewal and inhibits neurogenesis. Upon neuronal differentiation, NPCs overcome this inhibition, express proneural genes to induce Notch ligands, and activate Notch1 in neighboring NPCs. The molecular mechanism that coordinates Notch1 inactivation with initiation of neurogenesis remains elusive. Here, we provide evidence that Prox1, a transcription repressor and downstream target of proneural genes, counteracts Notch1 signaling via direct suppression of Notch1 gene expression. By expression studies in the developing spinal cord of chick and mouse embryo, we showed that Prox1 is limited to neuronal precursors residing between the Notch1+ NPCs and post-mitotic neurons. Physiological levels of Prox1 in this tissue are sufficient to allow binding at Notch1 promoter and they are critical for proper Notch1 transcriptional regulation in vivo. Gain-of-function studies in the chick neural tube and mouse NPCs suggest that Prox1-mediated suppression of Notch1 relieves its inhibition on neurogenesis and allows NPCs to exit the cell cycle and differentiate. Moreover, loss-of-function in the chick neural tube shows that Prox1 is necessary for suppression of Notch1 outside the ventricular zone, inhibition of active Notch signaling, down-regulation of NPC markers, and completion of neuronal differentiation program. Together these data suggest that Prox1 inhibits Notch1 gene expression to control the balance between NPC self-renewal and neuronal differentiation.
During the last 30 years, our understanding of the development and diversification of postganglionic sympathetic neurons has dramatically increased. In parallel, the list of target structures has been critically extended from the cardiovascular system and selected glandular structures to metabolically relevant tissues such as white and brown adipose tissue, lymphoid tissues, bone, and bone marrow. A critical question now emerges for the integration of the diverse sympathetic neuron classes into neural circuits specific for these different target tissues to achieve the homeostatic regulation of the physiological ends affected.
Background: Adrenal chromaffin cells and sympathetic neurons both originate from the neural crest, yet signals that trigger chromaffin development remain elusive. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) emanating from the dorsal aorta are important signals for the induction of a sympathoadrenal catecholaminergic cell fate. Results: We report here that BMP-4 is also expressed by adrenal cortical cells throughout chick embryonic development, suggesting a putative role in chromaffin cell development. Moreover, bone morphogenetic protein receptor IA is expressed by both cortical and chromaffin cells. Inhibiting BMP-4 with noggin prevents the increase in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase positive cells in adrenal explants without affecting cell proliferation. Hence, adrenal BMP-4 is likely to induce tyrosine hydroxylase in sympathoadrenal progenitors. To investigate whether persistent BMP-4 exposure is able to induce chromaffin traits in sympathetic ganglia, we locally grafted BMP-4 overexpressing cells next to sympathetic ganglia. Embryonic day 8 chick sympathetic ganglia, in addition to principal neurons, contain about 25% chromaffin-like cells. Ectopic BMP-4 did not increase this proportion, yet numbers and sizes of "chromaffin" granules were significantly increased. Conclusions: BMP-4 may serve to promote specific chromaffin traits, but is not sufficient to convert sympathetic neurons into a chromaffin phenotype.
Selective sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways that act on target organs represent the terminal actors in the neurobiology of homeostasis and often become compromised during a range of neurodegenerative and traumatic disorders. Here, we delineate several neurotransmitter and neuromodulator phenotypes found in diverse parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia in humans and rodent species. The comparative approach reveals evolutionarily conserved and non-conserved phenotypic marker constellations. A developmental analysis examining the acquisition of selected neurotransmitter properties has provided a detailed, but still incomplete, understanding of the origins of a set of noradrenergic and cholinergic sympathetic neuron populations, found in the cervical and trunk region. A corresponding analysis examining cholinergic and nitrergic parasympathetic neurons in the head, and a range of pelvic neuron populations, with noradrenergic, cholinergic, nitrergic, and mixed transmitter phenotypes, remains open. Of particular interest are the molecular mechanisms and nuclear processes that are responsible for the correlated expression of the various genes required to achieve the noradrenergic phenotype, the segregation of cholinergic locus gene expression, and the regulation of genes that are necessary to generate a nitrergic phenotype. Unraveling the neuron population-specific expression of adhesion molecules, which are involved in axonal outgrowth, pathway selection, and synaptic organization, will advance the study of target-selective autonomic pathway generation.
Neuroblastoma arising from the adrenal differ from ganglionic neuroblastoma both genetically and clinically, with adrenal tumors being associated with a more severe prognosis. The different tumor properties may be linked to specific tumor founder cells in adrenal and sympathetic ganglia. To address this question, we first set up cultures of mouse sympathetic neuroblasts and adrenal chromaffin cells. These cultures were then treated with various proliferation inhibitors to identify lineage-specific responses. We show that neuroblast and chromaffin cell proliferation was affected by WNT, ALK, IGF1, and PRC2/EZH2 signaling inhibitors to a similar extent. However, differential effects were observed in response to bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) protein inhibitors (JQ1, GSK1324726A) and to the CDK-7 inhibitor THZ1, with BET inhibitors preferentially affecting chromaffin cells, and THZ1 preferentially affecting neuroblasts. The differential dependence of chromaffin cells and neuroblasts on BET and CDK signaling may indicate different mechanisms during tumor initiation in sympathetic ganglia and adrenal.