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- 3D printing (3)
- 3D rapid prototyping (3)
- simulation training (3)
- Complication management (2)
- Dental students (2)
- Disintegration (2)
- Fistula (2)
- Flaps (2)
- Grafts (2)
- High oblique sagittal osteotomy (2)
- Medizin (50)
- Präsidium (2)
- Psychologie (2)
- Starker Start ins Studium: Qualitätspakt Lehre (2)
- Biowissenschaften (1)
Schluckstörungen sind häufig Folge von Kopf-Hals-Tumorerkrankungen, deren Prävalenz bis zu 88% aufgeführt wird. Je früher eine Dysphagie diagnostiziert wird, desto geringer ist das Risiko für Sekundärkomplikationen, was die Anzahl "teurer" Fälle senkt und den Patienten die Möglichkeit auf eine zügige Restitution von Lebensqualität bietet! Diese Fakten unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit eines klinischen Behandlungspfades, nach dem die Diagnose auf der Grundlage eines standardisierten und überprüfbaren Workflows erstellt wird. Da die zügige, optimale Behandlung von Dysphagien einen multidisziplinären Zugang erfordert, wurde im Klinikum der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main ein interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis für Schluckstörungen (IAS) gegründet, der sich aus Phoniatrie, Klinik für HNO und MKG sowie Radiologie zusammensetzt. Im Rahmen eines zweimal wöchentlich durchgeführten Onkoboards, werden zusammen mit der Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, Risikopatienten herauskristallisiert und onkologische Therapieoptionen u.a. im Hinblick auf funktionelles Outcome diskutiert. Bereits präoperativ werden entsprechende Patienten phoniatrisch aufgeklärt und ihre Schluckfunktion via endoskopischer Evaluation nach Langmore-Standard (FEES) untersucht. Ein systematisches Follow-up erfolgt via FEES wenige Tage und 4–6 Wochen postoperativ sowie nach adjuvanter Therapie. Pro Woche wurden so im vergangenen Jahr ca. 3–5 Patienten wöchentlich neu erfasst und über 80 Patienten im Verlauf untersucht und einer adäquaten Therapie zugeführt.
The purpose of this study consists of the identification of implantologic and prosthetic methods and techniques used in substance loss rehabilitation, associated with identifying the specific biomaterials in perfect accordance with each case particularities, without leaving aside the bone-tissue deficiency etiology. A representative number of clinical cases were selected, cases which are relevant for the chosen theme. The possibility of reconstructing the natural parameters of the edentulous alveolar ridge areas is various, starting with augmentation materials of the autogenous and heterograft type biomaterials(Bio-Oss, Grafton, Cerasorb si MBCP) including the mixing of these two types of biomaterials, and going to epitheses, which are the best choise for complex substance loss.
Introduction: In this article the personal study and life situation of parents who are also medical students at the Medical School of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main is discussed. There is a special focus on the topics "studying with children" and "family-friendly university", which have been present in discussions about university development and in the daily life of academics, especially during the last decade. The workgroup "Individual Student Services" at the medical faculty at the Goethe University tries to meet the necessities of the individual study courses and to support the study success with a new counselling and student service concept.
Methods: The experience of parents studying medicine was recorded in semi-structured interviews (Date: April 2010), which were held as part of the sponsored pilot project on part-time medical studies ("Pilot Project Part-time Medical Studies"). Additionally, study results from the Medical School of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main were integrated as well as a literature analysis.
Results: It was found that the teaching demands and support services, which have been suggested and needed for years now, have been partially implemented and are without sufficient support at the faculty level to date. Thus the current situation of medical students with children is still difficult and seems a big challenge for everyone involved.
Solution: As part of the "Individual Student Services" a new pilot project on part-time medical studies was established in November 2009. Only the use of new, unconventional and innovative ideas allows universities to adequately support the changing and heterogeneous student population and support them to successfully completing their medical studies.
Razina pročišćenosti alogenoga koštanog bloka = Variant purification of an allogeneic bone block
Svrha: Ovaj kratak tekst izvještava o histološkoj analizi sastava komercijalno raspoloživih alogenih koštanih blokova Maxgraft®. Materijali i metode: Na temelju objavljenih histoloških metoda prazni uzorci alogenih koštanih blokova Maxgraft® dekalcificirani su, dehidrirani i uloženi u parafin prije histološkog i histokemijskog bojenja. Nakon toga na prerezima su se procjenjivala obilježja materijala, poput strukture koštanoga matriksa i druge komponente, uključujući kolagen ili stanice/stanične ostatke. Rezultati: Uočeno je da ovi koštani blokovi imaju trabekularnu strukturu s lamelarnom podorganizacijom. Dodatno su nađeni i stanični ostatci unutar lakuna osteocita i na vanjskim površinama trabekula zajedno s ostatcima intertrabekularnog masnog i vezivnog tkiva, te kolagene strukture, vezivno-tkivne stanice i stanični ostatci. Zaključak: U skladu s dosadašnjim istraživanjima, podatci iz ovoga teksta pokazuju da neke od certificiranih tehnika pročišćavanja ne omogućuju proizvodnju alogenog materijala bez organskih stanica i tkivnih komponenata.
Introduction: To determine the esthetic outcome of implant-based reconstructions after autologous and allogeneic bone grafting.
Methods: From 2003 to 2009, 67 patients underwent alveolar ridge augmentation and were enrolled in the study, 41 meet the inclusion criteria and 31 agreed to take part in the study. Patients were 18-69 years old (mean: 49.3 ± 13.8 years), and predominantly female. Patients received bone block grafts either autologous (n = 48) (AUBB) or allografts (ABB) (n = 19). Implants were inserted 4-7 months (autografts) or 5-6 months (allografts) after bone grafting. The Pink Esthetic Score (PES) as well as radiographic and subjective assessments were employed for the outcome analysis. The PES was assessed twice within one month based on digital photographic images that were randomly rearranged between evaluations by three independent, experienced investigators.
Results: Across all observations and investigators, the average PES was 7.5 ± 2.6 without differences between implants inserted in auto- and allografted bone, respectively. Patients assessed the allograft procedures as less painful and would have repeated it more often. The intra-rater reliability was excellent (correlation coefficients 0.7-0.9). The inter-observer agreement was lower (correlation coefficients 0.6-0.8).
Conclusions: Bone grafting with ABB allografts yields equivalent results to autologous grafting, and patients appreciate the omission of bone harvesting. The PES is a reliable method but should be performed by the same individual.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to clinically assess the capacity of a novel bovine pericardium based, non-cross linked collagen matrix in root coverage.
Methods: 62 gingival recessions of Miller class I or II were treated. The matrix was adapted underneath a coronal repositioned split thickness flap. Clinical values were assessed at baseline and after six months.
Results: The mean recession in each patient was 2.2 mm at baseline. 6 Months after surgery 86.7% of the exposed root surfaces were covered. On average 0,3 mm of recession remained. The clinical attachment level changed from 3.5 ± 1.3 mm to 1,8 ( ± 0,7) mm during the observational time period. No statistically significant difference was found in the difference of probing depth. An increase in the width of gingiva was significant. With a baseline value of 1.5 ± 0.9 mm an improvement of 2.4 ± 0.8 mm after six month could be observed. 40 out of 62 recessions were considered a thin biotype at baseline. After 6 months all 62 sites were assessed thick.
Conclusions: The results demonstrate the capacity of the bovine pericardium based non-cross linked collagen matrix for successful root coverage. This material was able to enhance gingival thickness and the width of keratinized gingiva. The percentage of root coverage achieved thereby is comparable to existing techniques. This method might contribute to an increase of patient's comfort and an enhanced aesthetical outcome.
Resorbable synthetic scaffolds are promising for different indications, espe- cially in the context of bone regeneration. However, they require additional biological components to enhance their osteogenic potential. In addition to different cell types, autologous blood-derived matrices offer many advantages to enhance the regenerative capacity of biomaterials. The present study aimed to analyze whether biologization of a PCL-mesh coated using differently centrifuged Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) matrices will have a positive influence on primary human osteoblasts activity in vitro. A polymeric resorbable scaffold (Osteomesh, OsteoporeTM (OP), Singapore) was combined with differently centrifuged PRF matrices to evaluate the additional influence of this biologization concept on bone regeneration in vitro. Peripheral blood of three healthy donors was used to gain PRF matrices centrifuged either at High (710× g, 8 min) or Low (44× g, 8 min) relative centrifugal force (RCF) according to the low speed centrifugation concept (LSCC). OP-PRF constructs were cultured with pOBs. POBs cultured on the uncoated OP served as a control. After three and seven days of cultivation, cell culture supernatants were collected to analyze the pOBs activity by determining the concentrations of VEGF, TGF-β1, PDGF, OPG, IL-8, and ALP- activity. Immunofluorescence staining was used to evaluate the Osteopontin expression of pOBs. After three days, the group of OP+PRFLow+pOBs showed significantly higher expression of IL-8, TGF-ß1, PDGF, and VEGF compared to the group of OP+PRFHigh+pOBs and OP+pOBs. Similar results were observed on day 7. Moreover, OP+PRFLow+pOBs exhibited significantly higher activity of ALP compared to OP+PRFHigh+pOBs and OP+pOBs. Immunofluorescence staining showed a higher number of pOBs adherent to OP+PRFLow+pOBs compared to the groups OP+PRFHigh+pOBs and OP+pOBs. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the osteoblasts activity when cultured on a PRF-coated PCL-mesh in vitro. The presented results suggest that PRFLow centrifuged according to LSCC exhibits autologous blood cells and growth factors, seem to have a significant effect on osteogenesis. Thereby, the combination of OP with PRFLow showed promising results to support bone regeneration. Further in vivo studies are required to verify the results and carry out potential results for clinical translation.
Mastectomy in female-to-male transgender patients: A single-center 24-year retrospective analysis
Background: Mastectomy in male transgender patients is an important (and often the first) step toward physical manhood. At our department, mastectomies in transgender patients have been performed for several decades.
Methods: Recorded data were collected and analyzed for all male transgender patients undergoing mastectomy over a period of 24 years at our department.
Results: In total, 268 gender-reassigning mastectomies were performed. Several different mastectomy techniques (areolar incision, n=172; sub-mammary incision, n=96) were used according to patients’ habitus and breast features. Corresponding to algorithms presented in the current literature, certain breast qualities were matched with a particular mastectomy technique. Overall, small breasts with marginal ptosis and good skin elasticity allowed small areolar incisions as a method of access for glandular removal. In contrast, large breasts and those with heavy ptosis or poor skin elasticity often required larger incisions for breast amputation. The secondary correction rate (38%) was high for gender reassignment mastectomy, as is also reflected by data in the current literature. Secondary correction frequently involved revision of chest wall recontouring, suggesting inadequate removal of the mammary tissue, as well as scar revision, which may reflect intense traction during wound healing (36%). Secondary corrections were performed more often after using small areolar incision techniques (48%) than after using large sub-mammary incisions (21%).
Conclusions: Choosing the suitable mastectomy technique for each patient requires careful individual evaluation of breast features such as size, degree of ptosis, and skin elasticity in order to maximize patient satisfaction and minimize secondary revisions.
Different tissue engineering techniques are used to support rapid vascularisation. A novel technique is the use of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), an autologous source of growth factors. This study was the first to investigate the influence of PRF matrices, isolated following different centrifugation protocols, on human dermal vascular endothelial cells (ECs) in mono-culture and co-culture with human primary fibroblasts (HFs) as an in vitro model for tissue regeneration. Focus was placed on vascular structure formation and growth factor release. HFs and ECs were cultivated with PRF prepared using a high (710 ×g) or low (44 ×g) relative centrifugation force (RCF) over 14 d. Immunofluorescence staining and immunohistochemistry were used to evaluate the microvascular formation. Cell culture supernatants were collected for evaluation of growth factor release. The results showed a PRF-mediated effect on the induction of angiogenesis in ECs. Microvessel-like structure formation was promoted when ECs were combined with low-RCF PRF as compared to high-RCF PRF or control group. The percentage of vascular lumen area was significantly higher in low-RCF PRF, especially at day 7, which coincided with statistically significantly higher growth factor [vascular endothelial factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)] concentration measured in low-RCF PRF as compared to high-RCF PRF or control group. In conclusion, reducing the RCF according to the low-speed centrifugation concept (LSCC) resulted in increased growth factor release and angiogenic structure formation with EC mono-culture, suggesting that PRF may be a highly beneficial therapeutic tool for tissue engineering applications.
Einleitung: Ziel dieser Studie war es zu evaluieren, ob das Prüfungsformat einer OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) durchgeführt im Fach Zahnerhaltungskunde (6. Fachsemester) den Studienerfolg im praktischen Teil des Staatsexamens (11. Fachsemester) im selben Fach prädiziert. Ferner sollte unter Berücksichtigung allgemeiner Angaben der StudienteilnehmerInnen (Abitursnote, Physikumsnote, Studiendauer, Kohorte und Geschlecht) analysiert werden, ob bezüglich der Gesamt- sowie Teilnoten der OSPE und der adäquaten Staatsexamensprüfung Zusammenhänge oder Unterschiede bestehen.
Methoden: Im Rahmen dieser longitudinalen, retrospektiven Studie wurden für einen Zeitraum von 11 Semestern prüfungsbezogene Daten von Studierenden (N=223) des Fachbereichs Zahnmedizin in Frankfurt am Main erhoben und untersucht. Für die statistische Auswertung der Daten wurden Spearman Rangkorrelationen, Partialkorrelationen, Korrelationskoeffizienten nach Pearson, und Multiple Regressionen (SPSS Statistics 21, IBM Corporation, New York) berechnet.
Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass OSPE (Cronbachs α=.87) mit dem Erfolg im praktischen Teil des Staatsexamens im Fach Zahnerhaltungskunde korreliert (p=.01, r=.17). Als eine weitere signifikante Korrelation mit der Examensleistung erwies sich die Dauer des Studiums (p=.001, r=.23). Gemeinsam leisten diese beiden Variablen einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Vorhersage der Examensnote (p=.001, R2=.076). Das zeigte sich im größeren Umfang bei weiblichen Studierenden. Zudem wurde festgestellt, dass diese bessere Abiturnoten als männliche Studierende aufweisen (F=6.09, p=.01, η2=.027) und dass es lediglich bei männlichen Studierenden eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen der Physikumsnote (Zahnärztliche Vorprüfung) und der OSPE-Benotung gab (r=.17, p=.01).
Schlussfolgerung: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte der prädiktive Effekt einer klinischen OSPE auf die Prüfungsleistung im Staatsexamen gezeigt werden. Unter Berücksichtigung der Limitation der Studie empfiehlt sich aus unserer Sicht die Durchführung eines solchen Prüfungsformats im Rahmen des klinischen Studienabschnitts im 6. Semester im Fach Zahnmedizin.