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- Article (4)
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- Medizin (4)
The proliferative stimulus of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) in human epithelial cells is mediated by its binding to the external domain of the EGF receptor (EGF-R). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether growth arrest of tumors treated with anti-EGFR MAb (EMD 55900) was dependent on EGF-R expression and distinct histopathologic criteria of those neoplasms. Nine different adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and two neoplastic epithelial cell lines (A431 and Detroit 562), which were characterized by high EGF-R expression, were xenotransplanted onto NMRI-nu/nu mice and treated with an anti-EGF-R antibody (EMD 55900). Results revealed that EGF-R expression and distinct histopathologic growth patterns play an important role for the therapeutic effect of the EGF-R antibody treatment. Tumors with high epithelial cellularity and little connective tissue responded to EMD 55900 treatment to a greater degree of growth reduction than tumors with lower cellularity. These results will be helpful for evaluation of patients who would benefit from tumor therapy with anti-EGF-R antibody.
Im Jahr 2003 begann die HNO-Universitätsklinik Frankfurt / Main mit der Einführung eines Qualitätsmanagement-Systems, die im August 2005 zur erfolgreichen Zertifizierung nach der vom Klinikumsvorstand geforderten DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 führte. Ziele unseres Qualitätsmanagements waren die Optimierung der internen Betriebsabläufe und die Standardisierung von Arbeitsvorgängen unter Einbeziehung von logistischen Schnittstellen mit externen Strukturen unter Berücksichtigung der besonderen Anforderungen einer Universitätsklinik. Neben einer grundsätzlichen Prüfung und Optimierung sämtlicher Organisationsabläufe wurden für die Kernprozesse unserer Klinik Zielvorgaben festgelegt. Diese Ziele betrafen die Qualität der Arbeitsabläufe für alle Bereiche der HNO-ärztlichen ambulanten und stationären Versorgung ebenso, wie Aufgaben in Forschung und Lehre, die durch ein Ausbildungscurriculum für Mitarbeiter und Sudenten abgebildet wurde. Es wurden aber auch Serviceaspekte, wie Terminvergabe und Befundübermittlung, sowie ökonomische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte unserer Arbeit optimiert. Durch Umstrukturierung und Neuorganisation konnte die Effizienz der Arbeitsabläufe deutlich gesteigert werden, wovon vor allem Patienten und Mitarbeiter erheblich profitieren. Die Einführung eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems in der Frankfurter HNO-Universitätsklinik war zunächst mit einem entsprechenden Arbeitsaufwand verbunden und erforderte ein Umdenken in den einzelnen Funktionsbereichen. Insgesamt überwiegt der positive Einfluss auf die Struktur und Arbeitsabläufe, sodass die Umsetzung eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems in der Universitätsklinik empfehlenswert ist.
Background The proto-oncogene pituitary tumor-transforming gene (PTTG) has been shown to be abundantly overexpressed in a large variety of neoplasms likely promoting neo-vascularization and tumor invasiveness. In this study, we investigated a potential role for PTTG mRNA expression as a marker to evaluate the future clinical outcome of patients diagnosed with primary cancer of the head and neck. Methods Tumor samples derived from primary tumors of 89 patients suffering from a squamous cell carcinoma were analyzed for PTTG mRNA-expression and compared to corresponding unaffected tissue. Expression levels were correlated to standard clinico-pathological parameters based on a five year observation period. Results In almost all 89 tumor samples PTTG was found to be overexpressed (median fold increase: 2.1) when compared to the unaffected tissue specimens derived from the same patient. The nodal stage correlated with PTTG transcript levels with significant differences between pN0 (median expression: 1.32) and pN+ (median expression: 2.12; P = 0.016). In patients who developed a tumor recurrence we detected a significantly higher PTTG expression in primary tumors (median expression: 2.63) when compared to patients who did not develop a tumor recurrence (median expression: 1.29; P = 0.009). Since the median expression of PTTG in patients with tumor stage T1/2N0M0 that received surgery alone without tumor recurrence was 0.94 versus 3.82 in patients suffering from a tumor recurrence (P = 0.006), PTTG expression might provide a feasible mean of predicting tumor recurrence. Conclusion Elevated PTTG transcript levels might be used as a prognostic biomarker for future clinical outcome (i.e. recurrence) in primary squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck, especially in early stages of tumor development.
High attrition rates of novel anti-cancer drugs highlight the need for improved models to predict toxicity. Although polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) inhibitors are attractive candidates for drug development, the role of Plk1 in primary cells remains widely unexplored. Therefore, we evaluated the utility of an RNA interference-based model to assess responses to an inducible knockdown (iKD) of Plk1 in adult mice. Here we show that Plk1 silencing can be achieved in several organs, although adverse events are rare. We compared responses in Plk1-iKD mice with those in primary cells kept under controlled culture conditions. In contrast to the addiction of many cancer cell lines to the non-oncogene Plk1, the primary cells' proliferation, spindle assembly and apoptosis exhibit only a low dependency on Plk1. Responses to Plk1-depletion, both in cultured primary cells and in our iKD-mouse model, correspond well and thus provide the basis for using validated iKD mice in predicting responses to therapeutic interventions.