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- Fasting (2)
- Glioblastoma (2)
- Glucose (2)
- Ketogenic diet (2)
- Leptin (2)
- Radiation (2)
- Surgical and invasive medical procedures (2)
- Surgical oncology (2)
- delay (2)
- diagnosis (2)
Background and aims: Patients with gastric cancer often show signs of malnutrition. We sought to evaluate the influence of sarcopenia in patients with locally advanced, not metastasized, gastric or gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ) cancer undergoing curative treatment (perioperative chemotherapy and surgery) on morbidity and mortality in order to identify patients in need for nutritional intervention.
Patients and methods: Two-centre study, conducted in the Frankfurt University Clinic and Krankenhaus Nordwest (Frankfurt) as part of the University Cancer Center Frankfurt (UCT). 47/83 patients were treated in the FLOT trial (NCT01216644). Patients´ charts were reviewed for clinical data. Two consecutive CT scans were retrospectively analyzed to determine the degree of sarcopenia. Survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox regression.
Results: 60 patients (72.3%) were male and 23 (27.7%) female. 45 patients (54.2%) had GEJ type 1–3 and 38 (45.8%) gastric tumors, respectively. Sarcopenic patients were significantly older than non-sarcopenic patients (mean age 65.1 years vs. 59.5 years, p = 0.042), terminated the chemotherapy significantly earlier (50% vs. 22.6%, p = 0.037) and showed higher Clavien-Dindo scores, indicating more severe perioperative complications (score ≥3 43.3 vs. 17.0%, p = 0.019). Sarcopenic patients had a significantly shorter survival than non-sarcopenic patients (139.6 ± 19.5 [95% CI, 101.3–177.9] vs. 206.7 ± 13.8 [95% CI, 179.5–233.8] weeks, p = 0.004). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that, besides UICC stage, sarcopenia significantly influenced survival.
Conclusion: Sarcopenia is present in a large proportion of patients with locally advanced gastric or GEJ cancer and significantly influences tolerability of chemotherapy, surgical complications and survival.
Mit flexiblen Video-Endoskopen gelingen heute hochaufgelöste Bilder des Magen-Darm-Traktes. Bösartige Tumoren werden früher erkannt und oft auch entfernt, ohne die Bauchdecke aufzuschneiden. Sogar Verengungen der Gallenwege lassen sich mit hochpräziser Endoskopietechnik darstellen und behandeln. Die Medizinische Klinik 1 der Universitätsklinik unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Stefan Zeuzem gehört zu den Pionieren auf diesem Gebiet.
Influence of antibiotic-regimens on intensive-care unit-mortality and liver-cirrhosis as risk factor
AIM: To assess the rate of infection, appropriateness of antimicrobial-therapy and mortality on intensive care unit (ICU). Special focus was drawn on patients with liver cirrhosis.
METHODS: The study was approved by the local ethical committee. All patients admitted to the Internal Medicine-ICU between April 1, 2007 and December 31, 2009 were included. Data were extracted retrospectively from all patients using patient charts and electronic documentations on infection, microbiological laboratory reports, diagnosis and therapy. Due to the large hepatology department and liver transplantation center, special interest was on the subgroup of patients with liver cirrhosis. The primary statistical-endpoint was the evaluation of the influence of appropriate versus inappropriate antimicrobial-therapy on in-hospital-mortality.
RESULTS: Charts of 1979 patients were available. The overall infection-rate was 53%. Multiresistant-bacteria were present in 23% of patients with infection and were associated with increased mortality (P < 0.000001). Patients with infection had significantly increased in-hospital-mortality (34% vs 17%, P < 0.000001). Only 9% of patients with infection received inappropriate initial antimicrobial-therapy, no influence on mortality was observed. Independent risk-factors for in-hospital-mortality were the presence of septic-shock, prior chemotherapy for malignoma and infection with Pseudomonas spp. Infection and mortality-rate among 175 patients with liver-cirrhosis was significantly higher than in patients without liver-cirrhosis. Infection increased mortality 2.24-fold in patients with cirrhosis. Patients with liver cirrhosis were at an increased risk to receive inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy.
CONCLUSION: The results of the present study report the successful implementation of early-goal-directed therapy. Liver cirrhosis patients are at increased risk of infection, mortality and to receive inappropriate therapy. Increasing burden are multiresistant-bacteria.
Background and aims: Liver steatosis has shown to be associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of our study was to evaluate the association between the presence and severity of CAD and Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) assessed by transient elastography (TE) and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP).
Methods: 576 Patients undergoing coronary angiography were enrolled in this prospective study, receiving at least 10 TE and CAP measurements using the FibroScan® M-probe. Clinically relevant CAD (CAD 3) was defined as stenosis with ≥75% reduction of the luminal diameter. NAFLD was determined by CAP ≥234 dB/m. NAFLD with advanced fibrosiswas determined by TE-values ≥7.9kPa in the presence of NAFLD and absence of congestive or right-sided heart failure. Rates and 95% confidence intervals are shown.
Results: 505 patients were available for analysis of NAFLD. However, only 392 patients were available for analysis of NAFLD with advanced fibrosis, since 24 patients had to be excluded due to non valid TE-measurements and 89 patients due to congestive or right-sided heart failure or suspected concomitant liver disease, respectively. 70.5% (66.3%-74.4%) of patients had CAD 3, 71.5% (67.3%-75.4%) were diagnosed with NAFLD, and 11.2% (8.3%-14.8%) with NAFLD with advanced fibrosis. Patients with CAD 3 had higher median CAP-values (273±61 vs. 260±66 dB/m; p = 0.038) and higher degrees of steatosis as compared to patients without CAD 3. While NAFLD was significantly more often diagnosed in patients with CAD 3 (75.0% vs. 63.1%, p = 0.0068), no significant difference was found for NAFLD with advanced fibrosis (10.7% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.60).
Conclusions: Clinically relevant CAD is frequently associated with the presence of NAFLD, but not NAFLD with advanced fibrosis.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to compare three different elastography methods, namely Strain Elastography (SE), Point Shear-Wave Elastography (pSWE) using Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI)-Imaging and 2D-Shear Wave Elastography (2D-SWE), in the same study population for the differentiation of thyroid nodules.
Materials and methods: All patients received a conventional ultrasound scan, SE and 2D-SWE, and all patients except for two received ARFI-Imaging. Cytology/histology of thyroid nodules was used as a reference method. SE measures the relative stiffness within the region of interest (ROI) using the surrounding tissue as reference tissue. ARFI mechanically excites the tissue at the ROI using acoustic pulses to generate localized tissue displacements. 2D-SWE measures tissue elasticity using the velocity of many shear waves as they propagate through the tissue.
Results: 84 nodules (73 benign and 11 malignant) in 62 patients were analyzed. Sensitivity, specificity and NPV of SE were 73%, 70% and 94%, respectively. Sensitivity, specificity and NPV of ARFI and 2D-SWE were 90%, 79%, 98% and 73%, 67%, 94% respectively, using a cut-off value of 1.98m/s for ARFI and 2.65m/s (21.07kPa) for 2D-SWE. The AUROC (Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic) of SE, ARFI and 2D-SWE for the diagnosis of malignant thyroid nodules were 52%, 86% and 71%, respectively. A significant difference in AUROC was found between SE and ARFI (p = 0.008), while no significant difference was found between ARFI and SWE (86% vs. 71%, p = 0.31), or SWE and SE (71% vs. 52%, p = 0.26).
Conclusion: pSWE using ARFI and 2D-SWE showed comparable results for the differentiation of thyroid nodules. ARFI was superior to elastography using SE.
Die Schilddrüsenfunktion spielt eine wichtige Rolle nicht nur in der Entwicklung des Fetus, sondern bereits präkonzeptionell. Eine Kontrolle des TSH-Werts vor Schwangerschaftsbeginn ist insbesondere bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch sowie bekannter Schilddrüsenhormonsubstitution sinnvoll, um einen möglicherweise bestehenden Substitutionsbedarf zu erkennen und entsprechend auszugleichen. Bei erfolgreicher Konzeption lässt sich ein typischer, trimenonspezifischer Verlauf der Schilddrüsenaktivität beobachten, welcher beeinflusst ist durch schwangerschaftsbedingte Hormonveränderungen. Physiologisch sind ein TSH-Abfall im 1. Trimenon, der selten in eine transiente Gestationshyperthyreose übergehen kann, sowie ein geringgradiger Abfall der fT4-Konzentration im 3. Trimenon. Abzugrenzen von physiologischen Veränderungen der Schilddrüsenhormonkonstellation in der Schwangerschaft sind die eine Behandlung erforderlich machende Hypo- und Hyperthyreose. Sowohl eine Schilddrüsenüber- als auch eine Schilddrüsenunterfunktion hat potenziell schädigende Auswirkungen auf das Ungeborene. Eine therapiebedürftige Hypothyreose in der Schwangerschaft ist mit abhängig vom vorliegenden Antikörperstatus und sollte in Abhängigkeit vom TSH-Wert über die Schwangerschaft hinweg kontrolliert und angepasst werden. Eine weitere besondere Herausforderung besteht bei Notwendigkeit einer thyreostatischen Therapie, beispielsweise im Rahmen eines Morbus Basedow. Hier gilt es, aufgrund der Nebenwirkungsprofile zur Verfügung stehender Thyreostatika trimenonspezifische Medikamentenwechsel zu vollziehen. Der folgende Artikel soll anhand aktueller Daten einen Überblick über aktuelle schilddrüsenbezogene Therapie- und Diagnostikempfehlungen in der Schwangerschaft geben.
Patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NET) often go through a long phase between onset of symptoms and initial diagnosis. Assessment of time to diagnosis and pre-clinical pathway in patients with gastroenteropancreatic NET (GEP-NET) with regard to metastases and symptoms. Retrospective analysis of patients with GEP-NET at a tertiary referral center from 1984 to 2019; inclusion criteria: Patients ≥18 years, diagnosis of GEP-NET; statistical analysis using non-parametrical methods. Four hundred eighty-six patients with 488 tumors were identified; median age at first diagnosis (478/486, 8 unknown) was 59 years; 52.9% male patients. Pancreatic NET: 143/488 tumors; 29.3%; small intestinal NET: 145/488 tumors, 29.7%. 128/303 patients (42.2%) showed NET specific and 122/486 (25%) patients other tumor-specific symptoms. 222/279 patients had distant metastases at initial diagnosis (187/222 liver metastases). 154/488 (31.6%) of GEP-NET were incidental findings. Median time from tumor manifestation (e.g., symptoms related to NET) to initial diagnosis across all entities was 19.5 (95% CI: 12–28) days. No significant difference in patients with or without distant metastases (median 73 vs 105 days, P = .42). A large proportion of GEP-NET are incidental findings and only about half of all patients are symptomatic at the time of diagnosis. We did not find a significant influence of the presence of metastases on time to diagnosis, which shows a large variability with a median of <30 days.
Background: MEN1 mutations can inactivate or disrupt menin function and are leading to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, a rare heritable tumor syndrome.
Case presentation: We report on a MEN1 family with a novel heterozygous germline mutation, c.674delG; p.Gly225Aspfs*56 in exon 4 of the MEN1 gene. Diagnosis and clinical phenotyping of MEN1 was established by laboratory tests, ultrasound, biopsy, MRI imaging and endosonography. The clinical course of the disease was followed in the index patient and her family members for eight years. The mutation was associated with distinct clinical phenotypes in the index patient and three family members harboring p.Gly225Aspfs*56. Family members affected showed primary hyperparathyroidism but variable patterns of associated endocrine tumors, adrenal cortical adenomas, prolactinoma, multifocal pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, insulinoma and nonsecretory neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas. The mutation c.674delG; p.Gly225Aspfs*56 leads to a frameshift from codon 225 with early truncation of the menin protein. In silico analysis predicts loss of multiple protein-menin interactions in p.Gly225Aspfs*56, potentially rendering menin insufficient to control cell division and replication. However, no aggressive neuroendocrine tumors were observed in the follow-up of this family.
Conclusions: We report a novel heterozygous MEN1 frameshift mutation, potentially causing (at least partial) inactivation of menin tumor suppression potential but lacking a genotype–phenotype correlation. Our study highlights the importance of personalized care with appropriate testing and counseling in MEN1 families.
Purpose: The prospective, randomized ERGO2 trial investigated the effect of calorie-restricted ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting (KD-IF) on re-irradiation for recurrent brain tumors. The study did not meet its primary endpoint of improved progression-free survival in comparison to standard diet (SD). We here report the results of the quality of life/neurocognition and a detailed analysis of the diet diaries. Methods: 50 patients were randomized 1:1 to re-irradiation combined with either SD or KD-IF. The KD-IF schedule included 3 days of ketogenic diet (KD: 21–23 kcal/kg/d, carbohydrate intake limited to 50 g/d), followed by 3 days of fasting and again 3 days of KD. Follow-up included examination of cognition, quality of life and serum samples. Results: The 20 patients who completed KD-IF met the prespecified goals for calorie and carbohydrate restriction. Substantial decreases in leptin and insulin and an increase in uric acid were observed. The SD group, of note, had a lower calorie intake than expected (21 kcal/kg/d instead of 30 kcal/kg/d). Neither quality of life nor cognition were affected by the diet. Low glucose emerged as a significant prognostic parameter in a best responder analysis. Conclusion: The strict caloric goals of the ERGO2 trial were tolerated well by patients with recurrent brain cancer. The short diet schedule led to significant metabolic changes with low glucose emerging as a candidate marker of better prognosis. The unexpected lower calorie intake of the control group complicates the interpretation of the results. number: NCT01754350; Registration: 21.12.2012.
Purpose: The prospective, randomized ERGO2 trial investigated the effect of calorie-restricted ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting (KD-IF) on re-irradiation for recurrent brain tumors. The study did not meet its primary endpoint of improved progression-free survival in comparison to standard diet (SD). We here report the results of the quality of life/neurocognition and a detailed analysis of the diet diaries. Methods: 50 patients were randomized 1:1 to re-irradiation combined with either SD or KD-IF. The KD-IF schedule included 3 days of ketogenic diet (KD: 21–23 kcal/kg/d, carbohydrate intake limited to 50 g/d), followed by 3 days of fasting and again 3 days of KD. Follow-up included examination of cognition, quality of life and serum samples. Results: The 20 patients who completed KD-IF met the prespecified goals for calorie and carbohydrate restriction. Substantial decreases in leptin and insulin and an increase in uric acid were observed. The SD group, of note, had a lower calorie intake than expected (21 kcal/kg/d instead of 30 kcal/kg/d). Neither quality of life nor cognition were affected by the diet. Low glucose emerged as a significant prognostic parameter in a best responder analysis. Conclusion: The strict caloric goals of the ERGO2 trial were tolerated well by patients with recurrent brain cancer. The short diet schedule led to significant metabolic changes with low glucose emerging as a candidate marker of better prognosis. The unexpected lower calorie intake of the control group complicates the interpretation of the results. number: NCT01754350; Registration: 21.12.2012.