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- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase docking domains : structure, function and engineering strategies
Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are known for their capability to produce a wide range of natural compounds and some of them possess interesting bioactivities relevant for clinical application like antibiotics, anticancer, and immunosuppressive drugs. The diverse bioactivity of non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) originates from their structural diversity, which results not only from the incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids into the growing peptide chain, but also the formation of heterocycles or further peptide modifications like methylation, hydroxylation and acetylation.
The biosynthesis of NRPs is achieved via the orchestrated interplay of distinct catalytic domains, which are grouped to modules that are located on one or more polypeptide chains. Each cycle starts with the selection and activation of a specific amino acid by the adenylation (A) domain, which catalyzes the aminoacyl adenylate formation under ATP consumption. This activated amino acid is then bound via a thioester bond to the 4’-phosphopantetheine cofactor (PPant-arm) of the following thiolation (T) domain. Before substrate loading, the PPant-arm is post-translationally added to the T domain by a phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase), which converts the inactive apo-T domain in its active holo-form. In the last step of the catalytic cycle, two T domain bound peptide building blocks are connected by the condensation (C) domain, resulting in peptide bond formation and transfer of the nascent peptide chain to the following module. Each catalytic cycle is performed by a C-A-T elongation module until the termination module with a C-terminal thioesterase (TE) domain is reached. Here, the peptide product is released by hydrolysis or intramolecular cyclisation.
In comparison to single-protein NRPSs, where all modules are encoded on a single polypeptide chain, multi-protein NRPS systems must also maintain a specific module order during the peptide biosynthesis. Therefore, small C-terminal and N-terminal communication-mediating (COM) domains/docking domains (DD) were identified in the C- and N-terminal regions of multi-protein NRPSs. It was shown that these domains mediate specific and selective non-covalent protein-protein interaction, even though DD interactions are generally characterized by low affinities.
The first publication of this work focuses on the Peptide-Antimicrobial-Xenorhabdus peptide-producing NRPS called PaxS, which consists of the three proteins PaxA, PaxB and PaxC. Here, in particular the trans DD interface between the C-terminal attached DD of PaxB and N-terminal attached DD of PaxC was structurally investigated and thermodynamically characterized by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), yielding a dissociation constant (KD) of ~25 µM, which is a DD typical affinity known from further characterized DD pairs. The artificial linking of the PaxB/C C/NDD pair via a glycine-serine (GS) linker facilitated the structure determination of the DD complex by solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In comparison to known docking domain structures, this DD complex assembles in a completely new fold which is characterized by a central α-helix of PaxC NDD wrapped in two V-shaped α-helices of PaxB CDD.
The first manuscript of this work focuses on the application of synthetic zippers (SZ) to mimic natural docking domains, enabling the easy assembly of NRPS building blocks encoded on different plasmids in a functional way. Here, the high-affinity interaction of SZs unambiguously defines the order of the synthetases derived from single-protein NRPSs in the engineered NRPS system and allows the recombination in a plug-and-play manner. Notably, the SZ engineering strategy even facilitates the functional assembly of NRPSs derived from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, the functional incorporation of SZs into NRPS modules is not limited to a specific linker region, so we could introduce them within all native NRPS linker regions (A-T, T-C, C-A).
The second publication and the second manuscript of this thesis again focus on the multi-protein PaxS, in particular on the trans interface between the proteins PaxA and PaxB on a molecular level by solution NMR. Therefore, the PaxA CDD adjacent T domain was included into the structural investigation besides the native interaction partner PaxB NDD. Before a three-dimensional structure could be obtained from NMR data, the NH groups located in the peptide bonds had to be assigned to the respective amino acids of the proteins (backbone assignment). Based on these backbone assignments, the secondary structure of PaxA T1-CDD and PaxB NDD in the absence and presence of the respective interaction partner were predicted.
The structural and functional characterization of the PaxA T1-CDD:PaxB NDD complex is summarized in manuscript two. The thermodynamic analysis of this complex by ITC determined a KD value of ~250 nM, whereas the discrete DDs did not interact at all. The high-affinity interaction allowed to determine the solution NMR structure of the PaxA T1-CDD:PaxB NDD complex without the covalent linkage of the interaction partners and an extended docking domain interface could be determined. This interface comprises on the one hand α-helix 4 of the PaxA T1 domain together with the α-helical CDD, and on the other hand the PaxB NDD, which is composed of two α-helices separated by a sharp bend.
Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are the origin of a wide range of natural products, including many clinically used drugs. Efficient engineering of these often giant biosynthetic machineries to produce novel non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) is an ongoing challenge. Here we describe a cloning and co-expression strategy to functionally combine NRPS fragments of Gram-negative and -positive origin, synthesising novel peptides at titres up to 220 mg L−1. Extending from the recently introduced definition of eXchange Units (XUs), we inserted synthetic zippers (SZs) to split single protein NRPSs into independently expressed and translated polypeptide chains. These synthetic type of NRPS (type S) enables easier access to engineering, overcomes cloning limitations, and provides a simple and rapid approach to building peptide libraries via the combination of different NRPS subunits.
Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) produce natural products from amino acid building blocks. They often consist of multiple polypeptide chains which assemble in a specific linear order via specialized N- and C-terminal docking domains (N/CDDs). Typically, docking domains function independently from other domains in NRPS assembly. Thus, docking domain replacements enable the assembly of “designer” NRPS from proteins that normally do not interact. The multiprotein “peptide-antimicrobial-Xenorhabdus” (PAX) peptide-producing PaxS NRPS is assembled from the three proteins PaxA, PaxB and PaxC. Herein, we show that the small CDD of PaxA cooperates with its preceding thiolation (T1) domain to bind the NDD of PaxB with very high affinity, establishing a structural and thermodynamical basis for this unprecedented docking interaction, and we test its functional importance in vivo in a truncated PaxS assembly line. Similar docking interactions are apparently present in other NRPS systems.
Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are large multienzyme machineries. They synthesize numerous important natural products starting from amino acids. For peptide synthesis functionally specialized NRPS modules interact in a defined manner. Individual modules are either located on a single or on multiple different polypeptide chains. The “peptide-antimicrobial-Xenorhabdus” (PAX) peptide producing NRPS PaxS from Xenorhabdus bacteria consists of the three proteins PaxA, PaxB and PaxC. Different docking domains (DDs) located at the N-termini of PaxB and PaxC and at the C-termini of PaxA and BaxB mediate specific non-covalent interactions between them. The N-terminal docking domains precede condensation domains while the C-terminal docking domains follow thiolation domains. The binding specificity of individual DDs is important for the correct assembly of multi-protein NRPS systems. In many multi-protein NRPS systems the docking domains are sufficient to mediate the necessary interactions between individual protein chains. However, it remains unclear if this is a general feature for all types of structurally different docking domains or if the neighboring domains in some cases support the function of the docking domains. Here, we report the 1H, 13C and 15 N NMR resonance assignments for a C-terminal di-domain construct containing a thiolation (T) domain followed by a C-terminal docking domain (CDD) from PaxA and for its binding partner – the N-terminal docking domain (NDD) from PaxB from the Gram-negative entomopathogenic bacterium Xenorhabdus cabanillasii JM26 in their free states and for a 1:1 complex formed by the two proteins. These NMR resonance assignments will facilitate further structural and dynamic studies of this protein complex.
Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are the origin of a wide range of natural products, including many clinically used drugs. Engineering of these often giant biosynthetic machineries to produce novel non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) at high titre is an ongoing challenge. Here we describe a strategy to functionally combine NRPS fragments of Gram-negative and -positive origin, synthesising novel peptides at titres up to 290 mg l-1. Extending from the recently introduced definition of eXchange Units (XUs), we inserted synthetic zippers (SZs) to split single protein NRPSs into up to three independently expressed and translated polypeptide chains. These synthetic type of NRPS (type S) enables easier access to engineering, overcomes cloning limitations, and provides a simple and rapid approach to building peptide libraries via the combination of different NRPS subunits.