Document Type
- Article (2)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- Neurobiology (1)
- RNA-binding Protein (1)
- Ribonuclear Protein (RNP) (1)
- Synaptic Plasticity (1)
- Translation Control (1)
- mRNA (1)
- Medizin (2)
Surfactant proteins (SP) have been studied intensively in the respiratory system. Surfactant protein A and surfactant protein D are proteins belonging to the family of collectins each playing a major role in the innate immune system. The ability of surfactant protein A and surfactant protein D to bind various pathogens and facilitate their elimination has been described in a vast number of studies. Surfactant proteins are very important in modulating the host's inflammatory response and participate in the clearance of apoptotic cells. Surfactant protein B and surfactant protein C are proteins responsible for lowering the surface tension in the lungs. The aim of this study was an investigation of expression of surfactant proteins in the central nervous system to assess their specific distribution patterns. The second aim was to quantify surfactant proteins in cerebrospinal fluid of healthy subjects compared to patients suffering from different neuropathologies. The expression of mRNA for the surfactant proteins was analyzed with RT-PCR done with samples from different parts of the human brain. The production of the surfactant proteins in the brain was verified using immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The concentrations of the surfactant proteins in cerebrospinal fluid from healthy subjects and patients suffering from neuropathologic conditions were quantified using ELISA. Our results revealed that surfactant proteins are present in the central nervous system and that the concentrations of one or more surfactant proteins in healthy subjects differed significantly from those of patients affected by central autoimmune processes, CNS infections or cerebral infarction. Based on the localization of the surfactant proteins in the brain, their different levels in normal versus pathologic samples of cerebrospinal fluid and their well-known functions in the lungs, it appears that the surfactant proteins may play roles in host defense of the brain, facilitation of cerebrospinal fluid secretion and maintenance of the latter's rheological properties.
The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP), a key component of different ribonucleoprotein complexes, plays a crucial role in the control of mRNA translation rates, stability, and subcellular targeting. In this study we identify RING zinc finger protein Makorin 1 (MKRN1), a bona fide RNA-binding protein, as a binding partner of PABP that interacts with PABP in an RNA-independent manner. In rat brain, a so far uncharacterized short MKRN1 isoform, MKRN1-short, predominates and is detected in forebrain nerve cells. In neuronal dendrites, MKRN1-short co-localizes with PABP in granule-like structures, which are morphological correlates of sites of mRNA metabolism. Moreover, in primary rat neurons MKRN1-short associates with dendritically localized mRNAs. When tethered to a reporter mRNA, MKRN1-short significantly enhances reporter protein synthesis. Furthermore, after induction of synaptic plasticity via electrical stimulation of the perforant path in vivo, MKRN1-short specifically accumulates in the activated dendritic lamina, the middle molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Collectively, these data indicate that in mammalian neurons MKRN1-short interacts with PABP to locally control the translation of dendritic mRNAs at synapses.