Document Type
- Article (6)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Brain tumor (2)
- EWSR1 (2)
- Gene fusion (2)
- EP300 (1)
- FOXO1 (1)
- Glioma (1)
- MN1 (1)
- Molecular matched therapy (1)
- Molecular profiling (1)
- Neuroepithelial (1)
- Medizin (7)
Medulloblastoma is a rare brain malignancy. Patients after puberty are rare and bear an intermediate prognosis. Standard treatment consists of maximal resection plus radio-chemotherapy. Treatment toxicity is high and produces disabling long-term side effects. The sonic hedgehog (SHH) subgroup is highly overrepresented in the post-pubertal and adult population and can be targeted by smoothened (SMO) inhibitors. No practice-changing prospective randomized data have been generated in adults. The EORTC 1634-BTG/NOA-23 trial will randomize patients between standard-dose vs. reduced-dosed craniospinal radiotherapy and SHH-subgroup patients between the SMO inhibitor sonidegib (OdomzoTM, Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries, Inc., New York, USA) in addition to standard radio-chemotherapy vs. standard radio-chemotherapy alone to improve outcomes in view of decreased radiotherapy-related toxicity and increased efficacy. We will further investigate tumor tissue, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid as well as magnetic resonance imaging and radiotherapy plans to generate information that helps to further improve treatment outcomes. Given that treatment side effects typically occur late, long-term follow-up will monitor classic side effects of therapy, but also health-related quality of life, cognition, social and professional outcome, and reproduction and fertility. In summary, we will generate unprecedented data that will be translated into treatment changes in post-pubertal patients with medulloblastoma and will help to design future clinical trials.
Ependymomas encompass a heterogeneous group of central nervous system (CNS) neoplasms that occur along the entire neuroaxis. In recent years, extensive (epi-)genomic profiling efforts have identified several molecular groups of ependymoma that are characterized by distinct molecular alterations and/or patterns. Based on unsupervised visualization of a large cohort of genome-wide DNA methylation data, we identified a highly distinct group of pediatric-type tumors (n = 40) forming a cluster separate from all established CNS tumor types, of which a high proportion were histopathologically diagnosed as ependymoma. RNA sequencing revealed recurrent fusions involving the pleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1 (PLAGL1) gene in 19 of 20 of the samples analyzed, with the most common fusion being EWSR1:PLAGL1 (n = 13). Five tumors showed a PLAGL1:FOXO1 fusion and one a PLAGL1:EP300 fusion. High transcript levels of PLAGL1 were noted in these tumors, with concurrent overexpression of the imprinted genes H19 and IGF2, which are regulated by PLAGL1. Histopathological review of cases with sufficient material (n = 16) demonstrated a broad morphological spectrum of tumors with predominant ependymoma-like features. Immunohistochemically, tumors were GFAP positive and OLIG2- and SOX10 negative. In 3/16 of the cases, a dot-like positivity for EMA was detected. All tumors in our series were located in the supratentorial compartment. Median age of the patients at the time of diagnosis was 6.2 years. Median progression-free survival was 35 months (for 11 patients with data available). In summary, our findings suggest the existence of a novel group of supratentorial neuroepithelial tumors that are characterized by recurrent PLAGL1 fusions and enriched for pediatric patients.
Large-scale molecular profiling studies in recent years have shown that central nervous system (CNS) tumors display a much greater heterogeneity in terms of molecularly distinct entities, cellular origins and genetic drivers than anticipated from histological assessment. DNA methylation profiling has emerged as a useful tool for robust tumor classification, providing new insights into these heterogeneous molecular classes. This is particularly true for rare CNS tumors with a broad morphological spectrum, which are not possible to assign as separate entities based on histological similarity alone. Here, we describe a molecularly distinct subset of predominantly pediatric CNS neoplasms (n = 60) that harbor PATZ1 fusions. The original histological diagnoses of these tumors covered a wide spectrum of tumor types and malignancy grades. While the single most common diagnosis was glioblastoma (GBM), clinical data of the PATZ1-fused tumors showed a better prognosis than typical GBM, despite frequent relapses. RNA sequencing revealed recurrent MN1:PATZ1 or EWSR1:PATZ1 fusions related to (often extensive) copy number variations on chromosome 22, where PATZ1 and the two fusion partners are located. These fusions have individually been reported in a number of glial/glioneuronal tumors, as well as extracranial sarcomas. We show here that they are more common than previously acknowledged, and together define a biologically distinct CNS tumor type with high expression of neural development markers such as PAX2, GATA2 and IGF2. Drug screening performed on the MN1:PATZ1 fusion-bearing KS-1 brain tumor cell line revealed preliminary candidates for further study. In summary, PATZ1 fusions define a molecular class of histologically polyphenotypic neuroepithelial tumors, which show an intermediate prognosis under current treatment regimens.
Die Zahl der jährlich in der Bundesrepublik vorgenommenen Schwangerschaftsabbrüche wird auf weit über 250.000 geschätzt. Auf drei Lebendgeburten kommt somit ein Abbruch. Mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens und ergänzender Daten aus der Patientenkartei werden im Zeitraum vom 08.09.1994 bis 12.04.1996 103 Patientinnen im Alter von 16 bis 45 Jahren befragt, die eine Allgemeinarztpraxis in Südhessen zu einem Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatungsgespräch aufsuchen. Über 90 % der Frauen wohnen weniger als 20 km von der Praxis entfernt. Der Anteil der Verheirateten, Ausländer und Berufstätigen beträgt jeweils ca. 50 %. Über 80 % haben höchstens 2 Kinder. 64 % der Frauen haben zuvor noch keinen Abbruch durchführen lassen. Die Beratungsgespräche finden zu 69 % fünf bis acht Wochen nach der letzten Regelblutung statt. Knapp 60 % der Patientinnen führen keine sichere Verhütung durch. 57 % der Gründe, die zum Abbruch veranlaßten, waren soziale Notstände, Überforderung der alleinstehenden oder sich nicht reif genug fühlenden Mutter oder berufliche Gründe. Lediglich einer Patientin wurde im Falle des Austragens des Kindes Unterstützung durch ihr soziales Umfeld zugesagt. Nur 24 % sahen ihre finanzielle Situation, 37,5 % ihre Wohnverhältnisse als ausreichend an. In über 52 % der Fälle entstammt das Kind einer krisenhaften Partnerschaft. 17 % der Partner sind arbeitslos, 10 % befinden sich noch in der Ausbildung. Weniger als 13 % der Schwangeren werden zur Beratung von ihrem Partner begleitet. Außer bei sechs medizinisch indizierten Abbrüchen liegt bei fast allen Fällen eine komplexe, multifaktoriell bedingte, soziale Problematik oder eine soziale Notsituation vor. Entgegen den Inhalten der öffentlichen Diskussion, die meist auf juristischer Ebene geführt wird, befindet sich die Mehrzahl der Ratsuchenden in einer ambivalenten Konflikt und/oder Notsituation. Bezüglich der Konfliktsituation sollte der ungewollt Schwangeren geholfen werden, den zugrundeliegenden Konflikt selbst zu erkennen, um eine von ihr selbst verantwortbare und tragbare Konfliktlösung finden zu können. In sozialen Notsituationen sehen ungewollt Schwangere keine Alternative zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch. Staatlich zugesicherte Hilfen auch wenn sie durch Hilfeleistungen des sozialen Umfeldes ergänzt werden stehen in einem deutlichen Mißverhältnis zu den Bedürfnissen der Schwangeren. Ist die junge Mutter alleinstehend, so ist sie trotz staatlicher Zuwendungen nur sehr eingeschränkt in der Lage, für ihren und des Kindes Lebensunterhalt zu sorgen. In einer Partnerschaft oder Familie bringt die Geburt eines Kindes häufig den Verdienstausfall der Mutter mit sich, was die soziale Situation der Betroffenen erschwert. Um erweiterte Problemlösungsansätze erarbeiten zu können, wäre eine öffentliche Diskussion erforderlich. Sie müßte zum einen die Prävention (Sexualpädagogik, Antikonzeptionsaufklärung) fördern und zum anderen die realen Bedürfnisse ungewollt Schwangerer in Konfliktsituationen berücksichtigen, um ihre soziale Sicherheit und Integration in die Gesellschaft zu gewährleisten.
Purpose: Molecular diagnostics including next generation gene sequencing are increasingly used to determine options for individualized therapies in brain tumor patients. We aimed to evaluate the decision-making process of molecular targeted therapies and analyze data on tolerability as well as signals for efficacy.
Methods: Via retrospective analysis, we identified primary brain tumor patients who were treated off-label with a targeted therapy at the University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University. We analyzed which types of molecular alterations were utilized to guide molecular off-label therapies and the diagnostic procedures for their assessment during the period from 2008 to 2021. Data on tolerability and outcomes were collected.
Results: 413 off-label therapies were identified with an increasing annual number for the interval after 2016. 37 interventions (9%) were targeted therapies based on molecular markers. Glioma and meningioma were the most frequent entities treated with molecular matched targeted therapies. Rare entities comprised e.g. medulloblastoma and papillary craniopharyngeoma. Molecular targeted approaches included checkpoint inhibitors, inhibitors of mTOR, FGFR, ALK, MET, ROS1, PIK3CA, CDK4/6, BRAF/MEK and PARP. Responses in the first follow-up MRI were partial response (13.5%), stable disease (29.7%) and progressive disease (46.0%). There were no new safety signals. Adverse events with fatal outcome (CTCAE grade 5) were not observed. Only, two patients discontinued treatment due to side effects. Median progression-free and overall survival were 9.1/18 months in patients with at least stable disease, and 1.8/3.6 months in those with progressive disease at the first follow-up MRI.
Conclusion: A broad range of actionable alterations was targeted with available molecular therapeutics.
However, efficacy was largely observed in entities with paradigmatic oncogenic drivers, in particular with BRAF mutations. Further research on biomarker-informed molecular matched therapies is urgently necessary.