Year of publication
- 2005 (1)
Document Type
- Article (1)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1)
- Bestandsstruktur (1)
- Central Europe (1)
- Habitattradition (1)
- Mitteleuropa (1)
- Totholzangebot (1)
- Urwaldreliktarten (1)
- dead wood (1)
- forest structure (1)
- habitat tradition (1)
- primeval forest (1)
Urwald relict species – Saproxylic beetles indicating structural qualities and habitat tradition
On the basis of the list of saproxylic beetles of Germany, the authors present a definition and list of “Urwald relict species”, comprising 115 beetles that are considered to be associated with primeval forest (“Urwald”) structures and features. We use the term “habitat tradition” to describe a continuity in supply of old growth dead wood and forest structures. The selection of species is made on behalf of the following criteria: relict records in Central Europe; attachment to continuity of deadwood resources and habitat tradition; continuity of old growth stand features like tree and deadwood maturity and di-versity; absence from cultivated Central European forest.