Document Type
- Article (2)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- Alien species (1)
- Black list (1)
- Czech Republic (1)
- DAISIE (1)
- Europe (1)
- ecological impact (1)
- fish (1)
- impact (1)
- introductions (1)
- invertebrates (1)
As legislation, research and management of invasive alien species (IAS) are not fully coordinated across countries or different stakeholder groups, one approach leading to more or less standardized activities is based on producing lists of prominent IAS that attain high level of concern and are a subject of priority monitoring and management. These so-called Black, Grey and Watch (alert) Lists represent a convenient starting point for setting priorities in prevention, early warning and management systems. It is important that these lists be based on transparent and robust criteria so as to accommodate interests and perception of impacts by groups of concerned authorities and stakeholders representing sectors as diverse as, e.g. forestry, horticulture, aquaculture, hunting, and nature conservation, and to justify possible trade restrictions. The principles for blacklisting need to be general enough to accommodate differences among taxonomic groups (plants, invertebrates, vertebrates) and invaded environments (e.g. aquatic, terrestrial, urban, suburban, seminatural), and must take into account invasion dynamics, the impact the IAS pose, and management strategies suitable for each particular invader. With these assumptions in mind, we synthesize available information to present Black, Grey and Watch Lists of alien species for the Czech Republic, with recommended categorized management measures for land managers, policy makers and other stakeholders. We took into account differences in the listed species’ distribution, invasion status, known or estimated environmental impact, as well as possible management options, and apply these criteria to both plants and animals. Species with lower impact, but for which some level of management and regulation is desirable, are included on the Grey List. Some potentially dangerous species occurring in European countries with comparable climatic conditions, as well as those introduced in the past but without presently known wild populations in the Czech Republic, are listed on the Watch list. In total, there are 78 plant and 39 animal species on the Black List, 47 and 16 on the Grey List, and 25 and 27, respectively, on the Watch List. The multilayered approach to the classification of alien species, combining their impacts, population status and relevant management, can serve as a model for other countries that are in process of developing their Black Lists.
Prioritization of introduction pathways is seen as an important component of the management of biological invasions. We address whether established alien plants, mammals, freshwater fish and terrestrial invertebrates with known ecological impacts are associated with particular introduction pathways (release, escape, contaminant, stowaway, corridor and unaided). We used the information from the European alien species database DAISIE ( supplemented by the EASIN catalogue (European Alien Species Information Network), and expert knowledge. Plants introduced by the pathways release, corridor and unaided were disproportionately more likely to have ecological impacts than those introduced as contaminants. In contrast, impacts were not associated with particular introduction pathways for invertebrates, mammals or fish. Thus, while for plants management strategies should be targeted towards the appropriate pathways, for animals, management should focus on reducing the total number of taxa introduced, targeting those pathways responsible for high numbers of introductions. However, regardless of taxonomic group, having multiple introduction pathways increases the likelihood of the species having an ecological impact. This may simply reflect that species introduced by multiple pathways have high propagule pressure and so have a high probability of establishment. Clearly, patterns of invasion are determined by many interacting factors and management strategies should reflect this complexity.