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Auf der Grundlage einer umfangreichen Analyse des Brutvogelbestandes (NIELITZ 1989, unveröff.), langjähriger, z. T. schon weit zurückreichender Brut- und Zugvogelbeobachtungen (Böhm, Nielitz u.a. unveröff.), Erfassungen zur Herpetofauna sowie erster odonatologischer Voruntersuchungen wurde der nordwestliche Teil des Wilslebener Sees im Nordostharzvorland, Landkreis Aschersleben, mit Verordnung vom 24.09.1990 als einstweilig sichergestelltes Naturschutzgebiet ausgewiesen. Durch die erheblichen, vorwiegend von Freizeitanglern hervorgerufenen Beeinträchtigungen der störungsempfindlichen Avifauna schien die Unterschutzsteilung und ein damit einhergehendes Beanglungsverbot unumgänglich.
Multiple antenatal dexamethasone treatment alters brain vessel differentiation in newborn mouse pups
Antenatal steroid treatment decreases morbidity and mortality in premature infants through the maturation of lung tissue, which enables sufficient breathing performance. However, clinical and animal studies have shown that repeated doses of glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone and betamethasone lead to long-term adverse effects on brain development. Therefore, we established a mouse model for antenatal dexamethasone treatment to investigate the effects of dexamethasone on brain vessel differentiation towards the blood-brain barrier (BBB) phenotype, focusing on molecular marker analysis. The major findings were that in total brains on postnatal day (PN) 4 triple antenatal dexamethasone treatment significantly downregulated the tight junction protein claudin-5, the endothelial marker Pecam-1/CD31, the glucocorticoid receptor, the NR1 subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, and Abc transporters (Abcb1a, Abcg2 Abcc4). Less pronounced effects were found after single antenatal dexamethasone treatment and in PN10 samples. Comparisons of total brain samples with isolated brain endothelial cells together with the stainings for Pecam-1/CD31 and claudin-5 led to the assumption that the morphology of brain vessels is affected by antenatal dexamethasone treatment at PN4. On the mRNA level markers for angiogenesis, the sonic hedgehog and the Wnt pathway were downregulated in PN4 samples, suggesting fundamental changes in brain vascularization and/or differentiation. In conclusion, we provided a first comprehensive molecular basis for the adverse effects of multiple antenatal dexamethasone treatment on brain vessel differentiation.