Document Type
- Article (3)
- French (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Cetacea (1)
- Odontoceti (1)
- Physeter macrocephalus (1)
- Physeteridae (1)
- Sperm whale (1)
- Extern (1)
A micro-crustacean has recently been discovered in Vendée. It is an Ostracod living in temporary bodies of slightly brackish or fresh water. From the Cyprididae family, Cypris bispinosa is a crustacean whose presence in France is only known from eight countess. It is however one of our largest ostracods, and the lateral spine fixed on each side of its carapace make the species easily recognisable with a lens.
This note states the number of grounded sperm whales on the French Atlantic coast and more especially on the coast of Vendée between 1900 and 2002.
In 1869 Tacite Letourneux described a new species of gasteropod, Valvata bourguignati, in a spring in south-east Vendée. The name of this new species was later considered to be synonymous with Neohoratia globulina. Recent samplings in the Locus typicus have permitted the revision of this taxon, now named Islamia moquiniana.