Document Type
- Article (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Burkina Faso (2)
- NGO (2)
- broker (2)
- development (2)
- life trajectories (2)
- ICT4D (1)
- Misstrauen (1)
- Ruanda (1)
- Rwanda (1)
- Soziale Hierarchien (1)
Mistrust and social hierarchies as blind spots of ICT4D projects : lessons from Togo and Rwanda
Information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) are seen to have great potential for boosting democratization processes all over the world by giving people access to information and thereby empowering them to demand more accountability and transparency of authorities. Based on ethnographic research in Togo and Rwanda on an SMS-based citizen monitoring and evaluation system, this article argues that focusing on access to information is too narrow a view. We show that it is crucial to take into account the respective socio-political backgrounds, such as levels of mistrust or existing social hierarchies. In this context, mobile phone usage has rather varied and ambiguous meanings here. These dynamics can pose a challenge to the successful implementation of ICT4D projects aimed at political empowerment. By addressing these often overlooked issues, we offer explanations for the gap between ICT4D assumptions and people’s lifeworlds in Togo and Rwanda.
Menschen mit Geldbeträgen in Verbindung zu setzen, gilt heute in Deutschland als inakzeptabel, ja sogar sittenwidrig. Zwangsheiraten, bei denen auch Brautgeld fließt, werden als Menschenhandel geahndet. Bei den Brautpreisübergaben der Mossi in Burkina Faso gewinnen Geld und Güter jedoch eine symbolische Dimension. Wer von der Suppe isst, die mit dem Salz des Brautpreises gewürzt ist, erkennt das Bündnis zwischen den Brautleuten an. Die sorgfältig vorbereitete Übergabe des Preises etabliert soziale Bande zwischen den Familien und ist zugleich ein Test für den Bräutigam.
NGO brokers between local needs and global norms: trajectories of development actors in Burkina Faso
Local NGO brokers in Africa and beyond negotiate and mediate between (inter)national donors and potential beneficiaries within their communities. They translate local needs into development projects to make them suitable for international donors. This article looks at two main conditions that influence their work: First, windows of opportunity, which open and close according to structures and institutions beyond their sphere of influence; and second, their personality and skills. Based on two case studies from Burkina Faso, this article offers insights into biographies and life stories of such brokers where engagement leads to a distinguished lifestyle that contains aspects of cosmopolitanism and distinctiveness.
NGO brokers between local needs and global norms: trajectories of development actors in Burkina Faso
Local NGO brokers in Africa and beyond negotiate and mediate between (inter)national donors and potential beneficiaries within their communities. They translate local needs into development projects to make them suitable for international donors. This article looks at two main conditions that influence their work: First, windows of opportunity, which open and close according to structures and institutions beyond their sphere of influence; and second, their personality and skills. Based on two case studies from Burkina Faso, this article offers insights into biographies and life stories of such brokers where engagement leads to a distinguished lifestyle that contains aspects of cosmopolitanism and distinctiveness.