Document Type
- Article (6)
- Portuguese (6)
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- Zweisprachigkeit (3)
- Brasilien (2)
- Fremdsprachenlernen (2)
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- Deutsch (1)
- Deutschunterricht (1)
- Didaktik (1)
- Didaktische Einheit (1)
A learner's mother tongue influences the acquisition or learning of another language, regardless of whether we are dealing with a second or a foreign language. But there are other factors influencing these processes. One can therefore only analyze these interferences by taking into account certain factors which include elements transferred from the mother tongue, elements from other languages that the learner has already learned, and elements coming from the language being learned or acquired. Moreover, these so-called interferences do not only occur at the linguistic level, but also at the extralinguistic level. This paper describes and discusses these factors in order to describe the process of learning German as a foreign language in Brazil and its peculiarities with regard to bilingual education. Through the description and analysis of empirical data and on the basis of the theory of the "great hypotheses", this text aims at better understanding the relationship between first and foreign/second language and their mutual interferences.
This paper aims to contribute to the rich discussion that has been developed in this journal throughout previous editions. Many authors have already written here about their considerations and praxis regarding bilingualism, bilingual contexts and bilingual education from different perspectives. Thus, this paper also brings to discussion aspects of the education in bilingual settings in Brazil, where people speak Portuguese and a variety of German basis called Hunsrückisch as their mother tongue. Moreover, this paper aims to be an account of results from different researches, which deal with the advantages of speaking dialect to learn standard German and the prejudices, learners coming from minority languages confront.
As linguist, we always have to deal with terms like First, Second and Foreign Languages, but many times we don’t notice, how peculiars they are and how specific and difficult are their definitions. In Brazil, we have peculiar situations of immigrant languages, which are spoken in some groups of people in some communities in their day-by-day. There is much controversy related to the denomination we give to these linguistic varieties, what concerns its status and its relationship with the other neighbor or concurrent varieties. In this paper, we intend to discuss theoretically the terms above, transporting the denomination and its application to the reality of some bilingual communities from Rio Grande do Sul, in which people speak minority languages of Germanic origins. On the basis of empirical tests, we aim to give here a profile of the socio linguistic situation of these minority varieties what concerns its speakers, the foreign language teachers (specially of the High-German) and the community in general.
This paper discusses a foundation for writing Hunsrückisch as a German immigrant language in contact with Brazilian Portuguese. This foundation brings together the main conclusions obtained by the Group for the Studies of Hunsrückisch Writing (Grupo de Estudos da Escrita do Hunsrückisch – ESCRITHU). This group was formed at the Language Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul with the goal of proposing not only a system of orthographic norms for a language that exists mostly just in oral forms, but also to encourage research on and linguistic education for speakers of this immigrant language. An already extant literature in Hunsrückisch includes journal and magazine texts such as Sankt Paulusblatt or the Brummbär-Kalendar, published between 1931 and 1935, as well as texts by authors such as Rambo (2002 [1937-1961]), Gross (2001), and Rottmann (1889 [1840]). From these texts various writing formats, guidelines, and goals for an orthographic norm are analyzed, be they for the written expression of the speakers or for useful instruments in the transliteration of ethnotexts within the ALMA-H project (Linguistic- Contactual Atlas of the German Minorities in the La Plata Basin: Hunsrückisch), with which ESCRITHU collaborates.
Este artigo tem como objetivo propor a elaboração de uma unidade didática (UD) para a aula de língua alemã em uma turma de 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental, levando em consideração a realidade de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre/RS e tendo como ferramenta principal o gênero textual história em quadrinhos. Para alcançar tal objetivo, primeiramente busca-se entender o conceito de letramento relacionado à escola contemporânea - com base nos estudos bakhtinianos, bem como nos de Magda Soares (2004; 2009) e de Angela Kleiman (2008; 2014) -, a fim de compreender qual é o papel da escola na formação de sujeitos letrados que sejam capazes de participar do mundo e de se expressar nas diversas situações do dia a dia. Também é apresentada uma escola da rede pública de Porto Alegre que oferece a língua alemã em seu currículo, a fim de entender de que forma o ensino do alemão vem sendo abordado. A partir dessa realidade local, a UD foi produzida seguindo os princípios de ensino-aprendizagem de língua adicional de Schlatter e Garcez (2012) e apoiando-se no modelo de UD apresentado pelo documento "Lições do Rio Grande", que são os referenciais curriculares lançados pela Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul em 2009.
O objetivo deste artigo é trazer os primeiros resultados oriundos de nossas pesquisas relativas às relações de intercompreensão entre o Hunsrückisch e o alemão standard. Estamos investigando os graus de inteligibilidade que falantes de Hunsrückisch apresentam quando confrontados com o alemão standard em modalidade oral, em um primeiro momento, com o objetivo de registrar as relações tipológicas entre essas variedades. Como previsto em nossas hipóteses iniciais, até mesmo pelo grau de parentesco muito estreito entre as línguas, os primeiros resultados indicam que o Hunsrückisch pode ser considerado muito próximo ao alemão standard, já que o número de itens não entendidos foi baixo. Esses resultados ainda não são conclusivos, e os próximos passos da pesquisa também serão apresentados no fim deste artigo.