Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (8)
- Working Paper (4)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- Report (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (14)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (14)
- DNA taxonomy (3)
- micro-computed tomography (2)
- Ableitung <Linguistik> (1)
- Aspekt <Linguistik> (1)
- Baskisch (1)
- Biodiversity (1)
- COVID (1)
- Cochliopidae (1)
- Cryptic species (1)
- Data management (1)
In seinen Schriften zur Typologie des Relativsatzes behandelt Lehmann auch das Baskische […] Die Diskussion um den baskischen Relativsatz geht jedoch schon auf De Rijk (1972) zurück und wird von Oyharqabal (1985) fortgesetzt. In diesen Werken geht es um allgemeine Themen der Typologie des Relativsatzes (vor allem um das Problem der Zugänglichkeit), wobei allerdings wichtige Fragen unberücksichtigt bleiben: Warum gibt es im Baskischen mehrere unterschiedliche Relativsatzkonstruktionen? Worin unterscheiden sie sich? Wie lassen sie sich voneinander und gegen andere Verfahren der Nominalisierung abgrenzen, mit anderen Worten: welche Konstruktion gehört noch zu den Relativsatzbildungen, welche nicht mehr? Ich will hier die verschiedenen Verfahren der Relativsatzbildung (Relativierung) vorstellen und versuchen, mit Hilfe von Lehmanns (1984) Kontinuum der Nominalisierung Ordnung in die Phänomene , zu bringen, um schließlich Erklärungsansätze zu finden.
Ich werde zunächst auf neuere Theorien zur Abgrenzung von Komposition und Derivation eingehen, um – darauf aufbauend –einen eigenen Lösungsvorschlag anhand von Sprachdaten auszuarbeiten. Dabei werde ich mich nicht auf das Deutsche beschränken, sondern ein Modell skizzieren, das auch eine gewisse übereinzelsprachliche Gültigkeit besitzt . Das Sprachmaterial entstammt allerdings in erster Linie indogermanischen Sprachen, da sich hier das Problem besonders augenfällig stellt. Es wäre jedoch interessant, das vorgestellte Modell an einer größeren Zahl von Sprachtypen zu überprüfen (und entsprechend zu modifizieren). In einem dritten Abschnitt schließlich möchte ich versuchen, die beobachteten Phänomene (und somit mein Modell) ansatzweise in einen Erklärungszusammenhang zu bringen. Das Hauptgewicht soll jedoch auf die Beschreibung der Phänomene selbst, d. h. den zweiten Teil meiner Ausführungen gelegt werden.
Since its founding in 1993 the International Long-term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) has gone through pronounced development phases. The current network comprises 44 active member LTER networks representing 700 LTER Sites and ~ 80 LTSER Platforms across all continents, active in the fields of ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological research. The critical challenges and most important achievements of the initial phase have now become state-of-the-art in networking for excellent science. At the same time increasing integration, accelerating technology, networking of resources and a strong pull for more socially relevant scientific information have been modifying the mission and goals of ILTER. This article provides a critical review of ILTER's mission, goals, development and impacts. Major characteristics, tools, services, partnerships and selected examples of relative strengths relevant for advancing ILTER are presented. We elaborate on the tradeoffs between the needs of the scientific community and stakeholder expectations. The embedding of ILTER in an increasingly collaborative landscape of global environmental observation and ecological research networks and infrastructures is also reflected by developments of pioneering regional and national LTER networks such as SAEON in South Africa, CERN/CEOBEX in China, TERN in Australia or eLTER RI in Europe. The primary role of ILTER is currently seen as a mechanism to investigate ecosystem structure, function, and services in response to a wide range of environmental forcings using long-term, place-based research. We suggest four main fields of activities and advancements for the next decade through development/delivery of a: (1) Global multi-disciplinary community of researchers and research institutes; (2) Strategic global framework and strong partnerships in ecosystem observation and research; (3) Global Research Infrastructure (GRI); and (4) a scientific knowledge factory for societally relevant information on sustainable use of natural resources.
Five new species of freshwater gastropods of the tateid genus Sulawesidrobia are described from the ancient Lake Matano on Sulawesi, Indonesia: S. wilsoni sp. nov., S. carsonae sp. nov., S. ehrlichi sp. nov., S. crutzeni sp. nov., and S. dinersteini sp. nov. The descriptions were based on shell morphology, anatomy as well as phylogenetic analysis using DNA sequence data of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I. All three suits of characters were included into the diagnoses. The new species formed a clade with two species from Lake Towuti, but separate from already known species from Lake Matano. The species were discovered between 2003 and 2005. However, not a single specimen of Sulawesidrobia was found when several sites were revisited in 2018 and 2019. This may be a consequence of the release of South American flowerhorn cichlid fish into the lake, in combination with heavy eutrophication of the once ultra-oligotrophic lake. It seems likely that several populations or even entire species of Sulawesidrobia in Lake Matano may be extinct. The species names given reflect this by acknowledging important conservationists.
Gegenstand dieses Aufsatzes ist das Verhältnis zwischen der Wahrnehmung einer Anordnung im Raum und der Kategorisierung grammatischer Information. Bei der Diskussion unterschiedlicher Ansätze zu diesem Thema (Metapherntheorie , Gestalttheorie u.a.) stehen die Fragen nach der Existenzberechtigung und dem Erklärungspotential eines lokalistischen Ansatzes im Vordergrund. Während eine direkte Beziehung zwischen räumlicher und grammatischer Kategorisierung abzulehnen ist, liegt ein gemeinsamer Nenner in übergreifenden Prinzipien der Mustererkennung. In einer Theorie der Mustererkennung "vereinen sich wesentliche Gedanken aus Wahrnehmungs- und Lernbarkeitstheorien und deren Formulierung mittels "berechenbarer" geometrisch-topologischer Modelle. Als Illustration dienen u.a. Beispiele zur Kasusmarkierung und zur sprachlichen Kategorisierung von Aspekt und Tempus.
Walter Biese described Littoridina santiagensis Biese, 1944 (Cochliopidae) from Estero Dehesa in 1944 based exclusively on external shell features and a second allopatric population in Yeso Spring three years later. Since 2011 different samplings have been carried out at the type locality and have only provided specimens of the morphologically similar invasive mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray, 1843 (Tateidae), raising doubts about the identity of the species. The recent finding of two snail morphotypes in Yeso Spring, a thick shelled form congruent with type specimens of L. santiagensis and a slender one morphologically associable to P. antipodarum, allowed comparative studies, including the taxonomic analysis of additional populations with similar shell morphology occurring in central Chile. A DNA barcoding (COI) approach identified the slender form from Yeso Spring in Maipo Basin and a second population from the contiguous Rapel Basin indeed as the invasive P. antipodarum; however, L. santiagensis was recovered among species of Potamolithus Pilsbry, 1896 (Tateidae), justifying the Potamolithus santiagensis (Biese, 1944) comb. nov. Besides recognition of three other populations as belonging to Potamolithus, the molecular analysis also suggests trans-Andean dispersal of this group of snails in the Southern Cone of South America.
During systematic surveys of groundwater snails in Slovakia, Hungary and Bosnia and Hercegovina two new species of the genus Hauffenia, H. lozekiana sp. nov. from a single locality in Slovakia, and H. steffeki sp. nov. with a small range in Bosnia and Hercegovina were discovered and are here described based on shell morphology, anatomy and DNA sequence data (COI, 16S rRNA, ITS2). The discovery of H. steffeki sp. nov. extends the range of the genus considerably towards the south. Hauffenia lozekiana sp. nov. appears to be a relict surviving within the range of the today widely distributed H. kissdalmae. Based on a time tree, we developed a scenario for the origin and diversification of the genus. The ancestor probably evolved in the Miocene on the Balkans and with the gradual desiccation of the Paratethys and its remnant water bodies diversified towards the north. Karstic and in particular alluvial connectivities together with changing courses of paleo-rivers probably played an important role for dispersal. Ecological observations suggest that the phreatic rhizosphere, the delicate net of tree rootlets and their exudates, are important for the existence of these groundwater snails.
Four new species and one new subspecies of tateid freshwater gastropods are described from the north of the South Island of New Zealand, Catapyrgus jami sp. nov., Opacuincola lisannea sp. nov., O. gretathunbergae sp. nov., O. mete kahurangi ssp. nov. and Obtusopyrgus farri sp. nov. The species are integratively defined based on a combination of shell morphological, anatomical and mitochondrial DNA data. Morphological and anatomical data were generated by morphometrics, scanning electron microscopy, as well as micro-computed tomography. The genetic data were basis of phylogenetic analyses and incorporated into the diagnoses. The new taxa occur in springs or spring-like habitats, i.e., shallow, slow-flowing sections of small streams except for O. mete kahurangi subsp. nov., which was collected from rough rocks in a river, where the snails sat in small depressions. None of the species exceeded 2.75 mm in length. Opacuincola gretathunbergae sp. nov. and Obtusopyrgus farri sp. nov. are pigmented and true crenobionts, while C. jami sp. nov. and the sympatric Opacuincola lisannea sp. nov. have eyes of reduced size and lack epidermal pigment, hence, probably dwell in the transitional zone of epigean and groundwaters.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly improve the delivery of healthcare and other services that advance population health and wellbeing. However, the use of AI in healthcare also brings potential risks that may cause unintended harm. To guide future developments in AI, the High-Level Expert Group on AI set up by the European Commission (EC), recently published ethics guidelines for what it terms “trustworthy” AI. These guidelines are aimed at a variety of stakeholders, especially guiding practitioners toward more ethical and more robust applications of AI. In line with efforts of the EC, AI ethics scholarship focuses increasingly on converting abstract principles into actionable recommendations. However, the interpretation, relevance, and implementation of trustworthy AI depend on the domain and the context in which the AI system is used. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate how to use the general AI HLEG trustworthy AI guidelines in practice in the healthcare domain. To this end, we present a best practice of assessing the use of machine learning as a supportive tool to recognize cardiac arrest in emergency calls. The AI system under assessment is currently in use in the city of Copenhagen in Denmark. The assessment is accomplished by an independent team composed of philosophers, policy makers, social scientists, technical, legal, and medical experts. By leveraging an interdisciplinary team, we aim to expose the complex trade-offs and the necessity for such thorough human review when tackling socio-technical applications of AI in healthcare. For the assessment, we use a process to assess trustworthy AI, called 1Z-Inspection® to identify specific challenges and potential ethical trade-offs when we consider AI in practice.