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- tetrahydrobiopterin (2)
- 3T3-L1 mouse fibroblasts (1)
- AGMO (1)
- Ceramides (1)
- Community ecology (1)
- Ecological networks (1)
- Ecology (1)
- Ecosystem ecology (1)
- GTP cyclohydrolase (1)
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1)
Ein zentrales Problem sieht Katrin Fischer in der Teleologie, deren Thematisierung auf der Ebene der erzählten Welt sie mit Goethes bekannter ablehnender Einstellung zur Teleologie kontrastiert. Sie bereitet so ihre Überlegungen im dritten Kapitel vor, in dem sie die Frage nach der Teleologie in Beziehung setzt zum zeitgenössischen Diskurs "Bestimmung des Menschen" und Goethes Problemformulierung im Wilhelm Meister nun als komplexe Stellungnahme deuten kann. Im Zentrum ihrer Überlegungen steht dabei die Überlegung, daß der Roman nicht nur ein Bildungskonzept formuliert, sondern bereits eine Auseinandersetzung mit Folgeproblemen dieses Konzepts darstellt. Sie ist besonders darum bemüht, die Thematisierung des Bildungsproblems auf der Figurenebene, auf der Erzählerebene und symbolisch formuliert auf der Ebene der Handlung deutlich zu unterscheiden und in eine gemeinsame Deutung zu integrieren. Die beiden Abschlußkapitel gehen auf zwei besondere Probleme ein: das Ende und das Bezugsproblem. Das Finale, das mit seiner Folge von Zufällen und plötzlichen Wendungen den bisherigen Gang der Dinge sehr schnell zu einem glücklichen Ende bringt, scheint das sonst so deutlich formulierte Bildungskonzept zu negieren. Katrin Fischer sieht hierin den Versuch, durch das Einbeziehen des Zufalls ein wesentliches Element des Bildungsprozesses zu gestalten. Alle Aspekte, die mit der Turmgesellschaft verknüpft sind - die Kritik am Schicksalsglauben, Bildungskonzepte und die Bedeutung von Bildung, Liebesglück, und auch die zufällige Handlungsfügung im Verhältnis zu rationalen Methoden der Lebensführung – lassen sich als Lösungen für das Bezugsproblem lesen, der Frage nach dem Gelingen des Lebens im Kontext der Frage nach der Bestimmung des Menschen sehen.
Forest fragmentation and selective logging are two main drivers of global environmental change and modify biodiversity and environmental conditions in many tropical forests. The consequences of these changes for the functioning of tropical forest ecosystems have rarely been explored in a comprehensive approach. In a Kenyan rainforest, we studied six animal-mediated ecosystem processes and recorded species richness and community composition of all animal taxa involved in these processes. We used linear models and a formal meta-analysis to test whether forest fragmentation and selective logging affected ecosystem processes and biodiversity and used structural equation models to disentangle direct from biodiversity-related indirect effects of human disturbance on multiple ecosystem processes. Fragmentation increased decomposition and reduced antbird predation, while selective logging consistently increased pollination, seed dispersal and army-ant raiding. Fragmentation modified species richness or community composition of five taxa, whereas selective logging did not affect any component of biodiversity. Changes in the abundance of functionally important species were related to lower predation by antbirds and higher decomposition rates in small forest fragments. The positive effects of selective logging on bee pollination, bird seed dispersal and army-ant raiding were direct, i.e. not related to changes in biodiversity, and were probably due to behavioural changes of these highly mobile animal taxa. We conclude that animal-mediated ecosystem processes respond in distinct ways to different types of human disturbance in Kakamega Forest. Our findings suggest that forest fragmentation affects ecosystem processes indirectly by changes in biodiversity, whereas selective logging influences processes directly by modifying local environmental conditions and resource distributions. The positive to neutral effects of selective logging on ecosystem processes show that the functionality of tropical forests can be maintained in moderately disturbed forest fragments. Conservation concepts for tropical forests should thus include not only remaining pristine forests but also functionally viable forest remnants.
Species’ functional traits set the blueprint for pair-wise interactions in ecological networks. Yet, it is unknown to what extent the functional diversity of plant and animal communities controls network assembly along environmental gradients in real-world ecosystems. Here we address this question with a unique dataset of mutualistic bird–fruit, bird–flower and insect–flower interaction networks and associated functional traits of 200 plant and 282 animal species sampled along broad climate and land-use gradients on Mt. Kilimanjaro. We show that plant functional diversity is mainly limited by precipitation, while animal functional diversity is primarily limited by temperature. Furthermore, shifts in plant and animal functional diversity along the elevational gradient control the niche breadth and partitioning of the respective other trophic level. These findings reveal that climatic constraints on the functional diversity of either plants or animals determine the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control in plant–animal interaction networks.
Apheresis therapies for NMOSD attacks : a retrospective study of 207 therapeutic interventions
Objective: To analyze whether 1 of the 2 apheresis techniques, therapeutic plasma exchange (PE) or immunoadsorption (IA), is superior in treating neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) attacks and to identify predictive factors for complete remission (CR).
Methods: This retrospective cohort study was based on the registry of the German Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group, a nationwide network established in 2008. It recruited patients with neuromyelitis optica diagnosed according to the 2006 Wingerchuk criteria or with aquaporin-4 (AQP4-ab)-antibody–seropositive NMOSD treated at 6 regional hospitals and 16 tertiary referral centers until March 2013. Besides descriptive data analysis of patient and attack characteristics, generalized estimation equation (GEE) analyses were applied to compare the effectiveness of the 2 apheresis techniques. A GEE model was generated to assess predictors of outcome.
Results: Two hundred and seven attacks in 105 patients (87% AQP4-ab-antibody seropositive) were treated with at least 1 apheresis therapy. Neither PE nor IA was proven superior in the therapy of NMOSD attacks. CR was only achieved with early apheresis therapy. Strong predictors for CR were the use of apheresis therapy as first-line therapy (OR 12.27, 95% CI: 1.04–144.91, p = 0.047), time from onset of attack to start of therapy in days (OR 0.94, 95% CI: 0.89–0.99, p = 0.014), the presence of AQP4-ab-antibodies (OR 33.34, 95% CI: 1.76–631.17, p = 0.019), and monofocal attack manifestation (OR 4.71, 95% CI: 1.03–21.62, p = 0.046).
Conclusions: Our findings suggest early use of an apheresis therapy in NMOSD attacks, particularly in AQP4-ab-seropositive patients. No superiority was shown for one of the 2 apheresis techniques.
Classification of evidence: This study provides Class IV evidence that for patients with NMOSD, neither PE nor IA is superior in the treatment of attacks.
Alkylglycerol monooxygenase (AGMO) is a tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)-dependent enzyme with major expression in the liver and white adipose tissue that cleaves alkyl ether glycerolipids. The present study describes the disclosure and biological characterization of a candidate compound (Cp6), which inhibits AGMO with an IC50 of 30–100 µM and 5–20-fold preference of AGMO relative to other BH4-dependent enzymes, i.e., phenylalanine-hydroxylase and nitric oxide synthase. The viability and metabolic activity of mouse 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, HepG2 human hepatocytes and mouse RAW264.7 macrophages were not affected up to 10-fold of the IC50. However, Cp6 reversibly inhibited the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells towards adipocytes, in which AGMO expression was upregulated upon differentiation. Cp6 reduced the accumulation of lipid droplets in adipocytes upon differentiation and in HepG2 cells exposed to free fatty acids. Cp6 also inhibited IL-4-driven differentiation of RAW264.7 macrophages towards M2-like macrophages, which serve as adipocyte progenitors in adipose tissue. Collectively, the data suggest that pharmacologic AGMO inhibition may affect lipid storage.
Human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) genomes are chromosomally integrated in all cells of an individual. They are normally transcriptionally silenced and transmitted only vertically. Enhanced expression of HERV-K accompanied by the emergence of anti-HERV-K-directed immune responses has been observed in tumor patients and HIV-infected individuals. As HERV-K is usually not expressed and immunological tolerance development is unlikely, it is an appropriate target for the development of immunotherapies. We generated a recombinant vaccinia virus (MVA-HKenv) expressing the HERV-K envelope glycoprotein (ENV), based on the modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), and established an animal model to test its vaccination efficacy. Murine renal carcinoma cells (Renca) were genetically altered to express E. coli beta-galactosidase (RLZ cells) or the HERV-K ENV gene (RLZ-HKenv cells). Intravenous injection of RLZ-HKenv cells into syngenic BALB/c mice led to the formation of pulmonary metastases, which were detectable by X-gal staining. A single vaccination of tumor-bearing mice with MVA-HKenv drastically reduced the number of pulmonary RLZ-HKenv tumor nodules compared to vaccination with wild-type MVA. Prophylactic vaccination of mice with MVA-HKenv precluded the formation of RLZ-HKenv tumor nodules, whereas wild-type MVA-vaccinated animals succumbed to metastasis. Protection from tumor formation correlated with enhanced HERV-K ENV-specific killing activity of splenocytes. These data demonstrate for the first time that HERV-K ENV is a useful target for vaccine development and might offer new treatment opportunities for diverse types of cancer.
GTP cyclohydrolase (GCH1) governs de novo synthesis of the enzyme cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), which is essential for biogenic amine production, bioactive lipid metabolism and redox coupling of nitric oxide synthases. Overproduction of BH4 via upregulation of GCH1 in sensory neurons is associated with nociceptive hypersensitivity in rodents, and neuron‐specific GCH1 deletion normalizes nociception. The translational relevance is revealed by protective polymorphisms of GCH1 in humans, which are associated with a reduced chronic pain. Because myeloid cells constitute a major non‐neuronal source of BH4 that may contribute to BH4‐dependent phenotypes, we studied here the contribution of myeloid‐derived BH4 to pain and itch in lysozyme M Cre‐mediated GCH1 knockout (LysM‐GCH1−/−) and overexpressing mice (LysM‐GCH1‐HA). Unexpectedly, knockout or overexpression in myeloid cells had no effect on nociceptive behaviour, but LysM‐driven GCH1 knockout reduced, and its overexpression increased the scratching response in Compound 48/80 and hydroxychloroquine‐evoked itch models, which involve histamine and non‐histamine dependent signalling pathways. Mechanistically, GCH1 overexpression increased BH4, nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide, and these changes were associated with increased release of histamine and serotonin and degranulation of mast cells. LysM‐driven GCH1 knockout had opposite effects, and pharmacologic inhibition of GCH1 provided even stronger itch suppression. Inversely, intradermal BH4 provoked scratching behaviour in vivo and BH4 evoked an influx of calcium in sensory neurons. Together, these loss‐ and gain‐of‐function experiments suggest that itch in mice is contributed by BH4 release plus BH4‐driven mediator release from myeloid immune cells, which leads to activation of itch‐responsive sensory neurons.
Depletion of the enzyme cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), in T-cells was shown to prevent their proliferation upon receptor stimulation in models of allergic inflammation in mice, suggesting that BH4 drives autoimmunity. Hence, the clinically available BH4 drug (sapropterin) might increase the risk of autoimmune diseases. The present study assessed the implications for multiple sclerosis (MS) as an exemplary CNS autoimmune disease. Plasma levels of biopterin were persistently low in MS patients and tended to be lower with high Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Instead, the bypass product, neopterin, was increased. The deregulation suggested that BH4 replenishment might further drive the immune response or beneficially restore the BH4 balances. To answer this question, mice were treated with sapropterin in immunization-evoked autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model of multiple sclerosis. Sapropterin-treated mice had higher EAE disease scores associated with higher numbers of T-cells infiltrating the spinal cord, but normal T-cell subpopulations in spleen and blood. Mechanistically, sapropterin treatment was associated with increased plasma levels of long-chain ceramides and low levels of the poly-unsaturated fatty acid, linolenic acid (FA18:3). These lipid changes are known to contribute to disruptions of the blood–brain barrier in EAE mice. Indeed, RNA data analyses revealed upregulations of genes involved in ceramide synthesis in brain endothelial cells of EAE mice (LASS6/CERS6, LASS3/CERS3, UGCG, ELOVL6, and ELOVL4). The results support the view that BH4 fortifies autoimmune CNS disease, mechanistically involving lipid deregulations that are known to contribute to the EAE pathology.
Knowledge about the biogeographic affinities of the world’s tropical forests helps to better understand regional differences in forest structure, diversity, composition, and dynamics. Such understanding will enable anticipation of region-specific responses to global environmental change. Modern phylogenies, in combination with broad coverage of species inventory data, now allow for global biogeographic analyses that take species evolutionary distance into account. Here we present a classification of the world’s tropical forests based on their phylogenetic similarity. We identify five principal floristic regions and their floristic relationships: (i) Indo-Pacific, (ii) Subtropical, (iii) African, (iv) American, and (v) Dry forests. Our results do not support the traditional neo- versus paleotropical forest division but instead separate the combined American and African forests from their Indo-Pacific counterparts. We also find indications for the existence of a global dry forest region, with representatives in America, Africa, Madagascar, and India. Additionally, a northern-hemisphere Subtropical forest region was identified with representatives in Asia and America, providing support for a link between Asian and American northern-hemisphere forests.