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A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) has been conceived and constructed as a heavy-ion experiment at the LHC. During LHC Runs 1 and 2, it has produced a wide range of physics results using all collision systems available at the LHC. In order to best exploit new physics opportunities opening up with the upgraded LHC and new detector technologies, the experiment has undergone a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2022). This comprises the move to continuous readout, the complete overhaul of core detectors, as well as a new online event processing farm with a redesigned online-offline software framework. These improvements will allow to record Pb-Pb collisions at rates up to 50 kHz, while ensuring sensitivity for signals without a triggerable signature.
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) has been conceived and constructed as a heavy-ion experiment at the LHC. During LHC Runs 1 and 2, it has produced a wide range of physics results using all collision systems available at the LHC. In order to best exploit new physics opportunities opening up with the upgraded LHC and new detector technologies, the experiment has undergone a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2022). This comprises the move to continuous readout, the complete overhaul of core detectors, as well as a new online event processing farm with a redesigned online-offline software framework. These improvements will allow to record Pb-Pb collisions at rates up to 50 kHz, while ensuring sensitivity for signals without a triggerable signature.
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) has been conceived and constructed as a heavy-ion experiment at the LHC. During LHC Runs 1 and 2, it has produced a wide range of physics results using all collision systems available at the LHC. In order to best exploit new physics opportunities opening up with the upgraded LHC and new detector technologies, the experiment has undergone a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019–2022). This comprises the move to continuous readout, the complete overhaul of core detectors, as well as a new online event processing farm with a redesigned online-offline software framework. These improvements will allow to record Pb-Pb collisions at rates up to 50 kHz, while ensuring sensitivity for signals without a triggerable signature.
Die vegetationskundliche und strukturelle Zuordnung der Lebensraumtypen erfolgt nach der vorrangig von Braun-Blanquet entwickelten Vegetationsklassifizierung, einer hierarchischen Gliederung der Vegetationstypen (Syntaxonomie), die die Ebenen der Assoziation, des Verbandes, der Ordnung und der Klasse umfasst. Hierbei ist die Assoziation die grundlegende Einheit, in der die Pflanzengesellschaften zusammengefasst werden, die sich durch gleiche charakteristische Arten(gruppen)kombinationen auszeichnen. Der Verband vereinigt ähnliche Assoziationen. Das sind bereits umfassendere, jedoch standörtlich noch recht einheitliche Vegetationseinheiten. In Ordnungen werden ähnliche Verbände zusammengefasst. Die Klasse vereinigt ähnliche Ordnungen.
Background: Alzheimer's disease is a common debilitating dementia with known heritability, for which 20 late onset susceptibility loci have been identified, but more remain to be discovered. This study sought to identify new susceptibility genes, using an alternative gene-wide analytical approach which tests for patterns of association within genes, in the powerful genome-wide association dataset of the International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project Consortium, comprising over 7 m genotypes from 25,580 Alzheimer's cases and 48,466 controls.
Principal findings: In addition to earlier reported genes, we detected genome-wide significant loci on chromosomes 8 (TP53INP1, p = 1.4×10−6) and 14 (IGHV1-67 p = 7.9×10−8) which indexed novel susceptibility loci.
Significance: The additional genes identified in this study, have an array of functions previously implicated in Alzheimer's disease, including aspects of energy metabolism, protein degradation and the immune system and add further weight to these pathways as potential therapeutic targets in Alzheimer's disease.
Der vorliegende Artikel analysiert systematisch die Erreichung der MiFID-Ziele anhand der wissenschaftlichen Literatur. Ziel der MiFID ist es, die Rahmenbedingungen für einen effizienten und kostengünstigen Wertpapierhandel zu schaffen. Erreicht werden soll dies durch die Verschärfung des Wettbewerbs, die Integration der Märkte, die Offenlegung von Handelsintentionen und -geschäften sowie die Stärkung der rechtlichen Position der Investoren. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Förderung des Wettbewerbes als erfolgreich bewertet wird, aber die regulatorischen Möglichkeiten der Marktintegration nicht ausgeschöpft werden. Ferner wird die Forderung nach einheitlichen Transparenzbestimmungen für alle Ordermechanismen nur teilweise umgesetzt. Der Anleger erfährt letztlich gegenüber Finanzintermediären durch die MiFID keinen höheren Schutz.
Erstnachweis von Dryopteris affinis s. str. (Dryopteridaceae, Pteridophyta) für Nordrhein-Westfalen
Neuerdings werden fünf Sippen des Dryopteris-affinis-Komplexes in Mitteleuropa als eigenständige Arten bewertet, wovon vier auch in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) vorkommen. Dazu gehören die triploide D. bor - reri, die offenbar die mit Abstand häufigste Art repräsentiert, und zwei weitere triploide Arten, D. pseudodisjuncta und D. lacunosa. Letztere wurde erst vor kurzem neu beschrieben und ist in NRW bislang nur von einem Fundpunkt bekannt. Mit Hilfe der Flow-Cytometrie gelang es nun, eine auf Grund der kleinen Sporen verdächtig erscheinende Pflanze aus dem Schwalm- Nette-Gebiet als diploide D. affinis s. str. zu identifizieren. Die anfängliche Vermutung, diese Art sei auf Tiefland-Vorkommen im deutlich atlantisch getönten äußersten Nordwesten von NRW beschränkt, haben sich als unzutreffend erwiesen; die Art konnte nachfolgend auch mehrfach im Süderbergland gefunden werden. Ebenfalls mit Hilfe der Flow-Cytometrie wurden eine Reihe von Vorkommen von D. borreri bestätigt sowie tetra- und pentaploide Hybriden (D. ×complexa und D. ×critica) nachgewiesen, die durch Bastardbildung mit D. filix-mas entstehen. Während Vorkommen der pentaploiden D. ×critica bereits seit längerer Zeit aus NRW bekannt sind, handelt es sich bei denjenigen von D. ×complexa ebenfalls um Erstnachweise. Das nordrhein-westfälische Areal dieser Sippen wird in drei Fundortkarten dargestellt (für den D.-affinis-Komplex insgesamt sowie für cytologisch bzw. flow-cytometrisch bestätigte Vorkommen der beiden Arten D. affinis s. str. und D. borreri sowie der beiden Hybriden D. ×complexa und D. ×critica). Aus einer mit der räumlichen Verteilung der Jahresniederschläge kombinierten Verbreitungskarte wird die enge Bindung an niederschlagreichere Lagen (zumeist mehr als 800mm) deutlich. Dies und weitere standortökologische Besonderheiten weisen darauf hin, dass die Sippen des D.-affinis-Komplexes in größerem Maße von der Wasserversorgung abhängig sind als D. filix-mas. Zwar repräsentieren die D.-affinis-Sippen offenbar typische Waldfarne und zeigen eine Präferenz für bodensaure Buchenwald-Gesellschaften, vor allem D. affinis s. str. kommt aber auffallend häufig an anthropogen überformten Sekundärstandorten vor, so an Weg- und Grabenböschungen, in Abgrabungen sowie an einem künstlichen Steilhang und in einem Steinbruch.
Background The to date evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical workload and the development of lumbar disc diseases is limited. We therefore investigated the possible etiologic relevance of cumulative occupational lumbar load to lumbar disc diseases in a multi-center case-control study. Methods In four study regions in Germany (Frankfurt/Main, Freiburg, Halle/Saale, Regensburg), patients seeking medical care for pain associated with clinically and radiologically verified lumbar disc herniation (286 males, 278 females) or symptomatic lumbar disc narrowing (145 males, 206 females) were prospectively recruited. Population control subjects (453 males and 448 females) were drawn from the regional population registers. Cases and control subjects were between 25 and 70 years of age. In a structured personal interview, a complete occupational history was elicited to identify subjects with certain minimum workloads. On the basis of job task-specific supplementary surveys performed by technical experts, the situational lumbar load represented by the compressive force at the lumbosacral disc was determined via biomechanical model calculations for any working situation with object handling and load-intensive postures during the total working life. For this analysis, all manual handling of objects of about 5 kilograms or more and postures with trunk inclination of 20 degrees or more are included in the calculation of cumulative lumbar load. Confounder selection was based on biologic plausibility and on the change-in-estimate criterion. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated separately for men and women using unconditional logistic regression analysis, adjusted for age, region, and unemployment as major life event (in males) or psychosocial strain at work (in females), respectively. To further elucidate the contribution of past physical workload to the development of lumbar disc diseases, we performed lag-time analyses. Results We found a positive dose-response relationship between cumulative occupational lumbar load and lumbar disc herniation as well as lumbar disc narrowing among men and women. Even past lumbar load seems to contribute to the risk of lumbar disc disease. Conclusions According to our study, cumulative physical workload is related to lumbar disc diseases among men and women.
Introduction: In the large-scale case-control study EPILIFT, we investigated the dose-response relationship between lifestyle factors (weight, smoking amount, cumulative duration of different sports activities) and lumbar disc disease. Methods: In four German study regions (Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Halle/Saale, Regensburg), 564 male and female patients with lumbar disc herniation and 351 patients with lumbar disc narrowing (chondrosis) aged 25 to 70 years were prospectively recruited. From the regional population registers, 901 population control subjects were randomly selected. In a structured personal interview, we enquired as to body weight at different ages, body height, cumulative smoking amount and cumulative duration of different sports activities. Confounders were selected according to biological plausibility and to the change-in-estimate criterion. Adjusted, gender-stratified odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated using unconditional logistic regression analysis. Results: The results of this case-control study reveal a positive association between weight and lumbar disc herniation as well as lumbar disc narrowing among men and women. A medium amount of pack-years was associated with lumbar disc herniation and narrowing in men and women. A non-significantly lowered risk of lumbar disc disease was found in men with high levels of cumulative body building and strength training. Conclusions: According to our multi-center case-control study, body weight might be related to lumbar disc herniation as well as to lumbar disc narrowing. Further research should clarify the potential protective role of body building or strength training on lumbar disc disease.