Document Type
- Article (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Brustkrebs (2)
- Diagnose (2)
- Operation/Chirurgie (2)
- breast cancer (2)
- diagnosis (2)
- minimalinvasive Biopsie (2)
- minimally invasive biopsies (2)
- neoadjuvant chemotherapy (2)
- neoadjuvante Chemotherapie (2)
- surgery (2)
- Medizin (4)
The likelihood of pathological complete remission (pCR) of breast cancer following neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) is increasing; most of all in the triple negative and HER2 positive tumour subgroups. The question thus arises whether or not breast surgery is necessary when there is complete remission after NACT, and whether it provides any improvement of the oncological treatment result when tumour is no longer detectable. Avoiding surgery and possibly even radiotherapy would only be conceivable on the basis of a reliable diagnosis of pCR without operating. Current imaging does not achieve the necessary sensitivity and specificity to assure the diagnosis of pathological complete remission. Further studies are therefore required to determine which methods are best able to evaluate tumour response to NACT. Studies on image-guided, minimally invasive biopsies after NACT have delivered first promising results towards diagnosing pCR before surgery and could provide the basis for further studies on the possibility of avoiding surgery in this specific patient collective.
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer pathologischen Komplettremission (pCR) bei Brustkrebs nach neoadjuvanter Chemotherapie (NACT) nimmt zu; vor allem in den Subgruppen der tripel-negativen und HER-2-positiven Tumoren. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob bei einer Komplettremission nach NACT eine operative Therapie der Brust notwendig ist, und ob es einen Vorteil für das onkologische Behandlungsergebnis hat, wenn kein Tumor mehr nachgewiesen werden kann. Ein Verzicht auf die Operation und gegebenenfalls auch auf die Radiotherapie ist jedoch nur auf der Basis einer verlässlichen pCR-Diagnose ohne Operation denkbar. Bildgebende Verfahren erreichen derzeit nicht die nötige Sensitivität und Spezifität, um die Diagnose einer pathologischen Komplettremission sicher zu stellen. Daher sind weitere Studien nötig, um herauszufinden, welche Methode die bestmögliche Evaluation des Tumoransprechens auf NACT erlaubt. Erste vielversprechende Ergebnisse zeigen sich in Studien zu bildgebungsgesteuerten, minimalinvasiven Biopsien nach NACT. Diese evaluieren die Möglichkeit einer pCR-Diagnose vor der Operation und könnten die Grundlage für weitere Studien zu einem möglichen Verzicht auf eine Operation in diesem ausgewählten Kollektiv sein.
Introduction: Despite the fact that people older than 65 years of age have the highest incidence of developing breast cancer, these patients are excluded from clinical trials in most cases. Furthermore, most physicians tend towards therapy regimens without the use of dose-dense, highly active taxane-based treatments because of a lack of data regarding toxicities of these compounds in older patients.
Methods: Pooled side-effect data were analyzed from four prospective, randomized clinical trials in which patients of different age groups (< 60 years, between 60 and 64 years, and > 64 years) with primary breast cancer received taxane-based chemotherapy.
Results: Dose delays, dose reductions, hospitalization, and therapy discontinuation increased with age. Hematologic toxicities and some nonhematologic toxicities were generally more common in older patients. Leucopenia increased from 55.3% in patients aged < 60 years to 65.5% in patients aged > 64 years (P < 0.001), and neutropenia increased from 46.9% to 57.4% (P < 0.001). There was no difference, however, in clinically more relevant febrile neutropenia between the different age groups. Thrombopenia shows a similar age-dependent increase, whereas there is no difference between the age groups concerning anemia. Hot flushes and elevated liver enzymes decreased with increasing age.
Conclusions: The present pooled analysis of a substantial cohort of older primary breast cancer patients demonstrates that taxane-containing (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy is feasible in older patients and that toxicity can be reduced by sequential therapy regimens.