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- Medizin (2)
Bei Damme, Gehrde und Rieste, 30 km nordöstlich von Osnabrück, kommt ein marin-sedimentäres, stratiformes Eisenerzlager vor, das aus Brauneisenerz-Geröllen und mergelig-glaukonitischer Matrix besteht und meist 2-7 m mächtig ist. Dieses Erzlager tritt in fünf unterschiedlich großen, linsenförmigen Zonen auf, die in 70-400 m Tiefe unter Gelände auf den flach einfallenden Flügeln einer 35 km langen und 10km breiten Oberkreide-Mulde liegen. Es gehört stratigraphisch dem Oberen Unter-Campan an und transgrediert auf tonige Gesteine der Unterkreide. In seinem Hangenden liegen Sedimentgesteine des Ober-Campan, Tertiär und Quartär. Das Erzlager entstand als marine Seife durch Abtragung, Umlagerung und Oxidation von Siderit-Konkretionen aus den tonigen Gesteinen der Unterkreide im Liegenden und in der Umgebung des Erzvorkommens. Von 1944-1967 ist das Erzlager in der jetzt auflässigen Grube Damme abgebaut worden. Dort erzeugte man aus Roherz mit 30-32 % Fe und 0,6-0,7% P durch naßmechanische Aufbereitung ein Konzentrat (versandfertiges Produkt) mit 46-47 % Fe und 0,8% P, das im Ruhrgebiet verhüttet wurde. Insgesamt wurden rund 9,2 Mio. t Roherz gefördert und 5,1 Mio. t Konzentrat erzeugt. Die Grube Damme ist aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen stillgelegt worden. Das Erz ist gegenwärtig nicht abbauwürdig. Deshalb sind die Erzvorräte noch nicht vollständig erkundet.
Background: Data on the economic impact of Lyme borreliosis (LB) on European health care systems is scarce. This project focused on the epidemiology and costs for laboratory testing in LB patients in Germany.
Materials and Methods: We performed a sentinel analysis of epidemiological and medicoeconomic data for 2007 and 2008. Data was provided by a German statutory health insurance (DAK) company covering approx. 6.04 million members. In addition, the quality of diagnostic testing for LB in Germany was studied.
Results: In 2007 and 2008, the incident diagnosis LB was coded on average for 15,742 out of 6.04 million insured members (0.26%). 20,986 EIAs and 12,558 immunoblots were ordered annually for these patients. For all insured members in the outpatient sector, a total of 174,820 EIAs and 52,280 immunoblots were reimbursed annually to health care providers (cost: 2,600,850€). For Germany, the overall expected cost is estimated at 51,215,105€. However, proficiency testing data questioned test quality and standardization of diagnostic assays used.
Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest ongoing issues related to care for LB and may help to improve future LB disease management.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common, highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder. Genetic loci have not yet been identified by genome-wide association studies. Rare copy number variations (CNVs), such as chromosomal deletions or duplications, have been implicated in ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders. To identify rare (frequency ≤1%) CNVs that increase the risk of ADHD, we performed a whole-genome CNV analysis based on 489 young ADHD patients and 1285 adult population-based controls and identified one significantly associated CNV region. In tests for a global burden of large (>500 kb) rare CNVs, we observed a nonsignificant (P=0.271) 1.126-fold enriched rate of subjects carrying at least one such CNV in the group of ADHD cases. Locus-specific tests of association were used to assess if there were more rare CNVs in cases compared with controls. Detected CNVs, which were significantly enriched in the ADHD group, were validated by quantitative (q)PCR. Findings were replicated in an independent sample of 386 young patients with ADHD and 781 young population-based healthy controls. We identified rare CNVs within the parkinson protein 2 gene (PARK2) with a significantly higher prevalence in ADHD patients than in controls (P=2.8 × 10(-4) after empirical correction for genome-wide testing). In total, the PARK2 locus (chr 6: 162 659 756-162 767 019) harboured three deletions and nine duplications in the ADHD patients and two deletions and two duplications in the controls. By qPCR analysis, we validated 11 of the 12 CNVs in ADHD patients (P=1.2 × 10(-3) after empirical correction for genome-wide testing). In the replication sample, CNVs at the PARK2 locus were found in four additional ADHD patients and one additional control (P=4.3 × 10(-2)). Our results suggest that copy number variants at the PARK2 locus contribute to the genetic susceptibility of ADHD. Mutations and CNVs in PARK2 are known to be associated with Parkinson disease.