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Document Type
- Article (37)
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- yes (37)
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- no (37)
- MLL (6)
- Cell biology (4)
- acute leukemia (3)
- AF4 (2)
- Cancer (2)
- IKZF1 (2)
- MLL-r leukemia (2)
- machine learning (2)
- 11q23/MLL rearrangements (1)
- 5-lipoxygenase (1)
Blut steht für Leben - und für den Tod. Das ist in der Medizin nicht anders als in der Mythologie. Vor wenigen Jahrzehnten war die Diagnose Blutkrebs noch ein sicheres Todesurteil. Heute werden viele Leukämiekranke geheilt. An der Goethe-Universität setzt ein Schwerpunkt für Lymphom- und Leukämieforschung deutschlandweit Akzente bei Forschung und Diagnostik.
MLL-r Leukemia
Chromosomal translocations of the human mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene have been analyzed for more than 20 yr at the molecular level. So far, we have collected about 80 direct MLL fusions (MLL-X alleles) and about 120 reciprocal MLL fusions (X-MLL alleles). The reason for the higher amount of reciprocal MLL fusions is that the excess is caused by 3-way translocations with known direct fusion partners. This review is aiming to propose a solution for an obvious problem, namely why so many and completely different MLL fusion alleles are always leading to the same leukemia phenotypes (ALL, AML, or MLL). This review is aiming to explain the molecular consequences of MLL translocations, and secondly, the contribution of the different fusion partners. A new hypothesis will be posed that can be used for future research, aiming to find new avenues for the treatment of this particular leukemia entity.
Chromosomal translocations - leading to the expression of fusion genes - are well-studied genetic abberrations associated with the development of leukemias. Most of them represent altered transcription factors that affect transcription or epigenetics, while others - like BCR-ABL - are enhancing signaling. BCR-ABL has become the prototype for rational drug design, and drugs like Imatinib and subsequently improved drugs have a great impact on cancer treatments. By contrast, MLL-translocations in acute leukemia patients are hard to treat, display a high relapse rate and the overall survival rate is still very poor. Therefore, new treatment modalities are urgently needed. Based on the molecular insights of the most frequent MLL rearrangements, BET-, DOT1L-, SET- and MEN1/LEDGF-inhibitors have been developed and first clinical studies were initiated. Not all results of these studies have are yet available, however, a first paper reports a failure in the DOT1L-inhibitor study although it was the most promising drug based on literature data. One possible explanation is that all of the above mentioned drugs also target the cognate wildtype proteins. Here, we want to strengthen the fact that efforts should be made to develop drugs or strategies to selectively inhibit only the fusion proteins. Some examples will be given that follow exactly this guideline, and proof-of-concept experiments have already demonstrated their feasibility and effectiveness. Some of the mentioned approaches were using drugs that are already on the market, indicating that there are existing opportunities for the future which should be implemented in future therapy strategies.
Our focus is the identification, characterisation and functional analysis of different MLL fusions. In general, MLL fusion proteins are encoded by large cDNA cassettes that are difficult to transduce into haematopoietic stem cells. This is due to the size limitations of the packaging process of those vector-encoded RNAs into retro- or lentiviral particles. Here, we present our efforts in establishing a universal vector system to analyse different MLL fusions. The universal cloning system was embedded into the backbone of the Sleeping Beauty transposable element. This transposon has no size limitation and displays no integration preference, thereby avoiding the integration into active genes or their promoter regions. We utilised this novel system to test different MLL fusion alleles (MLL-NEBL, NEBL-MLL, MLL-LASP1, LASP1-MLL, MLL-MAML2, MAML2-MLL, MLL-SMAP1 and SMAP1-MLL) in appropriate cell lines. Stable cell lines were analysed for their growth behaviour, focus formation and colony formation capacity and ectopic Hoxa gene transcription. Our results show that only 1/4 tested direct MLL fusions, but 3/4 tested reciprocal MLL fusions exhibit oncogenic functions. From these pilot experiments, we conclude that a systematic analysis of more MLL fusions will result in a more differentiated picture about the oncogenic capacity of distinct MLL fusions.
Leukemia patients bearing the t(4;11)(q21;q23) translocations can be divided into two subgroups: those expressing both reciprocal fusion genes, and those that have only the MLL-AF4 fusion gene. Moreover, a recent study has demonstrated that patients expressing both fusion genes have a better outcome than patients that are expressing the MLL-AF4 fusion protein alone. All this may point to a clonal process where the reciprocal fusion gene AF4-MLL could be lost during disease progression, as this loss may select for a more aggressive type of leukemia. Therefore, we were interested in unraveling the decisive role of the AF4-MLL fusion protein at an early timepoint of disease development. We designed an experimental model system where the MLL-AF4 fusion protein was constitutively expressed, while an inducible AF4-MLL fusion gene was induced for only 48 h. Subsequently, we investigated genome-wide changes by RNA- and ATAC-Seq experiments at distinct timepoints. These analyses revealed that the expression of AF4-MLL for only 48 h was sufficient to significantly change the genomic landscape (transcription and chromatin) even on a longer time scale. Thus, we have to conclude that the AF4-MLL fusion protein works through a hit-and-run mechanism, probably necessary to set up pre-leukemic conditions, but being dispensable for later disease progression.
In vivo inducible reverse genetics in patients' tumors to identify individual therapeutic targets
High-throughput sequencing describes multiple alterations in individual tumors, but their functional relevance is often unclear. Clinic-close, individualized molecular model systems are required for functional validation and to identify therapeutic targets of high significance for each patient. Here, we establish a Cre-ERT2-loxP (causes recombination, estrogen receptor mutant T2, locus of X-over P1) based inducible RNAi- (ribonucleic acid interference) mediated gene silencing system in patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of acute leukemias in vivo. Mimicking anti-cancer therapy in patients, gene inhibition is initiated in mice harboring orthotopic tumors. In fluorochrome guided, competitive in vivo trials, silencing of the apoptosis regulator MCL1 (myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1) correlates to pharmacological MCL1 inhibition in patients´ tumors, demonstrating the ability of the method to detect therapeutic vulnerabilities. The technique identifies a major tumor-maintaining potency of the MLL-AF4 (mixed lineage leukemia, ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 4) fusion, restricted to samples carrying the translocation. DUX4 (double homeobox 4) plays an essential role in patients’ leukemias carrying the recently described DUX4-IGH (immunoglobulin heavy chain) translocation, while the downstream mediator DDIT4L (DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4 like) is identified as therapeutic vulnerability. By individualizing functional genomics in established tumors in vivo, our technique decisively complements the value chain of precision oncology. Being broadly applicable to tumors of all kinds, it will considerably reinforce personalizing anti-cancer treatment in the future.
Background. Recent pathomolecular studies on the MLL-AF4 fusion protein revealed that the murinized version of MLL-AF4, the MLL-Af4 fusion protein, was able to induce leukemia when expressed in murine or human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (Lin et al. in Cancer Cell 30:737–749, 2016). In parallel, a group from Japan demonstrated that the pSer domain of the AF4 protein, as well as the pSer domain of the MLL-AF4 fusion is able to bind the Pol I transcription factor complex SL1 (Okuda et al. in Nat Commun 6:8869, 2015). Here, we investigated the human MLL-AF4 and a pSer-murinized version thereof for their functional properties in mammalian cells. Gene expression profiling studies were complemented by intracellular localization studies and functional experiments concerning their biological activities in the nucleolus.
Results: Based on our results, we have to conclude that MLL-AF4 is predominantly localizing inside the nucleolus, thereby interfering with Pol I transcription and ribosome biogenesis. The murinized pSer-variant is localizing more to the nucleus, which may suggest a different biological behavior. Of note, AF4-MLL seems to cooperate at the molecular level with MLL-AF4 to steer target gene transcription, but not with the pSer-murinized version of it.
Conclusion: This study provides new insights and a molecular explanation for the described differences between hMLL-hAF4 (not leukemogenic) and hMLL-mAf4 (leukemogenic). While the human pSer domain is able to efficiently recruit the SL1 transcription factor complex, the murine counterpart seems to be not. This has several consequences for our understanding of t(4;11) leukemia which is the most frequent leukemia in infants, childhood and adults suffering from MLL-r acute leukemia.
We among others have recently demonstrated that normal cells produce “fusion mRNAs”. These fusion mRNAs do not derive from rearranged genomic loci, but rather they are derived from “early-terminated transcripts” (ETTs). Premature transcriptional termination takes place in intronic sequences that belong to “breakpoint cluster regions”. One important property of ETTs is that they exhibit an unsaturated splice donor site. This results in: (1) splicing to “cryptic exons” present in the final intron; (2) Splicing to another transcript of the same gene (intragenic trans-splicing), resulting in “exon repetitions”; (3) splicing to a transcript of another gene (intergenic trans-splicing), leading to “non-genomically encoded fusion transcripts” (NGEFTs). These NGEFTs bear the potential risk to influence DNA repair processes, since they share identical nucleotides with their DNA of origin, and thus, could be used as “guidance RNA” for DNA repair processes. Here, we present experimental data about four other genes. Three of them are associated with hemato-malignancies (ETV6, NUP98 and RUNX1), while one is associated with solid tumors (EWSR1). Our results demonstrate that all genes investigated so far (MLL, AF4, AF9, ENL, ELL, ETV6, NUP98, RUNX1 and EWSR1) display ETTs and produce transpliced mRNA species, indicating that this is a genuine property of translocating genes.