Document Type
- Article (6)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Atmospheric chemistry (2)
- research areas (2)
- Bild (1)
- Climate-change impacts (1)
- Direct reactions (1)
- Film (1)
- Kongressbericht (1)
- Literatur (1)
- Low & intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions (1)
- Nuclear fragmentation (1)
- Physik (3)
- Geowissenschaften (2)
The nucleosynthesis of elements beyond iron is dominated by neutron captures in the s and r processes. However, 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes cannot be formed during those processes, because they are shielded from the s-process flow and r-process β-decay chains. These nuclei are attributed to the p and rp process.
For all those processes, current research in nuclear astrophysics addresses the need for more precise reaction data involving radioactive isotopes. Depending on the particular reaction, direct or inverse kinematics, forward or time-reversed direction are investigated to determine or at least to constrain the desired reaction cross sections.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will offer unique, unprecedented opportunities to investigate many of the important reactions. The high yield of radioactive isotopes, even far away from the valley of stability, allows the investigation of isotopes involved in processes as exotic as the r or rp processes.
Wir leben in einer Welt voller Bilder. Unser Denken funktioniert in Bildern, die menschliche Kommunikation bedient sich verschiedener Sprachbilder und das mediale Zeitalter überrollt uns mit einer wahren Flut aus bewegten und unbewegten Bildern. Die Moderne greift dabei nicht nur auf den reichen Bilderschatz vergangener Jahrhunderte zurück, sondern es werden auch traditionelle Motive variiert, verändert und verworfen. Das ursprüngliche Bild wird ergänzt durch Gegenbilder und Alternativkonzepte. Letztlich ringen sie alle, Bilder und ihre Gegenbilder, um die Deutungshoheit. Die Veranstalter Corina Erk, M.A., und Christoph Naumann, M.A., eröffneten als Promovierendenvertreter der Bamberger Graduiertenschule für Literatur, Kultur und Medien den Workshop „Gegenbilder – literarisch/filmisch/fotografisch“ und stellten das anspruchsvolle Tagungsprogramm vor, das sich in fünf Sektionen gliederte. Jedes Panel näherte sich aus einer anderen Perspektive dem Themenbündel „Gegenbild“ an.
Atmospheric aerosols and their effect on clouds are thought to be important for anthropogenic radiative forcing of the climate, yet remain poorly understood1. Globally, around half of cloud condensation nuclei originate from nucleation of atmospheric vapours2. It is thought that sulfuric acid is essential to initiate most particle formation in the atmosphere3,4, and that ions have a relatively minor role5. Some laboratory studies, however, have reported organic particle formation without the intentional addition of sulfuric acid, although contamination could not be excluded6,7. Here we present evidence for the formation of aerosol particles from highly oxidized biogenic vapours in the absence of sulfuric acid in a large chamber under atmospheric conditions. The highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) are produced by ozonolysis of α-pinene. We find that ions from Galactic cosmic rays increase the nucleation rate by one to two orders of magnitude compared with neutral nucleation. Our experimental findings are supported by quantum chemical calculations of the cluster binding energies of representative HOMs. Ion-induced nucleation of pure organic particles constitutes a potentially widespread source of aerosol particles in terrestrial environments with low sulfuric acid pollution.
About half of present-day cloud condensation nuclei originate from atmospheric nucleation, frequently appearing as a burst of new particles near midday1. Atmospheric observations show that the growth rate of new particles often accelerates when the diameter of the particles is between one and ten nanometres2,3. In this critical size range, new particles are most likely to be lost by coagulation with pre-existing particles4, thereby failing to form new cloud condensation nuclei that are typically 50 to 100 nanometres across. Sulfuric acid vapour is often involved in nucleation but is too scarce to explain most subsequent growth5,6, leaving organic vapours as the most plausible alternative, at least in the planetary boundary layer7,8,9,10. Although recent studies11,12,13 predict that low-volatility organic vapours contribute during initial growth, direct evidence has been lacking. The accelerating growth may result from increased photolytic production of condensable organic species in the afternoon2, and the presence of a possible Kelvin (curvature) effect, which inhibits organic vapour condensation on the smallest particles (the nano-Köhler theory)2,14, has so far remained ambiguous. Here we present experiments performed in a large chamber under atmospheric conditions that investigate the role of organic vapours in the initial growth of nucleated organic particles in the absence of inorganic acids and bases such as sulfuric acid or ammonia and amines, respectively. Using data from the same set of experiments, it has been shown15 that organic vapours alone can drive nucleation. We focus on the growth of nucleated particles and find that the organic vapours that drive initial growth have extremely low volatilities (saturation concentration less than 10−4.5 micrograms per cubic metre). As the particles increase in size and the Kelvin barrier falls, subsequent growth is primarily due to more abundant organic vapours of slightly higher volatility (saturation concentrations of 10−4.5 to 10−0.5 micrograms per cubic metre). We present a particle growth model that quantitatively reproduces our measurements. Furthermore, we implement a parameterization of the first steps of growth in a global aerosol model and find that concentrations of atmospheric cloud concentration nuclei can change substantially in response, that is, by up to 50 per cent in comparison with previously assumed growth rate parameterizations.
The neutron-unbound isotope 13Be has been studied in several experiments using different reactions, different projectile energies, and different experimental setups. There is, however, no real consensus in the interpretation of the data, in particular concerning the structure of the low-lying excited states. Gathering new experimental information, which may reveal the 13Be structure, is a challenge, particularly in light of its bridging role between 12Be, where the N = 8 neutron shell breaks down, and the Borromean halo nucleus 14Be. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of bound excited states in the reaction product 12Be after proton knockout from 14B, by measuring coincidences between 12Be, neutrons, and γ rays originating from de-excitation of states fed by neutron decay of 13Be. The 13Be isotopes were produced in proton knockout from a 400 MeV/nucleon 14B beam impinging on a CH2 target. The 12 Be-n relative-energy spectrum d σ /d Ef n was obtained from coincidences between 12Be(g.s.) and a neutron, and also as threefold coincidences by adding γ rays, from the de-excitation of excited states in 12Be. Neutron decay from the first 5/2+ state in 13Be to the 2+ state in 12Be at 2.11 MeV is confirmed. An energy independence of the proton-knockout mechanism is found from a comparison with data taken with a 35 MeV/nucleon 14B beam. A low-lying p-wave resonance in 13Be(1/2−) is confirmed by comparing proton- and neutron-knockout data from 14B and 14Be.
Systematic investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of unstable B and C isotopes
Background: Models describing nuclear fragmentation and fragmentation fission deliver important input for planning nuclear physics experiments and future radioactive ion beam facilities. These models are usually benchmarked against data from stable beam experiments. In the future, two-step fragmentation reactions with exotic nuclei as stepping stones are a promising tool for reaching the most neutron-rich nuclei, creating a need for models to describe also these reactions.
Purpose: We want to extend the presently available data on fragmentation reactions towards the light exotic region on the nuclear chart. Furthermore, we want to improve the understanding of projectile fragmentation especially for unstable isotopes.
Method: We have measured projectile fragments from 10,12−18C and 10−15B isotopes colliding with a carbon target. These measurements were all performed within one experiment, which gives rise to a very consistent data set. We compare our data to model calculations.
Results: One-proton removal cross sections with different final neutron numbers (1pxn) for relativistic 10,12−18C and 10−15B isotopes impinging on a carbon target. Comparing model calculations to the data, we find that the epax code is not able to describe the data satisfactorily. Using abrabla07 on the other hand, we find that the average excitation energy per abraded nucleon needs to be decreased from 27 MeV to 8.1 MeV. With that decrease abrabla07 describes the data surprisingly well.
Conclusions: Extending the available data towards light unstable nuclei with a consistent set of new data has allowed a systematic investigation of the role of the excitation energy induced in projectile fragmentation. Most striking is the apparent mass dependence of the average excitation energy per abraded nucleon. Nevertheless, this parameter, which has been related to final-state interactions, requires further study.
Neutron-rich light nuclei and their reactions play an important role in the creation of chemical elements. Here, data from a Coulomb dissociation experiment on 20,21N are reported. Relativistic 20,21N ions impinged on a lead target and the Coulomb dissociation cross section was determined in a kinematically complete experiment. Using the detailed balance theorem, the 19 N(n,γ )20 N and 20 N(n,γ )21 N excitation functions and thermonuclear reaction rates have been determined. The 19N(n,γ)20N rate is up to a factor of 5 higher at T < 1 GK with respect to previous theoretical calculations, leading to a 10% decrease in the predicted fluorine abundance.