Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (4)
- Article (3)
- English (7)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Lattice simulations (1)
- Schwinger–Dyson equations (1)
- Three-gluon vertex (1)
- Zero crossing (1)
- Physik (7)
We present results of lattice QCD simulations with mass-degenerate up and down and mass-split strange and charm (Nf = 2+1+1) dynamical quarks using Wilson twisted mass fermions at maximal twist. The tuning of the strange and charm quark masses is performed at three values of the lattice spacing a ~ 0:06 fm, a ~ 0:08 fm and a ~ 0:09 fm with lattice sizes ranging from L ~ 1:9 fm to L ~ 3:9 fm. We perform a preliminary study of SU(2) chiral perturbation theory by combining our lattice data from these three values of the lattice spacing.
We present the status of runs performed in the twisted mass formalism with Nf =2+1+1 flavours of dynamical fermions: a degenerate light doublet and a mass split heavy doublet. The procedure for tuning to maximal twist will be described as well as the current status of the runs using both thin and stout links. Preliminary results for a few observables obtained on ensembles at maximal twist will be given. Finally, a reweighting procedure to tune to maximal twist will be described.
We present first results from runs performed with Nf = 2+1+1 flavours of dynamical twisted mass fermions at maximal twist: a degenerate light doublet and a mass split heavy doublet. An overview of the input parameters and tuning status of our ensembles is given, together with a comparison with results obtained with Nf = 2 flavours. The problem of extracting the mass of the K- and D-mesons is discussed, and the tuning of the strange and charm quark masses examined. Finally we compare two methods of extracting the lattice spacings to check the consistency of our data and we present some first results of cPT fits in the light meson sector.
We report on new results on the infrared behavior of the three-gluon vertex in quenched Quantum Chromodynamics, obtained from large-volume lattice simulations. The main focus of our study is the appearance of the characteristic infrared feature known as ‘zero crossing’, the origin of which is intimately connected with the nonperturbative masslessness of the Faddeev–Popov ghost. The appearance of this effect is clearly visible in one of the two kinematic configurations analyzed, and its theoretical origin is discussed in the framework of Schwinger–Dyson equations. The effective coupling in the momentum subtraction scheme that corresponds to the three-gluon vertex is constructed, revealing the vanishing of the effective interaction at the exact location of the zero crossing.
This letter reports on how the Wilson flow technique can efficaciously kill the short-distance quantum fluctuations of 2- and 3-gluon Green functions, remove the ΛQCD scale and destroy the transition from the confining non-perturbative to the asymptotically-free perturbative sector. After the Wilson flow, the behavior of the Green functions with momenta can be described in terms of the quasi-classical instanton background. The same behavior also occurs, before the Wilson flow, at low-momenta. This last result permits applications as, for instance, the detection of instanton phenomenological properties or a determination of the lattice spacing only from the gauge sector of the theory.