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Document Type
- Article (29)
- Preprint (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (32)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (32)
- Atomic and molecular interactions with photons (3)
- Electronic structure of atoms and molecules (2)
- Atomic & molecular beams (1)
- Atomic & molecular processes in external fields (1)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics (1)
- Attosecond science (1)
- Chemical physics (1)
- Experimental techniques (1)
- Gas jet (1)
- Gas phase (1)
- Physik (32)
- Sportwissenschaften (2)
- Präsidium (1)
A central motivation for the development of x-ray free-electron lasers has been the prospect of time-resolved single-molecule imaging with atomic resolution. Here, we show that x-ray photoelectron diffraction—where a photoelectron emitted after x-ray absorption illuminates the molecular structure from within—can be used to image the increase of the internuclear distance during the x-ray-induced fragmentation of an O2 molecule. By measuring the molecular-frame photoelectron emission patterns for a two-photon sequential K-shell ionization in coincidence with the fragment ions, and by sorting the data as a function of the measured kinetic energy release, we can resolve the elongation of the molecular bond by approximately 1.2 a.u. within the duration of the x-ray pulse. The experiment paves the road toward time-resolved pump-probe photoelectron diffraction imaging at high-repetition-rate x-ray free-electron lasers.
When a very strong light field is applied to a molecule an electron can be ejected by tunneling. In order to quantify the time-resolved dynamics of this ionization process, the concept of the Wigner time delay can be used. The properties of this process can depend on the tunneling direction relative to the molecular axis. Here, we show experimental and theoretical data on the Wigner time delay for tunnel ionization of H2 molecules and demonstrate its dependence on the emission direction of the electron with respect to the molecular axis. We find, that the observed changes in the Wigner time delay can be quantitatively explained by elongated/shortened travel paths of the emitted electrons, which occur due to spatial shifts of the electrons’ birth positions after tunneling. Our work provides therefore an intuitive perspective towards the Wigner time delay in strong-field ionization.
Chirality is omnipresent in living nature. On the single molecule level, the response of a chiral species to a chiral probe depends on their respective handedness. A prominent example is the difference in the interaction of a chiral molecule with left or right circularly polarized light. In the present study, we show by Coulomb explosion imaging that circularly polarized light can also induce a chiral fragmentation of a planar and thus achiral molecule. The observed enantiomer strongly depends on the orientation of the molecule with respect to the light propagation direction and the helicity of the ionizing light. This finding might trigger new approaches to improve laser-driven enantioselective chemical synthesis.
How long does it take to emit an electron from an atom? This question has intrigued scientists for decades. As such emission times are in the attosecond regime, the advent of attosecond metrology using ultrashort and intense lasers has re-triggered strong interest on the topic from an experimental standpoint. Here, we present an approach to measure such emission delays, which does not require attosecond light pulses, and works without the presence of superimposed infrared laser fields. We instead extract the emission delay from the interference pattern generated as the emitted photoelectron is diffracted by the parent ion’s potential. Targeting core electrons in CO, we measured a 2d map of photoelectron emission delays in the molecular frame over a wide range of electron energies. The emission times depend drastically on the photoelectrons’ emission directions in the molecular frame and exhibit characteristic changes along the shape resonance of the molecule.
Ein Laserblitz von unvorstellbarer Intensität pulverisiert im Labor ein Molekül. Wachsam zeichnen die Instrumente die Flugbahn und Geschwindigkeit jedes Bruchstücks auf. Physiker gewinnen daraus hochpräzise Informationen über die Molekülstruktur. Auch links- und rechtshändige Formen lassen sich unterscheiden.
The toolbox for imaging molecules is well-equipped today. Some techniques visualize the geometrical structure, others the electron density or electron orbitals. Molecules are many-body systems for which the correlation between the constituents is decisive and the spatial and the momentum distribution of one electron depends on those of the other electrons and the nuclei. Such correlations have escaped direct observation by imaging techniques so far. Here, we implement an imaging scheme which visualizes correlations between electrons by coincident detection of the reaction fragments after high energy photofragmentation. With this technique, we examine the H2 two-electron wave function in which electron–electron correlation beyond the mean-field level is prominent. We visualize the dependence of the wave function on the internuclear distance. High energy photoelectrons are shown to be a powerful tool for molecular imaging. Our study paves the way for future time resolved correlation imaging at FELs and laser based X-ray sources.
We experimentally investigated the quasifree mechanism (QFM) in one-photon double ionization of He and H2 at 800 eV photon energy and circular polarization with a COLTRIMS reaction microscope. Our work provides new insight into this elusive photoionization mechanism that was predicted by Miron Amusia more than four decades ago. We found the distinct four-fold symmetry in the angular emission pattern of QFM electrons from H2 double ionization that has previously only been observed for He. Furthermore, we provide experimental evidence that the photon momentum is not imparted onto the center of mass in quasifree photoionization, which is in contrast to the situation in single ionization and in double ionization mediated by the shake-off and knock-out mechanisms. This finding is substantiated by numerical results obtained by solving the system’s full-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation beyond the dipole approximation.
The KER for electron capture of vibrational cooled HeH+ and H3 + ions at 20 keV from residual gas atoms has been measured in the Frankfurt Low Energy Storage Ring (FLSR). At a vacuum in the order of few 10-11 mbar, this residual gas consists to 99% of H2 molecules. For the identification of the recoil products of this reaction, a recoil spectrometer (with an MCP-detector with position and time sensitive read out) was installed at one of the focus points (IP) in the FLSR. The planned extension of this set up by a gas target to a full COLTRIMS reaction microscope will be discussed.